Mr. Eiichi Hayashi 434 Tempat dan tgl. lahir

299 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Setelah Jepang menyatakan menyerah kepada tentara sekutu terdapat kira-kira 1000 orang tentara Jepang yang masih tinggal di Indonesia untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Setelah Indonesia benar-benar lepas dari ancaman penjajahan dan mampu berdiri dan diakui mata dunia, sebagian tentara Jepang memilih kembali ke Jepang, sisasnya masih terdapat kurang lebih 300 orang Jepang yang memilih tetap tinggal dan menetap di Indonsia. Setelah sekian tahun barulah mereka mendapat kewarganegaraan Indonesia secara resmi. Tahun 1979, para bekas tentara Jepang tersenbut mendirikan sebuah yayasan dengan nama yayasan Warga Persahabatan YWP di Jakarta, yayasan ini mengumpulkan seluruh bekas tentara Jepang yang ada di Indonesia dalam satu naungan. Sebelumnya saya telah melakukan penelitian yang memfokuskan pada tema kehidupan keturunan bekas tentara Jepang yang tidak kembali di Indonesia. Pada saat penelitian tersebut saya menemukan banyaknya kasus-kasus peralihan kewarganegaraan asing ke Indonesia yang berbeda-beda dan berlatar belakang yang berbeda pula. Oleh karena itu kali ini akan memfokuskan lebih mendalam terhadap sejarah perolehan kewarganegaraan Indonesia bagi para bekas tentara Jepang di Indonesia.

X.8.1 Mr. Eiichi Hayashi 434 Tempat dan tgl. lahir

: Tsu, Mie Prefecture, 24 – 04 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Keio University E-mail : Alamat : 25-15 Torii-cho, Tsu City, Mie Prefecter X.9 “The Japanese Occupaion on Indonesia: Indonesian Tradiional Society: Re- sistance and Transiion to Modernity” Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji respon masyarakat Surakarta dan Yogyakarta sebagai pusat kebudayaan Jawa terhadap pendudukan Jepang di daerah tersebut Bidang Peneliian : Sejarah Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan Daerah Peneliian : DKI Jakarta ANRI dan Perpustakaan Nasional; Jateng Surakarata dan DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM 300 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Abstrak This historical research will focus on the whole society in all its segments and in what way the ordinary people, civil institution and the local rulers responded to the pressures of a Japanese occupation. Geographically the focus of the research will not be Batavia with Sukarno and Hatta but the Yogya-Solo area formerly known historically as the Vorstenlanden and autonomous region of the rulers Mangkunegara, Pakualam, Hamengkubuwono and Paku Buwono. I will be asking questions such as: how did these areas respond to the Japanese occupation and in what way are these centers of traditional culture and Indonesian Javanese heritage transforming in order to emerge after the war? When in 1942 the Japanese occupation of Indonesia started, a time of confusion began for Indonesians. The Nationalist movement of Indonesia had achieved a measure of unity before but there had not yet occurred any break-through progress towards independence. The Japanese promised to become Indonesia’s elder brother and relied on the help of the Indonesian nationalist to govern in Indonesia. Not all Indonesians however believed the Japanese. Most worked for their own goals. One group who had always represented traditional ‘Indonesian-ness’ or ‘Javanese-ness’ were the 4 rules of the Vorstenlanden. These rules, who descended from the Sultan of Mataram and had fought the VOC, still remained and still commanded great respect among the ordinary people of their realms. The symbolized ‘indigenous’ Indonesia and formed a counter-pole of power to the Dutch government in Batavia. The Japanese respected these four rulers and allowed them to remain where they were with the privileges they had when they occupied Indonesia. This research will investigate to what extent this situation offered a possibility for these rulers to protect the ordinary people from becoming the victim of the harsh conditions of the Japanese occupation. How did the both rulers and ordinary people in Yogya and Solo cope with the occupation and how were their lives during that time…? Especially the role of Yogya as center of traditional authority and successful achievement in transforming a feudal system into a modern state will become the focus of this research.

X.9.1 Mr. Frank Dhont, M.A., M. Phil., M. Hum 435 Tempat dan tgl. lahir