187 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010


N.1 Research Proposal on the Tropical Ocean Climate Studies TOCS: MR10 -02 Cruise Tujuan Peneliian : Memahami perubahan iklim ENSO EL Nino di daerah tropik Lautan Paciic bagian barat Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : 1 satu bulan, mulai mulai 7 April s.d 3 Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : ZEE RI di sebelah utara P. Papua dan utara Laut Halmahera 2N, 130E s.d. 2N, 138E Mitra Kerja : Pusat Teknologi Inventarisasi Sumberdaya Alam – BPPT Dr. Ir. Muhamad Sadly, M.Eng dan Fadli Samsuddin Abstrak ENSO El NinoSouthern Oscillation phenomenon is widely know because it largely influences economical and social activities in the World. Because El Nino is occurred associating withmigration of the warm pool in the westernequatorial Pacific, variability of the warm water pool is mainly focused in this study. For this purpose, we will maintain surface buoys TRITON buoys in the western equatorial Pacofic. Furthermore, continuous oceanic, meteorological observations will be conducted along ship track during this cruide. Observations will be conducted in the high seas, Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ of the Republic of Indonesia, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, and conductivity temperature depth CTD down casting along the ship track crossing territorial water of the Republic of Indonesia from TRITON Buoy 2N, 138E. 1 Buoy operaions: JAMSTEC has maintained 16 TRITON buoys for monitoring ENSO phenomena since 1998 in collaboraion with NOAAUSA and BPPTIndonesia. During this cruise, we will recover and deploy six TRITON buoys at 8N130E, 2N130E, 0N138E, 2N138E, 5N137E and 8N137E. Strucure of TRITON buoy is shown in Figure 2. 2 CTD with LADCP,XCTDXBT, and microstructure observaions: In order to observe verical proile of temperature and salinity, we will conduct CTD XCTDXBT observaion. CTD observaions will be conducted at TRITON posiion from the sea surface to the butom and along 130E and 138E lines close to the New Guinea coast of Indonesia with Lowered-ADCP. XCTD XBT observaion will be conducted unil 1,000m depth supplementary to CTD observaions. During these CTD observaions, water sampling will also be done. We will also user the microstructure proiler to measure turbulence ields in the upper ocean; 188 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 3 Coninous ocean current observaions: Current proile observaions from sea surface to 600m depth along ship track will be conducted using a shipboard acousic Doppler current proiler of RV Mirai. 4 Coninous meteorological observaions: We will conduct general surface meteorological observaions measuring pressure, air temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitaion. We also conduct the CO2 and SST measurements, cloud-base height, surface turbulences of momentum, heat and CO2 upward radiaion from sea surface, radiaion intensity of aerosol, verical proile of aerosol, cloud distribuion and structure, raindrop sampling, water vapor sampling along the cruise track. 5 Coninous geophysical observaion We will conduct general geophysical observaion such as botom topography, Sea botom relecivity, botom surface sediment structure, Gravity acceleraion, 3-component magneic ield N.1.1 Dr. Kentaro Ando 276 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kanagawa, 27 – 01 – 1964 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Team Leader of Indo-Paciic Ocean Climate Research Team Insitusi : Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Email : j.mochael.stricknoaa.gov Alamat : 2-25-6, Matsuuraminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-sity, Kanagawa-Ken JAPAN N.1.2 Mr. Tatsuya Fukuda, B.S. 277 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kochi, 09 – 02 – 1978 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Enginner Insitusi : Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Email : j.mochael.stricknoaa.gov Alamat : 2-25-6, Matsuuraminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-sity, Kanagawa-Ken JAPAN 189 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.1.3 Ms. Daichi Nishino 278 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Fukuoka, 04 – 02 – 1988 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Engeneering Graduate Cource Student Insitusi : Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Email : j.mochael.stricknoaa.gov Alamat : 2-25-6, Matsuuraminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-sity, Kanagawa-Ken JAPAN N.1.4 Mr. John Michael Strick, B.S. 279 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : West Virginia, 10 – 04 – 1963 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Mechanical Engineering Technician Insitusi : Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Email : j.mochael.stricknoaa.gov Alamat : 2-25-6, Matsuuraminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-sity, Kanagawa-Ken JAPAN N.1.5 Dr. Keith Beekman Rininholm 280 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Connecicut, 20 – 10 – 1951 