The Principles of Cooperative Learning Types of Cooperative Learning

20 The listening materials are required to be developed by the students and the situation of the classroom is designed by using the Cooperative Learning.

a. The Principles of Cooperative Learning

Johnson and Johnson 1994 point out that each lesson in Cooperative Learning should include five basic elements: a. Positive interdependence- students must feel they are responsible for their own learning and that of the other members of the group. b. Face- to-face interaction- students must have the opportunity to explain what they are learning to each other. c. Individual accountability- each student must be held accountable for mastery of the assigned work. d. Social skills- each student must communicate effectively maintain respect among group members, and work together to resolve conflicts. e. Group processing- groups must be assessed to see how well they are working together and how they can improve.

b. Types of Cooperative Learning

There are several common types of Cooperative Learning techniques. The first four were developed by Robert Slavin and his associates 1983. They are : a. Student Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD It involves four- member learning teams that are mixed in performance level, sex, and ethnicity. After the teacher presents a lesson, students work within their teams to make sure that all members have mastered the lesson. Students then individually take a quiz. The points are totalled to form team scores. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 b. Teams- Games- Tournament TGT Students of similar ability play academic games to show their individual mastery of the subject matter. c. Team Accelerated Instruction TAI It is combination of individualized instruction and team learning. Students work in heterogeneous teams, but students study individualized academic materials. Team mates check each others’ work from answer sheets and team scores are based on the average number of units completed each week by team members. d. Cooperative Integrated reading and Composition CIRC It is a comprehensive program for teaching reading and writing in the upper elementary grades. e. Jigsaw It involves six students working on academic material that has been broken down in sections. Each student read his or her section. Then, members of different teams who have studied the same sections meet in “expert group” to discuss their section. Next, the students return to their teams and take turns teaching teammates about their section. f. Learning Together It is a cooperative approach in which students are organized into teams that include a cross- section of ability levels. Each team is given a task or project to complete, and each team member works on a part of the project that is compatible with his or her own interests and abilities. Each team is responsible for gathering 22 information and materials needed to complete the task. Final assessment is based on the quality of the team’s performance Burden and Byrd, 1999.

5. Listening

Listening is one of the importance skills that students need to be mastered. Because the study is related to the listening, the writer will explain about the listening

a. The Nature of Listening

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