Significance of Study INTRODUCTION

There are many types of speaking, it is categorized from amount of preparation and purpose. There are limited preparation speech and unlimited preperation speech. The limited preparation speech are conversation and interview. Both conversation and interview is a kind of speech which need a very limited amount of preperation and performance without text. The interaction and the understanding information which is happened is fast and spontantly. The unlimited preperation speech are informative speech and persuasion. The informative speech is kind of speech which focuses on identifies the important topic and giving new understanding to audience from the result of research. The informative speech is happened in presentation and speech on communities. Persuasion is kind of speech which asks the audience to do something. Advertisement is one of persuasive speech, persuasive speech providing the audience with enough information to understand the topic under discussion, appealing to the emotions, attitudes and values, and good sense of the listeners to encourage support for the speaker’s stance, and setting up a course of action that is well-suited to audience capabilities, ethical, and a logical outgrowth of the arguments set up within the speech. From the theory above we can conclude that as a human being, we always need communication to express our idea to do everything. Speaking is one of ways to communicate and express idea and information between people or community. Because of that the language learning in the school is very important if communicate intensely and high interaction must be built and one of the ways is speaking.

2. The Elements of Speaking

Speaking is complex skill requering the simultaneous use of a number of different ability, which often develops at different rate. Either five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speech process. Those components are:

a. Pronunciation

As stated by harmers if students wants to be able speak to speak fluently in English, they need to be able pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation patterns and speak in connected speech. 6 Pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make meaning. 7 It includes attention to the particular sounds of a language segments, aspects of speech beyond the level of the individual sound, such as intonation, phrasing, stress, timing, rhythm suprasegmental aspects, how the voice is projected voice quality and, in its broadest definition, attention to gestures and expressions that are closely related to the way we speak a language. The speaker must be able to articulate the words and the physical sounds that carry meaning. A speaker with good pronunciation will be easy to understood than a speaker with bad pronunciation even they have a perfect grammar. We can judge the people from pronunciation, if their pronunciation bad we can called them incompetent. At the level of word pronunciation, second language have problems distinguishing between sounds in the new language that do not exist in language that they already know. The main components of pronunciation are sounds, syllables, and words. building blocks of pronunciation are the individual sounds, the vowels and consonants go together to make words. It is important to remember that there is a difference between vowel and consonant letters and vowel and consonant sounds. Vowel and consonant sounds combine into syllables. It can be helpful to think of the structure of English syllables. A word can be either a single syllable or a sequence of two or more syllables. When a word has more than one syllable, one of these syllables is stressed in relation to other syllables in the word, while other syllables are said to be unstressed. Pronunciation can be said as the act of uttering with articulation, the act of giving the proper sound and accent, utterance, as the pronunciation of syllables of words,distinct or indistinct pronunciation. It is a way in which language is spoken. It includes segmental feature, vowel, and the intonation patterns. From the definitions above, it can be inferred that learners should master the words of the language because language consists of words. It is 6 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Forth Edition, Pearson: Education Limited, 2007, p. 343. 7 Amep Research Center, Fact sheet – What is Pronunciation?,Australia: Adult Migrant English Program Centre, October 2002, p. 1.