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Email : j.mochael.stricknoaa.gov Alamat : 2-25-6, Matsuuraminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-sity, Kanagawa-Ken JAPAN N.2 Indonesia – U.S. Scieniic and Technological Cooperaion in Ocean Explo- raion, Including Hydrothermal Vente, Volcanology, Sealoor Mapping, Oceanography, Habitat Characterizaion, Deep Sea Flora and Fauna, and Ocean Exploraion Technology: INAGOOS OKEANOS SATAL 2010” Judul Peneliian : “Indonesia – U.S. Scieniic and Technological Cooperaion in Ocean Exploraion, Including Hydrothermal Vente, Volcanology, Sealoor Mapping, Oceanography, Habitat Characterizaion, Deep Sea Flora and Fauna, and Ocean Exploraion Technology: INAGOOS OKEANOS SATAL 2010” 190 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Tujuan Peneliian : Memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang keanekaragaman hayai, distribusi dan kelimpahan kehidupan laut di lingkungan laut dalam di Laut Sulawesi dan memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang karakterisik lingkungan laut dalam yang mendukung kehidupan komunitas Laut Sulawesi. Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : 2 dua bulan mulai 21 Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulawesi Utara Perairan Utara Bitung, Kep. Talaut, Kep. Nanusa, P.Miangas, Kep. Karkalong, Kep. Talaut, Kep. Sangihe; ZEE Indonesia di utara P. Miangas dan imur laut Kep. Talaud dan Nanusa Mitra Kerja : a. BRKP – KKP Dr. Sugiharta Wirasantosa, Dr. Budi Sulistyo, Aryo Hanggono, Wudianto, Tonny Wagey; b. BPPT Dr. Yusuf S. Djajadihardja, Dr. Ridwan Jamaluddin, Michael Purwoadi, Nanik Heryai, Yudi Anantasena, Wahyu Pandoe; c. Pusat Peneliian Geoteknologi LIPI Dr. Haryadi Permana; d. ITB Noorsalam Nganro, Noorsalam Nganro, Hasanuddin Abidin, Safwan Hadi, Kosasih Priatna; e. Pusat Survei Geologi Kementerian ESDM Hamdan Abidin; f. MGI Susilo Hadi, Lili Sarmili, H.C. Widiatmoko; g. Dishidros TNI AL KH Dede Yuliadi; h. Ditwilhan Kemhan Iswinardi. Abstrak The Indonesia-U.S. Ocean Exploration Science Team, which is comprised of scientists and experts from Indonesian and U.S. government agencies and universities, proposes to conduct a two-vessel ocean exploration expedition in the Sangihe Talaud region beginning in June 2010. The Indonesian research vessel Baruna Jaya IV, operated by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology BPPT and the NOAA ocean exploration ship Okeanos Explorer will operate jointly to explore priority areas the Science Team has indentified in a series of three workshops. The most recent workshop 22-23 October 2009 in Bandung, resulted in selection of the geographical area described in the Research Proposal and science priorities of interest to Indonesian and U.S. scientists in hydrothermal vents, volcanology, seafloor mapping, habitat characterization, deep sea flora and fauna and ocean exploration technology. The 2010 expedition will involve at least two deep-ocean research vessels the Baruna Jaya IV and the Okeanos Explorer, operating in coordination to achieve expedition science objectives. The Baruna Jaya IV will conduct bathymetric surveys in relatively shallow waters generally less than 1500 m and fisheries-related collection and assessment as well as collect seawater conductivity, temperature, and depth CTD measurements at selected points. The Baruna Jaya IV may also serve as a base of operations for small boats involved in shallow water bathymetry and habitat assessments. 191 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 The Okeanos Explorer will collect bathymetric data of deeper waters generally more than 1500 m and collect towed and point CTD measurements to help identify plumes and other anomalies. Where areas of interest are indicated by bathymetric, multibeam backscatter, or CTD data, the Okeanos Explorer will deploy a remotely operated vehicle ROV for detailed investigation using high-definition video cameras. The two ships will follow cruise tracks designed to maximize the efficiencies of the equipment on board. Final cruise tracks will be set during 2010 Expedition Science Team planning meetings scheduled for February and April 2010. All data from the expedition will be shared among INAGOOS-OKEANOS-SATAL 2010 participants as soon as possible. At the end of the Expedition, NOAA will provide DKP with a complete data archive. This is the first in what is hoped to be a series of joint Indonesian-U.S. ocean exploration expedition over the next five years. Dr. Sugiarta Wirasantosa BRKP-DKP and Dr. Stephen Hammond NOAA Ocean Exploration and Research are Co-Principal Investigators for the Indonesia-U.S Ocean Exploration Partnership. N.2.1 Dr. Stephen Randolph Hammond 281 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Missouri, 23 – 01 – 1942 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Chief Scienist Insitusi : Ocean Environemt Research Division, Paciic Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA Email : stephent.r.hammondnoaa.gov Alamat : 2115 SE OSU Drive, Newport, Oregon 87365 N.2.2 Dr. Russell Eugene Brainard 282 Tempat dan tgl lahir : California, 19 Juni 1958 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Chief Adjunct Faculty Insitusi : Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, Paciic Island Fisheries Science Science Center, NOAA Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, USA Email : - Alamat : - 192 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.3 Dr. Patricia Barb Frye 283 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Pennsylvania, 17 Juni 1948 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Planetary Scienist Insitusi : Hawaii Insitute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, USA Email : - Alamat : - N.2.4 Dr. James Francis Holden 284 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Iowa, 23 Mei 1966 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Professor Insitusi : Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusets, USA Email : - Alamat : - N.2.5 Dr. Tymothy Mitchell Shank 285 Tempat dan tgl lahir : North Carolina, 29 Mei 1966 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate Scienist Insitusi : Department of Biology, Wood Hole Oceanographic Insituion, MA, USA Email : - Alamat : - N.2.6 Dr. Verena Julia Tunniclife 286 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Deep River, 6 Juni 1953 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Professor Director Insitusi : Deprtment of Biology, School of Earth Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Kanada Email : - Alamat : - N.2.7 Dr. Laurence Alan Mayer 287 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New York, 17 Mei 1952 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Professor Director Insitusi : Center for Coastal and Oceanic Mapping, NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, USA Email : - Alamat : - 193 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.8 Mr. Saniago Herrera 288 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Bogota, 8 Pebruari 1985 Warga Negara : Republik Colombia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Massachusets Insitute of Technology Wood Hole Oceanographic Joint Program, Massachusets, USA Email : - Alamat : - N.2.9 Mr. David Allen Buterield 289 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Washington, 10 Agustus 1957 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Senior Research Scinist Insitusi : University of Washington Email : - Alamat : - N.2.10 Mr. Kevin Keenan Roe 290 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Washington, 18 Agustus 1956 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : University of Washington Email : - Alamat : - N.2.11 Ms. Krisine Codi Kosinski 291 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Oregon, 2 januari 1989 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Data Processor Insitusi : Southwestern Oregon Community Email : - Alamat : - N.2.12 Mr. Molly Ann Timners 292 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Massachussets, 21 Agustus 1976 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Marine Ecosystem Specialist Insitusi : Insitute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Email : - Alamat : - 194 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.13 Mr. Russell Todd Reardon 293 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Florida, 26 April 1971 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Resource Protecion Specialist Insitusi : Research Corporaion, the University of Hawaii Email : - Alamat : - N.2.14 Mr. Robert Henry Mohr JR 294 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Wisconsin, 08 Desember 1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Engineering Technician Insitusi : Davidson College Email : - Alamat : - N.2.15 Mr. Brian Steven Bingham 295 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Virnia, 27 Juni 1973 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Associate professor Insitusi : University of Hawaii at Manoa Email : - Alamat : - N.2.16 Mr. Christopher Paul Loo 296 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New Hamphire, 9 Juni 1989 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of New Hamphire Email : - Alamat : - N.2.17 Mr. Thomas Craig Dawe 297 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New Westminster, 08 Februari 1956 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Technician Support Manager Insitusi : Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Insitute Email : - Alamat : - 195 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.18 Mr. David Allan Lovalvo 298 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New York, 09 Oktober Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Consultant to NOAA OE Insitusi : Eastern Oceanics, LLC Email : - Alamat : - N.2.19 Mr. David Keeler Wright 299 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Kentucky, 6 September 1956 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : ROV Engineer Insitusi : Ocean Environment Research Division, Paciic Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA Email : - Alamat : - N.2.20 Mr. Derek Miles Michelin 300 