Teaching Speaking Using Jigsaw Technique

our students. The first problem is because they should have enough knowledge about grammar, vocabulary, etc to get the information in English communication. The second problem is English still to be a foreign language in Indonesia and it make the intensity of using English in the people is not too much. Because of that, it is really hard to teach speaking English and it needs correct strategy to reach the goal of English speaking learning. The problem in speaking learning above is appropriate with the purpose of Jigsaw Technique. Jigsaw is one of the cooperative learning strategies, cooperative learning guide the learners to be cooperative to each other. In the implementation of Jigsaw technique, it requires the high interaction and active communication among students in the class. It is needed to reach the goal of learning in students. The purpose of this jigsaw technique is to make the students in the class can be active to express their ideas by discussing, and presenting on group, With the strategy which is created for high interaction and communicaton, it must be a solution for increasing speaking skill in students. Those explanations seemed to be the reason why the writer wanted to conduct this research. The writer believes that speaking is such a compulsory skill to be mastered and the underlying problem stated above is that the students have low facility in and outside the classroom to expand their speaking skill. The teachers need the appropriate method and techniqu e which encourage students’ speaking ability. Jigsaw technique with high interaction in the implementation hope can fulfill the interaction needs in speaking English learning.

F. Research Hyphothesis

Ho: Jigsaw technique is not effective in teaching speaking in eighth grade regular class of SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan. Ha: Jigsaw technique is effective in teaching speaking in eighth grade regular class of SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan. 24


A. The Place and Time of the Study

The writer chose SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan as a place of study. The study was conducted on September 2015.

B. Method and Research Design

1. Method

This study was conducted using a quasi experimental research that used 2 classes which consisted of one control class and one experimental class. Generally, the researcher in experimental research used two groups, experimental group as a group that get the treatment and the control group that did not get treatment. So, this study was focused on using Jigsaw technique as a treatment in experimental class, then the writer compared the result with a control class that did not get a treatment in the end of the research.

2. Research Design

In this study the writer used a quasi-experimental method with one experimental class and one control class. The design of experiment that used is: Table 3.1 Pretest Treatment Posttest Difference Experimental Class X - Control Class - Y 1 = Pretest of both experimental and control class Compare