Saran SIMPULAN DAN SARAN 7.1. Simpulan

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Rata-rata Tingkat Kerusakan Buah Mangga Gedong Gincu Per Hari di Gudang Eksportir Pada Musim Panen dan Pada Panen di Luar Musim Off-Seasson Tahun 2010 No Panen bulan Jumlah Mangga yg Masuk kg Tingkat Kerusakan Mekanis Jumlah Ekspor kg Tidak Bertangkai Luka Memar Benturan Luka Gesekan kg kg kg kg 1. Oktober awal panen 97.000 4,5 4.365 9,4 9.118 15,2 14.744 29,1 68.773 2. Nopember puncak panen 98.000 6,4 6.272 12,2 11.956 32 31.262 50,5 48.510 3. Desember akhir panen 74.000 2,1 1.554 19,2 14.208 29 21.460 50,3 36.778 Rata-rata 4,3 9,9 25,4 43,3 No Panen bulan Jumlah Mangga yg Masuk kg Tingkat Kerusakan Mekanis Jumlah Ekspor kg Tidak Bertangkai Luka Memar Benturan Luka Gesekan kg kg kg kg 1. Mei off - season 6.000 2,1 126 6,2 372 10,5 630 18,8 4.872 2. Juni off - season 7.000 3,2 224 4,6 322 18,7 1.309 26,5 5.145 3. Juli off - season 6.550 1,0 66 4,2 275 11 721 16,2 5.489 Rata-rata 2,1 5,0 13,4 20,5 118 Lampiran 2. Proses Pemeriksaan Kesesuain Dimensi Elemen-Elemen Dalam Model Persediaan Mangga Gedong Gincu Untuk Ekspor Cpbt : Biaya penyusutan bobot selama periode t Rp Cpmt : Biaya penurunan mutu selama periode t Rp Cst : Biaya simpan selama periode t Rp Cp : Biaya pesan per sekali pesan Rpjumlah pesan Cs : Biaya simpan per unit Rpton Cpb : Biaya penyusutan bobot per unit Rpton Cpm : Biaya penurunan mutu per unit t Rpton D : Jumlah permintaan buah selama T ton h : Fraksi biaya simpan per unit per periode perencanaan J : Harga jual buah kualitas non ekspor per unit Rpton P : Harga jual buah ekspor per unit Rpton J : Harga jual buah yang sudah busukrusak per unit Rpton R : Harga bahan baku per unit Rpton B : Harga beli ke petani Rupiah Q : Jumlah buah yang dipesan ton Qb : Jumlah buah yang rusak ton Qi : Jumlah buah yang tersedia ton t : Kurun waktu periode pesanan bulan T : Periode perencanaan, bulan tb : Umur simpan buah mangga bulan � = 1 2 . . 1 − − � Cs + �. + − 2 � 1 − 1 − � + − � . . − − 0.1 �� ℎ = 1 2 � . . 1 − − � . . � . Rupiah ton. bulan + �� ℎ . + �� ℎ − �� ℎ 2 � � 1 − 1 − � . . � + �� ℎ − �� ℎ . . − � −0.1 � � �� ℎ = 1 2 � . . 1 − − � . . � . Rupiah ton. bulan + �� ℎ . + �� ℎ − �� ℎ 2 � � 1 − 1 − � . . � + �� ℎ − �� ℎ . . − � −0.1 � � 119 �� ℎ = 1 2 � . . . Rupiah ton. bulan + �� ℎ . + �� ℎ − �� ℎ 2 � � 1 − 1 + �� ℎ − �� ℎ . �� ℎ = 1 2 � . Rupiah bulan + �� ℎ + �� ℎ − �� ℎ � � + �� ℎ − �� ℎ �� ℎ = 1 2 Rupiah + �� ℎ + �� ℎ − �� ℎ + �� ℎ − �� ℎ 120 Lampiran 3. Daftar Jumlah Pohon Mangga Gedong Gincu Menurut Kecamatan di Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2011 No. Kecamatan Gedong Gincu pohon Mangga lainnya pohon Jumlah keseluruhan pohon 1. Waled 4.726 9.473 14.199 2. Pesaleman 724 6.155 6.879 3. Ciledug 1.115 8.512 9.627 4. Pabuaran 484 7.907 8.391 5. Losari 18.081 16.325 34.406 6. Pabedilan 248 4.709 4.957 7. Babakan 982 9.212 10.194 8. Gebang 1.117 4.933 6.050 9. Karangsembung 785 3.919 4.704 10. Karangwereng 1.215 13.433 14.648 11. Lemahabang 12.427 37.282 49.709 12. Susukan lebak 1.578 13.304 14.882