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Massachusets, 06 July 1975 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : University of New Hampshire Email : - Alamat : - N.2.21 Mr. Douglas Joel Jogeward 301 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Oregon, 11 Agustus 1968 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Consultant Insitusi : Paciic Marine Environmental Laboratory Email : - Alamat : - N.2.22 Mr. Eric James Marin 302 Tempat dan tgl lahir : George, 17 Oktober 1980 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Mechanical Engineering Insitusi : Insitute for Exploraion, Mysic CT Email : - Alamat : - 196 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.23 Mr. Eric Federick Prechtl 303 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New Jersey, 13 September 1968 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Electrical Engineer Insitusi : Massacgusets Insitute of Technology Email : - Alamat : - N.2.24 Mr. Joseph Charles Biscoi 304 Tempat dan tgl lahir : New York, 15 Januari 1959 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : President Insitusi : JB Producion Srvs Inc. Weston Email : - Alamat : - N.2.25 Mr. Jonathan Gregory Meford, 305 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Wisconsin, 25 Maret 1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Mechanical Engineering Insitusi : The University of Texas, Ausin Email : - Alamat : - N.2.26 Mr. Randall Lee Pricket 306 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Georgia, 26 April 1955 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Deputy Chief Pilot Insitusi : MBARI, MOSS Landing, California Email : - Alamat : - N.2.27 Mr. Randolph Henry Visser 307 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Michigan, 6 June 1959 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Media Producer and Educator Insitusi : Southern Maine Community College Email : - Alamat : - 197 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.2.28 Mr. Brian Edward Brinckman 308 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Washington DC., 18 April 1963 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Chief Engineering Insitusi : Amos Advance Email : - Alamat : - N.2.29 Mr. Thomas Ross Orvosh 309 Tempat dan tgl lahir : Massachusets, 30 September 1948 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Mechanical Engineering Insitusi : University of Rhode Island Graduates School of Oceanography Email : - Alamat : Narraganset, RI 02882, Rhode Island, USA N.2.30 Mr. Vincen Michael Howard 310 Tempat dan tgl lahir : California, 28 June 1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Mechanical Engineering Insitusi : Santa Clara University Email : - Alamat : - N.3 Does Stress Tolerance in Invasive Marine Species Difer Between Popula- ions from the Naive and the Introduced Range” Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii perbedaan toleransi stress antara species hewan laut yang agresif dengan populasi habitat asli Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : 06 enam bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : DKI Jakarta Kep. Seribu dan Jabar Pelabuhan Ratu di Kab. Sukabumi Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB Nurina Ayu, Dr. Neviaty Zamani dan Dr. Karen Von Juterzenka 198 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Abstrak The introduction of species to ranges in which they were not native in historical times by human vectors is occurring worldwide – in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats – and with an increasing frequency Ruiz et al. 2000, Occhipinti-Ambrogi Savini 2003. However, only a small number of the introduced species spread and become invasive in their new environment Williamson Fitter 1996. The question which traits make a species a successful invader is of great for ecologist and answer to it should help to predict and manage future bio-invasions. It is generally assumed that a broad tolerance towards environmental stress, high reproductive rates, and plasticity increase invasiveness e.g. Stachowicz Byrnes 2006. In addition to this, a species may have the capacity to adjust to a new environment during the course of generations, what might explain the time gap between introduction and spread that has been observed for many non – indigenous organisms Mack et al. 2000, Mooney Cleland 2001. To identify the traits and processes that lead to the survival, spread, and establishment of species in an ecosystem to which they are not native, it is promising to compare the performance of invaders both in their introduced and native range Hierro Maron 2005. Tolerance towards abiotic stress, such as fluctuations in temperature and ambient salinity, is viewed as a key trait of marine invasive species, but it remains unresolved whether invasive species generally show a higher tolerance in their introduced or in their home range. Here, two competing models predict two diverging outcomes of this comparison. Invasive populations could be more stress tolerant, since the founder population went through a stressful transfer and