The Pre-test Scores The Post-test Scores

Table 4.2 The Students’ Post-test Scores Students The Post-test Scores of Experimental Class Controlled Class 1 71 61 2 75 67 3 71 69 4 74 62 5 70 66 6 81 59 7 72 62 8 70 73 9 76 70 10 71 59 11 73 68 12 70 63 13 73 68 14 74 62 15 71 61 16 73 64 17 73 62 18 74 63 19 74 51 20 76 54 21 69 68 22 71 68 23 70 65 24 72 52 Students The Post-test Scores of Experimental Class Controlled Class 25 71 57 26 82 62 27 67 61 28 75 71 29 72 62 30 71 62  2182 1892 Mean 72.73 63 The data above are the post-test scores of the experimental class and the controlled class. The post-test was given in the last meeting after the treatment. In the post-test, the lowest score of the experimental class is 67 and the controlled class is 51. Meanwhile, the median of the experimental class is 71 and the controlled class is 62. Besides, the highest score of the experimental class is 82 and the controlled class is 73. The mean of the experimental class is 72.33 and the controlled class is 63.33. Therefore, it can be seen that the experimental class has higher significant score than the controlled class. Later, the writer did T-test to know whether post-test score of the experimental class and the controlled class is different.

c. The Gained Scores

Table 4.3 below reports the gained scores of the experimental class and the controlled class. Both the experimental class and the controlled class have 30 students. Table 4.3 The Gained Scores of the Experimental Class and the Controlled Class Students The Gained Scores of Experimental Class Controlled Class 1 10 2 2 28 13 3 21 9 4 15 2 5 23 7 6 19 5 7 18 15 8 14 11 9 20 8 10 31 13 11 26 17 12 27 20 13 15 35 14 18 7 15 27 5 16 20 4 17 23 17 18 30 10 19 23 8 20 16 10 21 9 21 22 28 16 23 17 11 24 39 11 Students The Gained Scores of Experimental Class Controlled Class 25 17 7 26 23 4 27 15 21 28 13 9 29 32 5 30 28 18  645 341 Mean 21.5 11.366 The table data above describes that the gained score for the experimental class is higher than the controlled class. The lowest gained score of the experimental class is 9 and the controlled class is 2, while the highest gained score of the experimental class is 39 and the controlled class is 35. Meanwhile, the median of the experimental class is 19 and the controlled class is 9. In addition, the mean of gained score in the experimental class is 21.5 and the controlled class is 11.366. B. Data Analysis This section is intended to answer the research question whether jigsaw technique is effective to improve students’ speaking skill at the second grade of 3 juinior high school, Tanggerang Selatan. T-test was used to answer the research question and conducted in both the experimental class and the controlled class by using calculation. The following table is the result of the comparison between the experimental class and the controlled class: Table 4.4 The Statistical Calculation of the Gain Score of Both the Experimental and the Control Class STUDENT X Y X-MX Y-MY X-MX 2 Y-MY 2 1 10 2 -11.5 -9.36 132.25 87.6096 2 28 13 6.5 1.64 42.25 2.6896 3 21 9 -0.5 -2.36 0.25 5.5696 4 15 2 -6.5 -9.36 42.25 87.6096 5 23 7 1.5 -4.36 2.25 19.0096 6 19 5 -2.5 -6.36 6.25 40.4496 7 18 15 -3.5 3.64 12.25 13.2496 8 14 11 -7.5 0.36 56.25 0.1296 9 20 8 -1.5 -3.36 2.25 11.2896 10 31 13 9.5 1.64 90.25 2.6896 11 26 17 4.5 5.64 20.25 31.8096 12 27 20 5.5 8.64 30.25 74.6496 13 15 35 -6.5 23.64 42.25 558.8496 14 18 7 -3.5 -4.36 12.25 19.0096 15 27 5 5.5 -6.36 30.25 40.4496 16 20 4 -1.5 -7.36 2.25 54.1696 17 23 17 1.5 5.64 2.25 31.8096 18 30 10 8.5 -1.36 72.25 1.8496 19 23 8 1.5 -3.36 2.25 11.2896 20 16 10 -5.5 -1.36 30.25 1.8496 21 9 21 -12.5 9.64 156.25 92.9296 22 28 16 6.5 4.64 42.25 21.5296 23 17 11 -4.5 -0.36 20.25 0.1296 24 39 11 17.5 -0.36 306.25 0.1296