13. Sedong

43.254 86.060 129.314 14. Astanajapura 19.419 32.311 51.730 15. Pangenan 54 340 394 16. Mundu 2.674 6.216 8.890 17. Beber 31.765 33.919 65.684 18. Cirebon Selatan 11.981 2.531 14.512 19. Sumber 2.252 3.150 5.402 20. Dukupuntang 30.617 71.440 102.057 21. Palimanan 4.562 39.797 44.359 22. Gempol 1.786 22.396 24.182 23. Plumbon 787 13.558 14.345 24. Depok 1.154 16.897 18.051 25. Weru 542 2.484 3.026 26. Plered 642 4.427 5.069 27. Kedawung 1.318 9.267 10.585 28. Tengah Tani 1.854 16.005 17.859 29. Cirebon Utara 2.487 29.958 32.445 30. Kapetakan 754 27.057 27.811 31. Klangenan 2.854 34.697 37.551 32. Arjawinangun 1.645 10.865 12.510 33. Panuragan 458 2.347 2.805 34. Ciwaringin 624 2.856 3.480 35. Susukan 5.465 21.990 27.455 36. Gegesik 425 2.805 3.230 37. Kaliwedi 2.453 11.347 13.800 Jumlah 215.308 639.884 855.192 121 Lampiran 4. Daftar Nomor Registrasi Kebun Buah Mangga Gedong Gincu Kecamatan di Kabupaten Cirebon No. Nama KTB Luas Lahan Ha No. Registrasi Tanggal registrasi 1. Sri Makmur 3 GAP 01-32.09.21-I.036 26-02-2009 2. Sukamulya 5 GAP 01-32.09.1-I.036 Mei 2008 3. Subur Makmur 1 GAP 01-32.09.17-I.036 26-02-2009 4. Samoja 1 GAP 01-32.09.9-I.036 07-10-2008 5. Sukamulya 1 GAP 01-32.09.8-I.036 06-10-2008 6. Makmur Jaya 2 GAP 01-32.09.32-I.036 26-12-2009 7. Sugihmurti 2 GAP 01-32.09.7-I.036 06-10-2008 8. Pakembaran 3 GAP 01-32.09.6-I.036 06-10-2008 9. Datar Indah 1 GAP 01-32.09.10-I.036 07-10-2008 10. Subur Makmur 3 GAP 01-32.09.19-I.036 26-02-2009 Sumber : Diolah dari Departemen Pertanian Provinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2010 122 Lampiran 5. Indeks Kematangan Mangga Gedong Gincu Deptan, 2005 hsbm = hari sesudah bunga mekar Kematangan 70 Umur buah : 90 – 100 hsbm Warna kulit buah : seluruh bagian buah masih berwarna hijau Kematangan 85 Umur buah : 110 – 120 hsbm Warna kulit buah : bagian atas ujung buah berwarna hijau tua dengan pangkal buah berwarna merah Kematangan 80 Umur buah : 95 – 100 hsbm Warna kulit buah : bagian atas ujung buah berwarna hijau tua dengan pangkal buah berwarna orange Kematangan 95 siap konsumsi Umur buah : 125 hsbm Warna kulit buah : bagian ujung dan tengah buah berwarna kuning dengan pangkal buah berwarna merah Kematangan 100 over ripe Umur buah : 130 hsbm Warna kulit buah : bagian ujung dan tengah buah berwarna kuning kemerahan dengan pangkal buah berwarna merah 123 Lampiran 6. Penerapan SOP Oleh Petani SOP di Kecamatan Sedong Kabupaten Cirebon Aktifitas SOP Realisasi SOP oleh Petani SOP Pemangkasan Pangkas cabang yang bersudut kecil, dahan dan ranting yang rapat, ranting yang terserang hama, lalu bakar pada tempat yang sudah disediakan Memangkas cabang yang mati dan digunakan sebagai bahan bakar Pemupukan Dilakukan pada saat menjelang betbunga, saat buah sebesar kelereng, awal musm dengan komposisi pupuk Urea N, SP 36, KCL, dan pupuk kandang Dilakukan pada awal musim dengan pupuk kandang dan pupuk kimialainnya Urea, Ponska, NPK,ZPT,TSP,ZA. Pemupukan dilakukan 1-2 bulan setelah awal musim Penyiangan Penyiangan dengan mencabut dan membersihkan gulma dengan herbisida Dilakukan dengan mencabut dan menggunakan herbisida Pengairan Dilakukan sebelum panen, saat buah sebesar bola pimpong dengan volume tertentu Dilakukan secara alami dan penyemprotan dengan volume air secukupnya. Penjarangan buah Dilakukan saat buah berukuran sebesar bola pimpong dan menyisakan 2-3 buah serta memotong tangkai buah yang tidak baik Dilakukan dengan membuang buah yang kecil dan berpotensi untuk tidak