maybe only stress tolerant genotypes survived the passage. On the other hand, it could be that invasive populations are less stress tolerant than native ones, since they often have a lower genetic diversity and therefore a reduced capacity for selective adaptation to physical stressors. In the frame of the coming GAME-VIII project, we want to compare the performance of invasive species in the face of abiotic stress in their native and in their introduced range. Depending on the outcome, this should enable us to give either support for one of the two concepts or it will show that stress tolerance in a founder population is not influenced by consequences of the transfer. If the population in its introduced range is more tolerant than in its native range, this can be explained by the selection of stress resistant genoytpes. The inversed scenario, however, would suggest that a reduced genotypic diversity genetic impoverishment leads to a decrease in stress tolerance. The matrial and methods should largely follow the approaches chosen for the previous GAME project. The above – mentioned hypotheses will then be tested in short – term experiments, which can be conducted in indoor aquaria systems, outdoor mesocosm facilities or, in some cases, in the sea. Stressors could be salinity stress relevant in areas with high and frequent precipitation affecting shallow water or intertidal habitats, low- light stress common in subtidal habitats prone to fluctuations in turbidity due to sediment runoff or algal blooms, oxygen depletion common at sites that experience high rates of oxygen consumption following algal blooms or the entry of drifting organic material, or heat stress. Each team should, if possible, identify one species that is native at their station, but invasive at another, and a further species that is invasive there but native elsewhere. Results will then be compared across stations by the end of the project. 199 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.3.1 Mr. Mareike Huhn 311 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Recklinghausen, 13 – 09 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Insitusi : University of Wuerzburg Email : mienzfm.geomar.de Alamat : Dosternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel N.4 Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Acion ATSEA Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengetahui karakterisik isika kimia, dan biologi dasar laut, laut, dan keanekaragaman hayai yang hidup dalam lingkungan kelautan Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : satu bulan, mulai 10 Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Laut Arafura dan Laut Timor Kupang Mitra Kerja : BRKP Dr. Tonny Wagey Abstrak In the Southeast Asia-Australia region, the Arafura and Timor Seas are one of the last remaining centers of tropical marine biodiversity, including its fishery resources. The Arafura and Timor Seas perform a complex interaction with the atmosphere being one of Asia’s largest natural carbon sinks, well in excess of the normal carbon sequestration function of the oceans. However, this region relatively has less information and data available. Through this project it is anticipate that the ATSEA Cruise will provide scientific data and information to assist the development of TDA and SAPNAPs of ATSEA as indicated in the Framework Report of ATSEA. The ATSEA Cruise will involve the Research Vessel Baruna Jaya VIII operating in coordination to achieve expedition science objectives Figure 1. Generally, the Baruna Jaya VIII will conduct bathymetric surveys and fisheries-related collection and assessments as well as collect sea water conductivity, temperature, and depth CDT measurements at selected points. It may also serve as a base of operations for small boats involved in shallow water bathymetry and habitat assessments. The ship will follow cruise tracks designed to maximize the efficiencies o the equipment on board. Final cruise tracks will be set during the ATSEA Cruise Technical planning meetings scheduled for Januari 2010. The ATSEA Science Team has identified two expedition legs for the Baruna Jaya VIII for totally 17 sailing days. The ship makes port calls in Kupang. Leg 1 for the Baruna Jaya VIII is approximate 7 days at sea collecting bathymetry using multibeam systems. Leg 2 is 200 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 approximately 7 days at sea collecting bathymetry data and CTD data. In both legs there will be trawling conducted for fishery assessment. The rest of the days is for sailing from and back to the port of call. N.4.1 Dr. Daniel Michael Alongi 312 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : New York, 22 desember 1956 Warga Negara : Australia Jabatan : Senior Principal Research Scienist Insitusi : Australian Insitute of Marine Science Email : d.alongiaims.gov.au Alamat : Australian Insitute of Marine Science PMB No. 3 Townsville, M.C., Queensland 4810, Australia N.5 Study Project on coral Reef Restoraion Using Steel Slag Producions in Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan