Grammar The Elements of Speaking

comparison with native speakers . “ 15 they elaborated the four levels, The four levels are 1. halting, slow speech, noticeable breaks between words, seems to require much effort; 2. speech is uneven, some noticeable breaks between words, seems to require effort, occasionally halting, tend to but not necessarily have slower speech rate than level three; 3. relatively smooth and effortless speech but rate of speech is slower than native or perceptibly non-native; and 4. relatively smooth, native-like rate of speech. The man who investegated about fluency is Fillmore, as Fillmore conceptualised fluency in four different ways. First, he defined fluency as the ability to talk at length with few pauses and to be able to fill the time with talk. Second, a fluent speaker is not only capable of talking without hesitations but of expressing hisher message in a coherent, reasoned and semantically densed manner. Third, a person is considered to be fluent if heshe knows what to say in a wide of range of contexts. Finally, Fillmore argued that fluent speakers are creative and imaginative in their language use and a maximally fluent speaker has all of the above mentioned abilities. These definitions suggest that fluency can be measured by looking at the speed and flow of language production, the degree of control of langugae and the way language and content interact. For Beatens Beardsmore, oral fluency is understood to imply a communicative competence requiring an ability to formulate accurate and appropriate utterances of more than one sentence in length ” 16 . He explained his concept of fluency in these terms: Oral fluency requires the ready availability of this communicative competence for the formulation of appropriate utterances in real time, involving a strategy for the elaboration of sentence structures, as well as the selection and insertion of lexical items. Individual sentences must be integrated into connected discourses. Beardsmore selected specific criteria and established them as a function of his aims. These are : fluency tentatively defined as the ability to give proof of sustained oral communicative spontaneous competence, use of production as well implying as the conversational a certain 15 Marguerite E. Ascione, Fluency Development in Second Language Teaching, Alberta: University Of Lethbridge, 1985, p. 8. 16 Marguerite E. Ascione, op. cit., p. 10. unstilted, lubricants, accuracy structural and lexical, relevance, intelligibility, pronunciation, variety of structures and variety of lexis. It is interesting to note that fluency is considered here as one element of oral fluency assessment, which in this case one could call oral proficiency. When speaking fluently students should be able to get the messeage across with what ever resources and abilites they have got, regardless of gramatical and other mistakes. As one of important aspects in speaking, fluency become standart of assesment in speaking test.

e. Comprehension

The last speaking elements is comprehension. Comprehension is discussed by both speakers because comprehension can make people getting the information they want. Comprehension is defined as the ability to understand something by reasonable comprehension of the subjet or as the knowledge of what a situation is really like. And according some theories said that there are 7 elements in communication in the society those are : Speaker as the people who speak, message as the meaning which want to explain, Channel as the mean by which a message is communicated, Listener as the person who receives the speaker message, Feedback as the message from listener to the speaker, Interference is anything that impedes communication of message and there is two type :interneal and external, and Situation is time and place where the communication occurs.

3. Problem of Speaking

As one of skills in a language, speaking has problem which is faced by the learner. Learning foreign language is not easy for some students, because the position as foreign language which is not always used in daily activity. According to Munjanayah first problem is inhibition, speaking requires some degree of real- time exposure to an audience. Some learners in classroom are worried to say something because they are shy or they dont know how to say it correctly. Beside that, they worried to say because they dont have much vocabulary enough in their