berkembang Pembungkusan buah Membungkus buah dengan kain pembungkus. Warna kain pembungkus dibedakan sesuai umur buah dan ditandai untuk memudahkan pemanenan. Hampir tidak ada petani yang melakukan. Hanya petani KTB Sukamulya yang melakukan pembungkusan buah. Pengendalian Operasi Pengganggu Tanaman OPT Memantau dan melakukan tindakan sesuai dengan OPT menggunakan cara biologi, kimiawi dan mekanik . Memantau dan melakukan tindakan sesuai OPT dengan cara kimiawi Pemanenan Brongsong dan tangkai buah disertakan. Tangkai disisakan sepanjang 10 cm Dilakukan dengan alat berupa caduk besi dan gunting sesuai letak buah Pascapanen Meliputi pengumpulan, sortasi, grading, pelabelan, pengemasan, penyimpanan, dan distribusi. Hanya melakukan pengumpulan, sortasi dan ditribusi. Grading, pelablean, dan oengemasan dilakukan oleh pedagang pengumpul besar. 124 Lampiran 7. Penjelasan Persamaan 36 Sampai Dengan Persamaan 37 = 1 2 . . − . . …36 = 1 2 . . − . . Sifat integral � � � = � � � , dengan c konstanta sembarang Dengan demikian : = 1 2 − . . Fungsi integral − − diselesaikan dengan menggunakan aturan substitusi. Misalkan : = − = − .t …i Aturan pangkat Jika n bilangan bulat positif, maka � � � = �� �−� maka, = − . 1. 1 −1 = − . = − . 1 = − = − = − . Dari persamaan i, saat t = 0, maka u = − tb . = 0 dan saat t = t, maka u = − t tb sehingga : = 1 2 − . . = 1 2 − . − . 125 = 1 2 − . − . = 1 2 − . . − = 1 2 − . . . − = 1 2 − . . . − − − . . . = 1 2 − . . . − + . . . 1 = 1 2 − . . . − + . . = 1 2 − . . − − 1 = 1 2 − . − − 1 = 1 2 . − − + 1 = 1 2 . . 1 − − …37 Teorema dasar yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian Persamaan 36 sampai dengan Persamaan 37 dapat dilihat pada Lampiran 9. 126 Lampiran 8. Penjelasan Persamaan 40 Sampai Dengan Persamaan 41 � = � . …40 = � = 1 − − � = 1 − − � = 1 − − � = 1 − 0 − − � …i Fungsi integral − � diselesaikan dengan menggunakan aturan substitusi. Misalkan : = − � = − � . …ii maka, = − � . 1. 1 −1 = − � . = − � . = −� = −� …iii 127 Dari persamaan ii, saat Q = 0, maka u = − T Dtb . 0 = 0 dan saat Q = Q, maka u = − T Dtb . Q , sehingga : − � = − � . −� = −� − � . = −� − � . = −� − � − = −� − � − 1 = − � − � − 1 …iv Persamaan iv, disubsitusikan ke persamaan i, maka : � = 1 − 0 − − � …v = 1 − 0 − − � − � − 1 = 1 − 0 + � − − � − 1 = 1 − 0 − � − − � + 1 = − 0 − � 1 − − � = − � 1 − − � � = − � 1 − − � …41 Teorema dasar yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian Persamaan 40 sampai dengan Persamaan 41 dapat dilihat pada Lampiran 9. 128 Lampiran 9. Teorema Dasar Yang Digunakan Dalam Penyelesaian Persamaan 37 Sampai Dengan 41 Sifat integral tentu Stewart, 1999 1. � � = � � , dengan c konstanta sembarang 2. � − � � = � � − � � Teorema dasar kalkulus Stewart, 1999 : Jika f kontinu pada a,b, maka : � = � = − = − , dengan c konstanta sembarang Aturan Subtitusi dalam persamaan Integral Stewart, 1999 : � ′ � ′ � � = � � + karena menurut Aturan Rantai, � � � = � ′ � ′ � � Jika kita membuat “penggantian variable” atau “pen-subsitusian” u = gx, maka kita mempunyai : � ′ � ′ � � = � � + = � + = � ′ Atau, dengan menuliskan F’ = f, maka diperoleh : � ′ � ′ � � = � ′ Dengan demikian, jika u = gx adalah fungsi terdiferensialkan, maka : � ′ � ′ � � = � ′ Rumus dasar Integral Stewart, 1999 : � � = � + Aturan Pangkat dalam rumus turunan Stewart, 1999 : Jika n bilangan bulat positif, maka : � � = � −1 129 Lampiran 10. Codex Standard For Mangoes Codex Stan 184-1993 CODEX STANDARD FOR MANGOES CODEX STAN 184-1993