rehabilitasi terumbu karang dengan metode steel slag Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 17 Desember 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulut Perairan Manado Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Laurenius T.X. Lalamenik dan Dr. Kakaskasen Andreas Roeroe Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, UNSRAT Abstrak Coral reef which is well known as high bio-diversity marine eco-system distribute in the Souteh-East widely. It plays an important role for local communities through inducing rich marine blessings to the people. Local industry such as fishery and marine tourism depends on service from coral reef eco-system heavily. Sustainable economy of the community is subject to conservation of coral reef. In degraded coral reef in North Sulawesi, Indonesia due to coral bleaching, destructive fishing and crown-of-thorns starfish, in order to recover coral reef, restoration using Marine Block and CSD is carried out through field experiments. Effects on growth of transplanted coral on CSD and fish dwelling to Marine Block and CSD is evaluated. So far, concrete or stone have been used as restoration material however those material has characteristics that stone induces destruction when it is collected and concrete exhausts much CO2 when cement is produced. Steel slag products have advantage that it can contribute better nature protection than stone collection and occur less CO2 than concrete. Those effect are also examined through this project. 201 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 The project will contribute for conservation of biodiversity of coral reef in Indonesia and also other South-East Asian countries through the network of the ERIA. ERIA, stands for Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, plays an important role for realizing sustainable growth and mentions to contribute for environmental issues. N.5.1 Mr. Kiyonori Katsukoshi 313 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kanagawa, 07 – 10 – 1977 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Engineer Insitusi : IDEA Consultants Inc Email : jw20240ideacon.co.jp Alamat : IDEA Consultants Inc, 3-15-1, Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8585 Japan N.5.2 Mr. Daesuka Kezuka 314 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kanagawa, 09 – 10 – 1983 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Research Engineer Insitusi : IDEA Consultants Inc Email : jw20240ideacon.co.jp Alamat : IDEA Consultants Inc, 3-15-1, Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8585 Japan N.6 The South China Sea – Indonesian Seas TransportExchange SITE and Dynamics of Sunda Strait Tujuan Peneliian : Mengukur variabilitas aliran massa air Selat Karimata dan Selat Sunda dan mengetahui efek aliran massa air Selat Karimata terhadap sirkulasi dan dinamika skala meso perairan Indonesia Bidang Peneliian : Oseanograi Lama Peneliian : 1 satu bulan mulai 1 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Selat Karimata dan Selat Sunda Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Laut dan Pesisir, Balitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP Ir. Tukul Rameyo Adi, M.T. Abstrak The proposed research is pioneering work on measuring the magnitude and variability of the South China Sea SCS and Indonesian Seas transportexchange SITE 202 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 of the water mass and heat flux in the Karimata and Sunda Straits for one year with a possible extension for two years using an array of 4-5 trawl-resistant bottom-mounted TRBM ADCP. The proposed research is an international collaboration of three nations: the United States, Indonesia, and China. Our goal is to quantify a contribution of SITE flow on the total Indonesian throughflow ITF transport, thus enhancing our understanding of the variability and predictability of regional monsoon and global ocean circulation and climate. The objectives are: 1 To measure the magnitude and variability of SITE flow in Karimata and Sunda Straits 2 To determine the role of SITE flow on the main ITF 3 To investigate the impacts of SITE flow on seasonal fish migration. We hypothesize that seasonal reversal of the SITE flow in the Karimata and Sunda Straits will have strong impacts on seasonal fish migration. During the winter northwest monsoon water from the South China Sea will moves toward Java Sea-Sunda Strait and so does the fish. Conditions are reversed during the southeast monsoon. N.6.1 Mr. Bin Fan 315 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Shanghai, 23 – 02 – 1960 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Senior Engineer Insitusi : The First Insitute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administraion Email : fnbio.otg.cn Alamat : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling, Road Qingdoa 266061 China N.6.2 Mr. Zhan Lian 316 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Shandong, 26 – 07 – 1982 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Assistant Researcher Insitusi : The First