75 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Modes of speciation in tropical organisms are still largely unknown, and our results will greatly contribute to enrich knowledge of this important field of evolutionary biology. This is the first phase of this project conducted from 2010 through 2012 E.16.1 Dr. Kei Matsubayashi 112 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Aichi, 19 – 06 – 1979 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Insitusi : Division of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Ebvironmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University Email : Alamat : Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810 Japan E.16.2 Dr. Tetsuo Kohyama 113 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kyoto, 02 – 02 – 1985 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Postdoctoral Researcher Insitusi : Division of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Ebvironmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University Email : Alamat : Division of Environmental Biology , Faculty of Ebvironmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810 Japan


F.1 Interacion Between Rural Communiies and Proboscis Monkeys Nasalis Larvatus in West Kalimantan, Indonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji interaksi masyarakat pedesaan dengan kera Nasalis Larvatus untuk kepeningan konservasi dengan fokus: strategi konservasi, taman nasional, konservasi terpadu dan proyek pembangunan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi 76 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 25 Oktober 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar Ketapang, Sekadana, Teluk Melano, TN G. Palung, Batubarat, Sungai Tolak Mitra Kerja : Flora Fauna Internaional-Indonesia Darmawan Lisanto Abstrak I plan to examine the interactions between humans and proboscis is monkeys Nasalis Larvatus in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, in order to assess effective conservation strategies. Conservation management strategies often vary in their level of interaction with local people; therefore, influencing both the acceptance of the project with the local people and the amount of wildlife protection that actually ensues. I will focus on four different conservation strategies: national parks, integrated conservation and development projects represented as an ecotourism project, Reduced Emissions through Deforestation and Degradation REDD strategies, and no conservation strategies. Using four sites in West Kalimantan, I will assess how different conservation strategies influence the local perception on a primate species, how local views of conservation strategies influence human actions, and what effect these actions have on proboscis monkey behaviour. I will address my hypotheses by sampling the human populations in four communities, collecting census data on the proboscis monkeys, and collecting ecological data. The project will take place from October 15th, 2010 to October 15th, 2011. This project hopes to enhance the knowledge of the conservation of the proboscis monkeys, and enhance the conservation of many endangered species and areas in Indonesia F.1.1 Ms. Kaie Lynn Feilen 114 Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wisconsin, 06-01-1981 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph. D. Student Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology, University of California-Davis Email : Alamat : University of California-Davis, Dept. of Anthropology F.2 Orangutan Vocal and Sound Repertoire at Gunung Palung, West Kalimantan, Indonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii vokalisasi dan suara individual Orangutan dan variari Geograinya di antara Orangutan Kalimantan dan Orangutan Sumatera Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar Tn Gunung Palung 77 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Abdurrani Muin, MS. Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Tanjungpura Abstrak Orangutans make a large number of calls, but most studies only focused on the long calls e.g. Mitani 1985, Delgado 2006, Delgado 2007, Mitra Setia and van Schaik 2007, Lameira and Wich 2008, but see Hardus et al. 2009a. However, Hardus et al. 2009b examined the vocal and sound repertoire of orangutans at Tuanan, Central Kalimantan. These results support the view that orangutans may owe one of the richest repertoires among great apes. Hardus et al. 2009b also showed that some populations share calls but vary in the presence or absence of other calls. It is necessary to conduct similar recordings and analyses in other sites to recognize the true extent of cultural variation. We propose to replicate the study by Hardus et al. 2009b at Gunung Palung in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Two different topics will be studied: 1. Individual variaion across orangutan vocal and sound repertoire at Gunung Palung. Informaion on individual variaion is prospected to give insight into each call’s potenial funcion. It also allows invesigaing which factors facilitate the evoluion of individual acousic signatures in orangutans. 2. Geographic variaion in vocal and sound repertoire between a Bornean Gunung Palung and Sumatran Ketambe orangutan populaion. It is essenial to examine whether culture generates variaions in the acousic characterisics of shared calls between populaions between a Bornean and Sumatran populaion. Both studies will follow the methodology of previous reference ape studies Mitani et al. 1996, Delgado et al. 2009. Eestablishing the repertoire of the orangutan at several sites may reveal more population specific call types and has the benefit that it enables us to examine whether variations andor differences found may be ascribed to local cultures see van Schaik et al 2003, 2006. F.2.1 Ms. Eva Topelberg 115 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Rheden, 12-10-1986 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Email : Alamat : Padualaan 8, 3584 CA Utrecht, Netherlands 78 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.2.2 Ms. Kim J.J. Maria Nouwen, B.Sc 116 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Helmond, 22 – 08 – 1986 