 Built the confident, belief, interaction and work team to develop speaking skill For Other Researcher  can be reference for other researcher who want to do a research about speaking with jigsaw technique. Bibliography Abdullah Sahin, Educational Research and Review : Effects of Jigsaw II Technique on Academic Achievement and Attitudes to Written Expression Course,Turkey: Ataturk University, 2010. Amep Research Center, Fact sheet – What is Pronunciation?, Australia: Adult Migrant English Program Centre, 2002. Anonymous, The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Reading Toward students’ Reading Skills an Experimental Study at the First Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Mathla’ul Anwar Pusat Menes in 20082009 Academic Year, Banten : Mathla’ul Anwar University, 2010. David Riddel, Teaching English as a Foreign Second Language, Chicago: McGraw- Companies, 2001. David Crystal, In Word and Deed.,, 3 july 2014. Erik Vilímec, Developing Speaking Skills,University of Pardubice: Faculty of Art and Philosophy, 2006. Fuazia, Teaching Speaking Using Cooperative Learning at Seventh Class Students of MTS Al Lutfah Cililin , Bandung: Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan , 2004. Henry .J. Hermanowicz, Problem Solving as Teaching Method,1961. James Delaney, Grammar Review, Cayuga Community College: Academic Support Center, 2006. J.B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, Longman Keys to Langugae Teaching, New York: Longman, 1990. Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Forth Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2007. Joachim Appel, Roles of Teachers, a Case Study Based on Diary of Language Teache, 1995. Judit Kormos and Mariann Dénes, Exploring Measures And Perceptions of Fluency In The Speech of Second Language Learners, Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University, 2003. Keith S. Folse, Vocabulary Myths, Applying Second Language Reseacrh to Classroom Teaching, Michigan: University of Michigan, 2004. Larry B. Christensen, Experimental Methodology, USA: University of South Alabama, 2007. Makrtin Bygate, Language Teaching, A Scheme for Teacher Education, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Marguerite E. Ascione, Fluency Development In Second Language Teaching, Alberta: University Of Lethbridge, 1985. Qiao Mengduo and Jin Xiao, Jigsaw Strategy as Cooperative Learning Technique: Focusing on the Language Learners,Chinese: Harbin Institute Technology, 2010. Richard Felder and Rebecca Brent, Cooperative Learning, Canada: Department of Chemical Engineering, 2007. Rosa Ma Lopez Campillo, Teaching and Learning : An Introduction for English Student, UCLM:de Magisterio de Albacete. 1997. Sylva Duchá čková, Methods And Approaches In Foreign Language Teaching, Masaryk University Brno: Department Of English Language And Literature, 2006. Victoria Fromklin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language, New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998.