The Advantages of Jigsaw

had a different picture. After that they formed expert group to discuss the picture. And the last they back to main group to discussing every picture and make resume for oral test from her. The result of this research was identified the strengths and the weaknesses of this technique. Some of the strengths were: It could break the „gaps’ of the students-lecture relationship. Most of the students considered speaking was the most difficult subject in their study. They often felt nervous when they had to perform any tasks in front of the class, they found uneasy knowing that any aspects of their performance were assessed by the lecture. It was different when they worked together in groups. They could perform freer, and because they often involved in discussion with the lecture made them less worried and obtained more self confidence. This matter influenced the quality of their competence, the atmosphere of learning was much better because the students found another interesting way in speaking class. They participated actively into the learning, since everyone had to exchange the information in expert groups and then present it in their home team, made them more productive, and created better interactions among the members, although some mistakes occurred „here and there’, but they felt excited as well, they also helped each other when they found any difficulties in their presentation. All those positive things are in line with the principle of what makes speaking class successful. 23

E. Conceptual of Framework

Speaking is one of important skills in English, because it is a tool for interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Talking about speaking, many research results showed that the ability of Indonesian students to speak and communicate in English was very low. It can be seen that some of students still have difficulties in communicate in the class. As one of the importants skill, it should be mastered by 23 Hersulastuti, Implementing Jigsaw Technique in Speaking Class of Describing Someone: Refclection , Klaten: Unwidha, September 2010 p. 78.