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Email : Alamat : Padualaan 8, 3584 CA Utrecht, Netherlands F.2.3 Ms. Eva Topelberg 117 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Rheden, 12-10-1986 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Email : Alamat : Padualaan 8, 3584 CA Utrecht, Netherlands F.3 Social Communicaion in Crested Macaques Macaca nigra Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari fungsi komunikasi sosial pada Macaca nigra untuk kelangsungan konservasi populasi Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan, mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulut Tangkoko, Batuangus dan Manado Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Ir. Dones Rinaldi; FMIPA IPB Dr. R. Diah Perwitasari Abstrak When digging for the root of human communication, researchers quite naturally focus on non-human primates. One highly debated question is how human language evolved from nonhuman primate’ communication, and which specific modality vocal, gestural or both constitutes the most likely precursor of human language. While this question has received most attention and still remains unanswered, identifying the selective pressures that allowed the emergence of complex communicative system can be achieved by studying closely related species that differ in relevant evolutionary variable such as their group size 9 Dunbar, 1988, habitat Tomasello Call, 2007 or social style Maestripieri, 1999. Due to their great diversity Macaques provide a useful model for the comparative study of communication. While less tolerant species such as rhesus macaques Macaca malatta are well studied Gouzoules et al, 1984; Hauser Marler, 79 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 1993; Maestripieri, 2005; Partan, 2002, data is lacking in more tolerant species such as the Sulawesi macaques. Tolerant species are supposed to show a higher flexibility in their expression and interpretation of communicative signals Maestripieri, 1999; Preuschoft van Hooff, 1997; Preuschoft van Schaik, 2000 and studies of their behavioural repertoires suggest greater context dependant meaning of signal and the importance of multimodal communication 9Thierry et al., 2000. We plan to take advantage of the pre-existing methodology and results available on less tolerant macaque species in order to make comparrisons between different species. In order to measure communication complexity, we will focus on 1 the overall size and dynamic of communication, 2 the flexibility of use of communicative signals i.e. the use of a single signal in diffrent context; and 3 the use and function of multimodal signals. This comprehensive approach will allow a direct comparison of selected key communicative features in closely related species that differ in their social style, thereby allowing us to have insight into its influence on species’ communicative system. F.3. 1 Mr. Jerome Francois Micheleta 118 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Nancy, 23 – 10 – 1984 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : The University of Portsmouth, Dept. of Psychology, Center for the Study of Emoion, Animal Behaviour Research Group Email : Alamat : 13 St Ronans Avenue PO4 0QEPorstmouth, United Kingdom F.4 The Ranging Behaviour of Male Orangutan in Sebangau Peat-Swamp Forest” Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji fungsi suara long call Orangutan dalam kaitannya dengan pola-pola penguasaan area di antara Orangutan jantan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 27 September 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Sebangau Ekosistem di antara DAS Kaingan dan Kahayan, Lab Alam Hutan Gambut Sebangau dan Stasiun Riset Seia Alam Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas palangka Raya Dr. Suwido H. Limin Abstrak Very little is known about the ranging strategies of male orang-utans, particularly the Bornean species, and estimates of home range size vary greatly between different research sites and between species. Male ranges have been found to be larger than 80 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 those of females across all research sites but we generally know little else of long-term movements, particularly degree of dispersal, philopatry and the influences of social factors. Here I will investigate these social factors and examine how ecological factors also affect home range, to determine how habitat type, forest productivity and seasonality influences male ranging strategies. Over three decades have passed since the first studies of orang-utan behaviour yet there is still little data available on male ranging behaviour, since ranges often exceed the size of study areas 1. The principal factors shaping primate social organization and grouping are the distribution and abundance of food resources and reproductive potential 2 and it is recognized that the distribution of attractive females in an area has an effect on male range use in orang-utans, as in most other mammals 3. Orang-utans are the only extant ape to exhibit bi-maturation and a semi-solitary nature; consequently this species has developed a complex social organization resulting in much male-male competition for females and two co-existing mating strategies both of which have greatly influenced male ranging behaviour. To establish a better understanding of the social system of this solitary species I will use behavioural, survey and genetic methods to determine patterns in male orang-utan ranging and dispersal; By conducting follows I will investigate the size of home ranges and core areas, as well as examining how these areas are determined and used in relation to social and ecological contraints. By carrying out habitat analysis and nest count surveys I can gain an understanding of how fruiting patterns, seasonality and habitat type and quality affect male orang-utans range use in this disturbed forest. By analysis microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA from faecal and hair samples collected from multiple localities within the Sabangau peat-swamp forest, I will identify relatedness within the population and discover from where certain males originate, furthering our knowledge dispersal patterns, as it is known