Mengevaluasi tugas-tugas auditor internal

sebesar Rp 19,77 trilyun atau naik sebesar 17,12 dari laba bersih tahun 2007 audited as restated sebesar Rp16,88 trilyun. Kondisi tersebut terutama didukung oleh kenaikan harga minyak mentah yang cukup signifikan pada semester I, meskipun kemudian mengalami penurunan pada semester II tahun 2008. Saldo laba tahun 2008 audited tersebut diatas mengalami penurunan sebesar 10,42 trilyun atau 34,52 jika dibandingkan dengan Laba unaudited 2008 sebesar Rp 30,19 trilyun. Koreksi penurunan laba antara lain disebabkan adanya koreksi harga penjualan BBM ke PLN dari MOPS+alpha 9,5 menjadi MOPS+alpha 5 yang terlambat dibukukan, koreksi loss selisih kurs eks liabilities ARO, dan loss selisih kurs corporate tax PSC. 3. Neraca aktiva dan passiva ditutup masing-masing sebesar Rp292,26 trilyun atau meningkat sebesar 10,46 dari Neraca per 31 Desember 2007 audited as restated sebesar Rp264,59 trilyun. Beberapa akun per 31 Desember 2008 audited yang mengalami perubahan signifikan di- bandingkan dengan posisi per 31Desember 2007 audited as restated antara lain Kas setara Kas naik 18,35, Piutang Usaha Pihak Ketiga turun 15,20, Piutang Pemerintah bagian lancar naik 52,19, Piutang Pemerintah bagian tidak lancar naik 81,60, Persediaan turun 25,83, Uang Muka dividen dan lain-lain bagian lancar + bagian tidak lancar naik 47,93, Aset minyak dan gas serta panas bumi naik 16,96, Aset lain-lain naik 19,73, Hutang usaha Pihak ketiga turun 34,54, Hutang kepada Pemerintah jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun naik 235,92, dan Hutang kepada Pemerintah lebih dari satu tahun turun 67,18.

5. Kinerja Investasi

Dewan Komisaris melakukan pemantauan dan pengawasan seluruh kegiatan investasi dengan seksama. Anggaran Biaya Investasi PT PERTAMINA PERSERO yang tercantum dalam RKAP revisi 2008 adalah Rp 17,30 trilyun. Realisasi kumulatif pencapaian investasi PT PERTAMINA PERSERO tahun 2008 s.d triwulan IV adalah Rp 12,99 trilyun atau 75 dari anggaran. Realisasi investasi tersebut sudah menunjukkan kemajuan yang cukup signifikan jika dibandingkan realisasi investasi tahun 2007 yang hanya mencapai 47 atau Rp 6.96 trilyun. Namun Komisaris mencatat bahwa kualitas investasi masih perlu diperbaiki. Rp 19.77 trillion or an increase of 17.12 from net income in 2007 audited as restated of Rp 16,88 trillion. The condition is mainly supported by rising of crude oil prices significantly in the first semester, though then decreased in the second semester of 2008. Net Income 2008 decreased by 10.42 billion or 34.52 compared to unaudited net income in 2008 amounted to Rp 30, 19 trillion. Correction of lower net income were attributable to the correction in prices of fuel sales to State Electricity Company from MOPS + alpha 9.5 to MOPS + alpha 5 which is late recorded, the correction loss on foreign exchange liabilities ARO, and loss of foreign exchange of PSC corporate tax. 3. Balance Sheet assets and liabilities are closed each of Rp 292.26 trillion or an increase of 10.46 of the balance sheet as of December 31, 2007 audited as restated amounting to Rp 264.59 trillion. Some accounts as of December 31, 2008 audited that experienced significant changes compared with the position as of December 31, 2007 audited as restated among others, Cash and Cash equivalents increased by 18.35, Third Party Accounts Receivable decreased 15.20, government receivables current portion rose 52.19, Government Receivables non current portion rose 81.60, Inventories fell 25.83, dividend Advance and others the current portion and non current increased by 47.93, Asset oil and gas and geothermal rose 16.96, other assets increased by 19.73, third- party payables decreased 34.54, payable to the Government maturing within one year increased by 235.92, and payable to the Government more than one year fell 67.18.

5. Investment Performance

Board of Commissioners monitoring and supervised of all investment activities carefully. Investment Budget of PT PERTAMINA PERSERO listed in the Corporate Budget Plan revised in 2008 was Rp 17.30 trillion. Actual cumulative investment achievement PT PERTAMINA PERSERO in 2008 until the fourth quarter is Rp 12.99 trillion, or 75 of the budget. The realization of these investments are already showing significant improvement compared to realized investment in 2007 reached only 47 or Rp 6.96 trillion. However, Commissioners noted that the quality of investment still needs to be improved. P E R TA M I N A I N B R I E F Perjalanan menuju Kesempurnaan Laporan Tahunan PERTAMINA 2008 | Annual Report 14