This Standard applies to commercial varieties of mangoes grown from Mangifera indica L., of the Anacardiaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and packaging. Mangoes for industrial processing are excluded. 2. PROVISIONS CONCERNING QUALITY


In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the mangoes must be: - whole; - sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded; - clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter; - practically free of damage caused by pests; - free of abnormal external moisture, excluding condensation following removal from cold storage; - free of any foreign smell andor taste; - firm; - fresh in appearance; - free of damage caused by low temperatures; - free of black necrotic stains or trails; - free of marked bruising; - sufficiently developed and display satisfactory ripeness. -When a peduncle is present, it shall be no longer than 1 cm. 2.1.1 The development and condition of the mangoes must be such as to enable them: - to ensure a continuation of the maturation process until they reach the appropriate degree of maturity corresponding to the varietal characteristics; - to withstand transport and handling; and 130 - to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination. In relation to the evolution of maturing, the colour may vary according to variety.


Mangoes are classified in three classes defined below: 2.2.1 “Extra” Class Mangoes in this class must be of superior quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. They must be free of defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package.

2.2.2 Class I

Mangoes in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package: - slight defects in shape; - slight skin defects due to rubbing or sunburn, suberized stains due to resin exudation elongated trails included and healed bruises not exceeding 3, 4, 5 cm² for size groups A, B, C respectively.