that once mature male orang-utans disperse from their natal range, where as females are philopatric 4. We are only now beginning to understand orng-utan social organization and this information is important not only to better understand this species but also when devising conservations plans to ensure the survival of this species as the spatial needs of both individual and populations of orang-utans must be considered. F.4.1 Mr. Benjamin James William Buckley 119 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Worcester, 19 – 09 – 1979 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Wildlife research Group, School of anatomy, University of Cambridge Email : Alamat : Broom, Warwickshire, UK. N504JB 81 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.5 A Comparison of the Eicacy of Diferent Conservaion Educaion Media on the Transfer of Knowledge and Impact on Aitude and Empathy Towards the Conservaion of Sulawesi Crested Black Macaques nigra in North Sulawesi, Indonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengkaji dampak pendidikan konservasi tentang Macaca nigra Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 3 iga bulan, mulai Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulawesi Utara Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian, UNSRAT Dr. Ir. Johny S. Tarisin, M.Sc.F Abstrak The Sulawesi crested black macaque Macaca nigra is a critically endangered primate Species endemic to north Sulawesi. Over the last 40 years their population has declined, a trend which continues, due to habitat destruction and hunting activities. Carefully designed and implemented environemntal Education Programmes EEPs can increase awareness and understanding of conservation issues and from a foundation for long lasting conservation, which is hoped will mitigate the threats faced by this species. In the current study, three different educational materials, a book, poster and film, transfer knoledge about the needs of and threats to M. Nigra. These materials will be introduced in the villages of Batu Putih and Kasuari, both neibouring Tangkoko dua Saudara Nature Researve in north Sulawesi, over a period of three months. The efficacy of these materials to transfer knowledge and effect empathy and attitudes towards M. Nigra and their habitats, will be studied several days after each introduction. Data collected will test what type of educational material is most effective, adn whether the accumulative effect of being exposed to all three media increases efficacy beyond that seen when only one media is provided. The collected data will be written up as theisis as part of the completion of MSc in Zoo Conservation Biology trhough the University of Plymouth. This research has the potential of increasing the knowledge of Eeps, and will contribute to increasing our understanding about which media can effectively convey information and contribute to attitute and empathy. Those educational media found to be effective will be disseminated further whitin Minahasa, the home Range of M. Nigra. 82 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.5.1 Ms. Chrisina Sophia Van Wessem 120 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Tegelen, 13 – 01 – 1976 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : M.Sc. Student Insitusi : The University of Plymouth, Devon Email : Alamat : 10 Cremyll Road, Torpoint, Coewall, PL112DX F.6 Socio-ecological Studies on Wild Orangutan and Non-Human Primate in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji aspek sosiologi, ekologi dan perilaku Orngutan Genus Hylobates Presbyis, Nasalis dan Macaca Bidang Peneliian : Zoologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Kalim TN Kutai Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Biologi LIPI Dr. Soegardjito dan Yuli Sulistyo Fitriani Abstrak Field studies on sociology, ecological and behavior of orangutans and Kalimantan species of non-human primates, especially of the genus Hylobates, Presbytis, Nasalis and Macaca. Comparative studies of these, together with the studies already completed or in progress in Sumatra, Java and Mentawai, and also in Africa will yield a solid and systematic basses to construct theories on social evolution of primates’ species. Ecological studies of the structure and dynamics of the community of arboreal mammals, with the primates as a key group, and evaluation of the human impact on these in the Lowland Tropical Rain Forest. Comparative studies of Physiology and Anatomy of such a species. Research on the conservation of Orangutans and other kind of Non-human primates species in East Kalimantan. F.6.1 Dr. Akira Suzuki 121 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Japan, 02 - 01 - 1939 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Execuive Director Insitusi : Man of Forest Foundaion E-mail : Alamat : 5-11-8 Ikuta Tama , Kawasaki Japan 83 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.7 Populaion Density Survey of Tarsius in Central Sulawesi Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan survei kepadatan populasi tarsius dan memetakan pengelompokan mereka secara demograis. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulteng TN Lore Lindu: Rore Keimbu Mitra Kerja : Universitas Tadulako Dr. Ir. Yulius Duma Abstrak The goal of this research is to determine the extent that altitude is the driving force behind the unusual behavior and morphology exhibited by pygmy tarsiers Tarsius pumilus of the upper montane forest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. This project will continue preliminary research conducted May-Ocktober 2008 on Mt. Rorekatimbu in Lore Lindu national Park Central Sulawesi, during which the principal investigators recorded the first field observations of this little-known primate species Gursky-Doyen Grow 2009; Grow Gursky – Doyen in press. Our preliminary observation suggest pygmy tarsiers differ from the lowland Sulawesian tarsier species in both behavior foraging, ranging, habitat usage, group composition, and communication strategies and morphology body size, hindlimb proportions, and claw-like nails on all digits. This study will answer the research question : how does altitude affect pygmy tarsier behavior and morphology ? We hypothesize that the behavior and morphology of pygmy tarsiers are adaptations to a high altitude environment. To test this hypothesis, this study will investigate wether behavioral and morphological variation within pygmy tarsiers corresponds to altitudinal ecological variation. