Media, Tools, and Sources Evaluation and Assessment Whilst Activities

123 - Students are asked to summarize the reading passage using their own words. The group leader divides the jobs. Paragraph 1 expert summarizes paragraph 1, Paragraph 2 expert summarizes paragraph 2, and paragraph 3 expert summarizes paragraph 3. Then the all member discuss how to combine the 3 summaries into one good paragraph. - Students compare the summer camping from the passage with their experience. - Students do the vocabulary activities. - Teacher discusses the vocabulary activities.

C. Closing

- Teacher explains the assignment for the students for the next meeting. - Teacher reviews today lesson. - Teacher closes the lesson by praying. - Teacher closes the lesson.

D. Media, Tools, and Sources

Hand out, chalk, eraser, whiteboard or blackboard and markers http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSummer_camp

E. Evaluation and Assessment

Students are assessed by their answer in the questions based on the reading passage and their involvement in the class activities and in doing the vocabulary exercise. 124 Lesson Plan Unit 6 ‘Summer Camp is…’ Second Meeting Lesson Plan Topic: Summer Camp [Narrative] Standard Competencies: To understand meaning in short functional text and monolog in the form of simple narrative, descriptive, and news item in the context of daily life Basic Competencies: To understand meaning in short oral monolog text in the form of simple narrative, descriptive, and news item accurately, fluently and acceptable in various daily life contexts. Indicators: - Students are able to identify the main idea of the recording that they listen. - Students are able to identify the characters of the story they listen from the recording. - Students are able to identify actions happen in the text. - Students are able to find detail information from the recording. - Students are able to express their opinion based on the recording. Teaching Learning Sequence A. Introduction - Teacher opens the lesson by praying. - Teacher greets the students. - Teacher reviews previous lessons. - Teacher asks students’ opinion about previous lesson.

B. Whilst Activities

- Teacher tells students about today activities - Students are asked to make groups 3-4 students. - Teacher plays the recording and students are asked to make notes about the listening passage. The all group member make notes. Then after the first replay, they combined their notes to improve all notes then finally make one notes for each group. - Teacher plays the recording once again and students are asked to revise their group notes. - Teacher plays the recording once again and students are asked to revise their group notes. - Then teacher and students discuss their notes together. 125 - Teacher asks the students to fill in the blanks from the recording passage in groups one worksheet for one groups so all member must pay attention to the recording. - While teacher playing the recording passage, students in groups try to complete the missing words. - Students in groups are given time to complete the passage. - While teacher playing the recording passage, students in groups try to complete the missing words - Students in groups are given time to complete the passage. - While teacher playing the recording passage, students in groups try to complete the missing words. - Students in groups are given time to complete the passage. - Teacher and students discuss the recording passage together. - Students answer the comprehension question individually. - Students are asked to draw the camp site based on their understanding. Then make groups of 5 or 6 for making a summer camping activities. The group leader divide the group into 2 to 3 pairs and ask each pair to develop part in the activities like in the handout. After all pairs finished doing their jobs, the groups will revise the overall parts of the summer camping activities.

C. Closing

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