Beberapa Karya Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî


C. Beberapa Karya Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî

Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî juga dikenal sebagai seorang penulis, ia telah banyak melahirkan karya-karya yang mendapatkan sambutan sangat baik dan hangat bagi para pembacanya, sebagian karyanya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa, diantaranya adalah Bahasa Indonesia. Buku-bukunya antara lain: 44 1. Pearls and Coral – Secret of the Sufi Way. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2005. 2. Keys to the Divine Kingdom – Lessons in Classical Islam’s Spiritual Science. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2005. 3. Liberating the Soul – A Guide for Spiritual Growth. Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî sebagai editor. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2005. 4. The Approach of Armageddon – An Islamic Perspective. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2003. 5. Classical Islam and The Naqhabandi Sufi Tradition. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2003. 6. Muhammad the Messanger of Allah – His Life and Prophecy. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2002. 7. In the Mystic Footsteps of Sains, jilid 1 dan 2. Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî selaku editor. Islamic Supreme Council of America: 2002. 44 The Islamic Supreme Council of America, “Publications of Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî’s books,” artikel di akses pada 11 Februari 2011 dari http:islamicsupremecouncil.orghomeabout- us34-saykh-muhammad-hisam-Kabbânî.html 25 8. Encyclopedia of Muhammad’s Women Companions and the Tradition they Related. Karya Syaikh Hisyâm Kabbânî dan Dr. Laleh Bachtiar. Defenders Publications: 1998. 9. Remembrance of God Liturgy of the Naqsyabandi Masters. Kazi Publications: 1998. 10. Angels Unveiled: A Sufi Perspective. Kazi Publications: 1996. 11. The Naqsyabandi Sufi Way – History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain. Kazi Publications: 1995. 12. Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine. al-Sunna Foundation of America: 1998. Berjumlah 7 jilid, diantaranya: x Jilid 1: Beliefs x Jilid 2: Remembrance of Allah and Praising the Prophet x Jilid 3: The Prophet: Cemmomerations, Visitation, and His Knowledge of the Unseen Mawlid, Ziyara, Ilm al-Ghayb x Jilid 4: Intercession Shafaa, Tawassul, Istighatha x Jilid 5: Self – Purifications and the State of Excellent Tazkiyât al- NafsTasawuf, Ihsân x Jilid 6: Forgotten Aspect of Islamic Workship, bagian 1 x Jilid 7: Forgotten Aspect of Islamic Workship, bagian 2

D. Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine “Remembrance of Allah and