Kegiatan Transportasi, Niaga dan Pemrosesan Gas

8. Kegiatan Kemitraan

a. Domestik Kegiatan Kemitraan terdiri dari 33 TAC, 1 JOB EOR dan 9 KSO. Adapun kegiatan Penyertaan meliputi 9 JOB-PSC, 7 IP, 4 PPI, dan 1 BOB-BSP. Juga telah dilakukan kerjasama dengan ExxonMobil di Blok Cepu dan kerjasama tripartit antara Pertamina, Petronas Malaysia dan Petrovietnam di Blok GundihRandugunting. Sedangkan untuk pengusahaan panas bumigeothermal mencapai 4 JOC dan 1 Joint Venture. b. Luar Negeri Kegiatan bisnis Hulu di luar negeri dilakukan oleh PT PHE, meliputi Blok SK-305 Lepas Pantai Sarawak Malaysia, Blok 3 Western Dessert Irak, Blok 123-3 Sirte Darat Libya, Blok 173 Lepas Pantai Sabratah Lybia, Blok 13 Lepas Pantai Laut Merah Sudan, Blok 3 Lepas Pantai Qatar, Blok 1011.1 Vietnam Bagian Selatan.


Kegiatan Bisnis Hilir Pertamina meliputi Bisnis Pengolahan, Pemasaran Niaga, bisnis Perkapalan, dan bisnis pendistribusian produk-produk hasil minyak dan Petrokimia yang diproduksi langsung dari kilang Pertamina maupun diimpor langsung, baik ke pasar dalam maupun ke pasar luar negeri, dan didukung oleh sarana distribusi dan transportasi melalui darat dan laut.

1. Bisnis Pengolahan

Pengolahan saat ini mengoperasikan 6 enam kilang atau Refinery Unit RU dengan total kapasitas sebesar 1.031.000 barrels per days bpd yang terdiri dari RU II- Dumai, RU III - Plaju, RU IV - Cilacap, RU V - Balikpapan, RU VI - Balongan, dan RU VII - Sorong. Berdasarkan konfigurasinya, kilang Pertamina dikategorikan sebagai berikut: a. Konfigurasi maximize middle distilate solar, adalah RU II Dumai dengan kapasitas Crude Distilation Unit CDU sebesar 170.000 bpd dan kapasitas Hydrocracker 2 x 31.500 bpd dan RU V Balikpapan dengan kapasitas CDU sebesar 260.000 bpd dan kapasitas Hydrocracker total sebesar 55.000 bpd . b. Konfigurasi maximize gasoline bensin adalah RU III Plaju dengan kapasitas CDU 118.000 bpd dengan Fluid Catalytic Conversion Unit FCCU dengan kapasitas 20.500 bpd, RU VI Balongan dengan kapasitas CDU 125.000 bpd dengan Residu Catalytic Conversion Unit RCCU kaspitas 83.000 bpd dan RU VII Kasim dengan kapasitas CDU 10.000 bpd dengan kapasitas Catalytyc Continues Reforming 2.000 bpd.

8. Partnership Activities

a. Domestic Partnership activities include 33 TAC, 1 JOB EOR, and 9 KSO. Investment activities include 9 JOB-PSC, 7 IP, 4 PPI, and 1 BOB-BSP. Partnership with Exxon Mobil has been formed in Cepu Block, and three party partnership among Pertamina, Malaysian Petronas, and Petrovietnam in GundihRandugunting Block. As for geothermal undertakings reached 4 JOC and 1 joint venture. b. Overseas Overseas activities abroad are performed by PT PHE, including SK-305 offshore Sarawak Beach block Malaysia, 3 Western Dessert block Iraq, 123-3 Land Sirte block Libya, 173 offshore Sabratah Beach Lybia, 13 offshore Red Sea Beach block Sudan, 3 offshore block Qatar, 1011.1 block Southern Vietnam


Pertamina downstream business activities include Refinery Business, Marketing, Trade, Shipping Business, as well as distribution of oil related products and Petrochemical both directly produced by Pertamina refinery or imported. Both for local and overseas market, supported by distribution infrastructure and transportation by land and sea.

1. Refinery Business

The refinery business currently operates 6 six refineries or Refinery Unit RU with total capacity of 1,031,000 barrels per days bpd and is consisted of Refinery Unit II - Dumai, Refinery Unit III-Plaju, Refinery Unit IV-Cilacap, Refinery Unit V-Balikpapan, Refinery Unit VI-Balongan, and Refinery Unit VII-Sorong. Based on the configuration, Pertaminas refinery is categorized into the folowings: a. Maximize middle distilate diesel configuration, which include RU II Dumai Hydrocracker with Crude Distilation Unit CDU capacity of 170,000bod and Hydrocracker capacity of 2 x 31,500bpd; and RU V Balikpapan with CDU capacity of 260,000 bpd and total Hydrocraker capacity of 55,000bpd. b. Maximize gasoline benzene configuration include RU III Plaju with CDU capacity of 118,000 bpd and Fluid Catalytic Conversion Unit FCCU capacity of 20,500bpd, RU VI Balongan with CDU capacity of 125,000 bpd and Residu Catalytic Conversion Unit RCCU with capacity of 83,000 bpd and RU VII Kasim with CDU capacity of 10,000bpd and Catalytic Continues Reforming capacity of 2,000bpd. M A N AG E M E N T R E P O R T Perjalanan menuju Kesempurnaan Laporan Tahunan PERTAMINA 2008 | Annual Report 101