Fluency The Elements of Speaking

brain for expressing their idea. The second problem is there is gap between active and pasive students in the class, it is back to the personal of students because there are some students are talkless and others are talkactive. The last is mother tongue some students have problem in mother tongue, of course it happened because the language which is learnt is foreign language and they are unfamiliar to use it in communication. All problems above are general problem which is faced in learning in speaking. The writer also met problem in speaking learning in SMPN 3 Tangsel, the observation was taken when the writer taught in PPKT 2013.

B. Jigsaw Technique

1. Definition of Jigsaw

Jigsaw technique is one of Cooperative learning method. It is based on group dynamics and social interactions. This technique was designed by Aronson and it used by Slavin in 1978. Slavin says “jigsaw was one of the earliest of cooperative learning method. In jigsaw, each student in a five –to six- member group is given unique the whole information on a topic that group is studying”. 17 Jigsaw technique can be meant as a system of teaching which gives the opportunity to the students to work in a group structuraly. This technique allows the student able to learn and active to part icipate in learning process.” Jigsaw technique is a cooperative learning method that requires everyone’s cooperative effort to produce the final product. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece and each student ’s part are essential for the production and full understanding of the final product. This technique mix the activity of reading, writing, litening and speaking. in this technique the teacher see the background of the experience on students and help the students to be active in studying. The purpose of technique is appropriated with the concept of cooperative learning method which is develop the amount of students’ participation in the classroom and reduces the need for competitiveness and the teacher’s dominance in the classroom. Jigsaw technique 17 E Slavin, Learning to Cooperate, Cooperating to Learn, New York: Plenum Press, 1987 p. 17. also designed to increase the responsibility on the students in the class. Active situations in the class become important requisite for this technique, individualistic and teaching focused on teacher is not allowed in this technique. Many observers has studied about this technique, one of them is Johnson and Holubec. Johnson and Holubec put forward five principles for jigsaw strategy: a. Positive interdependence Each group member’s efforts are required and indispensable for the group success. Each group member has to make unique contributions to the joint effort. b. Face-to-face promotive interaction Group members have to orally explain how to solve problems, teach one’s knowledge to others, check for understanding, discuss concepts being learned and associate the present learning with the past one. c. Individual and group accountability The size of the group should be kept small, for the smaller the size of the group is, the greater the individual accountability may be. The teacher is expected to give an individual test to each student, randomly examine students by asking one student to present his or her group’s work orally to the teacher in the presence of the group or to the entire class, observe each group and record the frequency with which each member contributes to the group’s work, appoint one student in each group as the leader, who is responsible for asking other group members to explain the rationale underlying the group answers, and monitor students to teach what they’ve learned to the others. d. Interpersonal skills Social skills are a necessity for the success of jigsaw learning in class. Social skills include leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, conflict management skills and so on. e. Group processing Group members discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships, describe what member actions are helpful and what are not, and make decisions about what behaviors to continue or change. Jigsaw learning makes it possible for students to be introduced to material and yet bear a high level of personal responsibility. It helps develop teamwork and cooperative learning skills within all students and a depth of knowledge not possible if the students learn all of the material on them own. Finally, since students are supposed to report their own findings to the home group in jigsaw learning, it quite often discloses a student’s own understanding of a concept as well as reveal any misunderstandings. The Jigsaw technique is different from other techniques, especially with Grammar translation. In Grammar Translation Method the point of teaching is grammatical and vocabulary like Brown said “The Grammar Translation Method requires few specialized skills on the part of teachers. Tests of grammar rules and of translations are easy to construct and can be objectively scored. Many standardized tests of foreign languages still do not attempt to tap into communicative abilities, so students have little motivation to go beyond grammar analogies, translations, and rote exercises.” 18 it means Grammar Translation Method is not to concentrate in communication learning. The students only focus on understanding of grammar and translation of sentence. the most fundamental reason for learning the language is give learners access to English literature, develop their minds mentally through foreign language learning, and to build in them the kinds of grammar, reading, vocabulary and translation skills necessary to pass any one of a variety of mandatory written tests required at High School or Tertiary level. It is very contradict with Jigsaw Technique which is focus in communication in learning. Jigsaw Technique is cooperative learning which guides students for interact actively and positively in group. It is allowed creativity in learning. The understanding of grammar and translation is not be a main focus in here but not mean not to learn in Jigsaw technique, the understanding of grammar and translation is learnt naturally on the practice of communication. The last difference among Grammar Translation Method is center of learning of Jigsaw are students, the teacher just give facility to student to understand naturally. 18 Sylva Duchá čková, Methods And Approaches In Foreign Language Teaching, Masaryk University Brno: Department Of English Language And Literature,2006, p. 9.