2.2.3 Class II

This class includes mangoes which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes, but satisfy the minimum requirements specified in Section 2.1 above. The following defects, however, may be allowed, provided the mangoes retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation: - defects in shape; - skin defects due to rubbing or sunburn, suberized stains due to resin exudation elongated trails included and healed bruises not exceeding 5, 6, 7 cm² for size groups A, B, C respectively. In Classes I and II, scattered suberized rusty lenticels, as well as yellowing of green varieties due to exposure to direct sunlight, not exceeding 40 of the surface and not showing any signs of necrosis are allowed. 131


Size is determined by the weight of the fruit, in accordance with the following table: Size Code Weight in grams A 200 - 350 B 351 - 550 C 551 - 800 The maximum permissible difference between fruit in the same package belonging to one of the above mentioned size groups shall be 75, 100 and 125 g respectively. The minimum weight of mangoes must nobe less than 200 g.


Tolerances in respect of quality and size shall be allowed in each package for produce not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated. 4.1 QUALITY TOLERANCES 4.1.1 “Extra” Class Five percent by number or weight of mangoes not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class I or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class.

4.1.2 Class I

Ten percent by number or weight of mangoes not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class II or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class.

4.1.3 Class II

Ten percent by number or weight of mangoes satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements, with the exception of produce affected by rotting, marked bruising or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption. 4.2 SIZE TOLERANCES For all classes, 10 by number or weight of mangoes in each package are permitted to be outside above or below the group size range by 50 of the maximum permissible difference for the group. In the smallest size range, mangoes must not be less than 180 g and for those in the largest size range a maximum of 925 g applies, as follows: 132 Size Code Normal Size Range Permissible Size Range ≤10 of fruitpackage exceeding the normal size range Max. permissible difference between fruit in each package A 200 – 350 180 – 425 112.5 B 351 – 550 251 – 650 150 C 551 – 800 426 – 925 187.5 5. PROVISIONS CONCERNING PRESENTATION 5.1 UNIFORMITY The contents of each package must be uniform and contain only mangoes of the same origin, variety, quality and size. The visible part of the contents of the package must be representative of the entire.


Mangoes must be packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly. The materials used inside the package must be new 1 , clean, and of a quality such as to avoid causing any external or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials, particularly of paper or stamps bearing trade specifications is allowed, provided the printing or labelling has been done with non-toxic ink or glue. Mangoes shall be packed in each container in compliance with the Recommended International Code of Practice for Packaging and Transport of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CACRCP 44-1995. 5.2.1 Description of Containers The containers shall meet the quality, hygiene, ventilation and resistance characteristics to ensure suitable handling, shipping and preserving of the mangoes. Packages or lot for produce presented in bulk must be free of all foreign matter and smell.



In addition to the requirements of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods CODEX STAN 1-1985, the following specific provisions apply:

6.1.1 Nature of Produce

If the produce is not visible from the outside, each package shall be labelled as to the name of the produce and may be labelled as to name of the variety. 133


Each package must bear the following particulars, in letters grouped on the same side, legibly and indelibly marked, and visible from the outside, or in the documents accompanying the shipment. For produce transported in bulk these particulars must appear on a document accompanying the goods. 6.2.1 Identification Name and address of exporter, packer andor dispatcher. Identification code optional 2 . 6.2.2 Nature of Produce Name of the produce if the contents are not visible from the outside. Name of the variety or commercial type optional.

6.2.3 Origin of Produce

Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown or national, regional or local place name.

6.2.4 Commercial Identification

- Class; - Size size code or weight range in grams; - Number of units optional; - Net weight optional.

6.2.5 Official Inspection Mark optional


7.1 The produce covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed CODEX STAN 193-1995. 7.2 The produce covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. 8. HYGIENE 8.1. It is recommended that the produce covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice – General Principles of Food Hygiene CACRCP 1-1969, Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CACRCP 53-2003, and other relevant Codex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice. 8.2. The produce should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods CACGL 21-1997.