Insitute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administraion Email : - Alamat : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling, Road Qingdoa 266061 China N.6.3 Ms. Shujiang Li 317 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Shandong, 11 – 11 – 1979 Warga Negara : Republik Rakyat China Jabatan : Assistant Researcher Insitusi : The First Insitute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administraion Email : - Alamat : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling, Road Qingdoa 266061 China 203 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 N.7 Geographical Factors and Civil Crisis Prevenion in Megaciies JakartaIndonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Menganalisis faktor-faktor geograik mega urban yang signiikan untuk pencegahan resiko dan miigasi resiko Bidang Peneliian : Geograi Lama Peneliian : 3 iga bulan mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Geograi UGM Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc. Abstrak Megacities, being extreme elements of worldwide urbanization, show an increase in importance when considering global change: On the one hand they are a manifestation and a consequence of global change processes, on the other hand megacities have an enormous influence on global change. They are therefore strategic nodal points just as well as global risk areas. Considering this, the project at hand is a theory-based analysis about 1 the importance of mega urban geo-factors for risk prevention and mitigation and 2 widening the understanding of cause-and-effect chains for multiple risks in megacities. Hereby 3 a better insight into the relation between vulnerability and resilience will be attained and 4 conceptual contributions to risk discourse and megaurban conflict prevention can be provided. The central questions, based on an extensive international and interdisciplinary analysis of literature, will then be intensified via empirical field studies, which will be conducted in close collaboration with local partners in Mumbai India and JakartaIndonesia. As extreme of global urbanization, megacities are becoming increasingly important in the context of global change: on the one hand they are an expression and result of the processes of global change, and on the other hand they themselves are also influencing global change in a major way. Megacities are thus as much strategic nodes as they are global high-risk areas. In order to learn from good practices and to gain a better understanding of the interrelation between geographical factors and civil crisis prevention in Megacities, the University of Cologne currently conducts the aforementioned research project. As study areas for this project JakartaIndonesia and MumbaiIndia are envisaged. It is planned to carry out the empirical research in Jakarta in close collaboration with the Universitas Gajah Mada in Yogyakarta, with whom we look back on a long-standing cooperation. The Federal Ministry of Defense BMVg provides the funding for the research conducted in the scope of this project by the University of Cologne. A project report will be presented o the German Federal Armed Forces Institute for Geographical Information, Department of Geopolitics, as well as to the involved Indonesian Institutions andor mysteries. The research is expected to yield generalisable statements about mega-urban risk prevention. These generalizations are first to be collected as case studies by means of an empirical survey, and they abstracted. Megacities have been selected in countries in which the national research community is already working on these topics and is interested in cooperation and where “best practices” in dealing with risks can be documented. The selection of cities is based exclusively on cooperative research relationships already 204 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 established, ensuring that the national research institutes – in this case in Indonesia –are continuously involved in the research process. Central questions: Based on a literary study which was conducted in the second half of year 2009 and taking results of previous research projects on megacity issues into considerations, four central questions are in the focus: 1. Which are the geo-factors that are shaping megaciies and what relaion do they have to each other? 2. To what extent are the megaciies in general and the two megaciies in paricular exposed to risks regarding global change and which strategies for adaptaion, prevenion and miigaion are already in place? 3. Which geo-factors inluences vulnerability and resilience in megaciies and in what way? 4. Which structures and processes can help miigaing and managing megaurban crises and which scenarios can be developed? N.7.1 Mr. Gerrit Jurgen Peters 318 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Dusseldorf, 19 – 01 – 1981 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Dept. of Geography, University of Cologne Email : gerrit.petersuni-koeln.de Alamat : University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Koln , Cologne Germany