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in primate behavior and morphology often corresponds to variation in environmental selective pressures Chapman 2009; Van Schaik 1989, including food resource availability. In a cross-species comparison, variability in primate diet and range usage was found to associate with variation in food abundance, distribution, and quality Clutton-Brock Harvey 1977. Primate sociality and grouping patterns also vary with food distribution. For example, among mouse lemurs, females that feed upon dispersed insects exhibit more dispersed social relationships than females that feed on patchy fruit resources Dammhahn Kappeler 2009. Factors other than food availability, including the distribution of sleep sites and risks of predation and infanticide, also affect primate social behavior and habitat usage. For example, woodland and savanna baboons aggregate at sleeping sites that are inaccessible to predators, generating larger group sizes than macaques, which live in rain forests that contain evenly distributed sleeping sites Hamilton 1982. Threat of predation may also impact sleep site selection. Sifakas select lower daytime resting sites, possibly in response to diurnal avian predators, while they choose higher sleep sites in the night time when the predator threat is mammalian Wright 1998. In terms of social affiliation within groups, risk of infanticide has been suggested as an important selection pressure in the evolution of male and female associations. 84 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.7.1 Ms. Nanda Grow 122 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Ohio, 19-12-1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Dept.of Anthropology Texas A M University Email : Alamat : Dept.of Anthropology Texas A M University 234 Anthropology Building 4352 TAMU Collegge Staion, TX 77843-4352 USA F.8 Eco-ethology and Populaion Viability Analysis of Long-tailed macaques macaca fascicularis in Bali Indonesia : Impact Habitat Type and Degree of Authropizaion” Tujuan Peneliian : mengideniikasi dampak perilaku lingkungan eco-behavioral impact dari simbiosis komensalisme dengan membandingkan populasi yang hidup di berbagai ingkat kedekatan dengan manusia. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Bali Gianyar, Badung, Jembrana, dan Buleleng Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Primata – Universitas Udayana Dr. I Nengah Wandia, Msi, DVM Abstrak This research focuses on the phenomenon of commensalism between primates and humans corresponding to a strategy of adaptation where primates exploit habitats in sympatry with humans, adapting their ecology and behaviour to anthropogenic environments. The ecological and behavioural modifications, as well as the interspecific conflicts generated by comensal situations, threaten the long term survival of primate populations. We propose to investigate the commensalism issue using as model the long- tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis a primate species found in Southeast Asia and known for the diversity of its habitats. We plan to study macaque populations living at temple or tourist sites on the island of Bali, Indonesia. The main objective of this research is to establish a recent eco-behavioural profile demography activity budget diet ranging of the population at “ Padangtegal Monkey Forest”, Ubud Gianyar Regency and to compare it with available previous data to document modifications over time. A second objective is to realize demographic census of two other commersal populations of long-tailed macaque living in the South of Bali Badung Regency. This research project aims to assess the impact of human-primate commensalism on the behavioural ecology and the long term viability of some primate populations. To achieve this objective we use as species model the long-tailed macaque Macaca 85 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 fascicularis, a primate species widespread throughout Southeast Asia [1,2] and exploiting a wide diversity of habitats characterized by various degrees of commensalism with human, from primary forests to urban environments [3,4,5]. We use an interpopulational comparative approach by comparing 4 populations of Macaca fascicularis characterized by various anthropic levels on the Island of Bali. Through this approach, we control multiple anthropic and environmental factors for a more complete understanding of the commensalism impact. The anthropic and ecological factors are: 1 the habitat and microhabitat type, 2 the frequency and the quantity of human food provisioning, 3 the human presence degree and 4 the habitat quality diversity of vegetal species naturally present in the macaques’habitat. We analyze the impacts on the behavioural ecology, and more specifically on the activity and ranging patterns, the feeding ecology, the demography and the population dynamics. The commensalism impact on these eco- behavioural parameters is investigated at two levels: between populations and within populations between group and between daily periods. We chose to investigate this research question in Bali Indonesia because this island is a particularly appropriate site for a comparative study, given the diversity of its ecosystems and landscapes, the extent of commensalism, and the high density of long-tailed macaques 8-10,000 notably around temples [6]. This research is conducted in collaboration with the “Pusat Kajian Primata”Dr. I. Wandia Nengah and his team from Universitas Udayana Bali that investigates veterinary and behavioural issues in Macaca Fascicularis of Bali F.8.1 Ms. Fany A.M.F. Brotcorne 123 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Schaerbeek, 22 Agustus 1983 Warga Negara : Belgia Jabatan : PhD student Insitusi : Insitute of Zoology, Universite de Liege Email : brotcornevlg.Ac.Be Alamat : Place E Keym, 8, 1170 Brussels Berlin F.9 An Invesigaion to Compare Loud Calls in Mentawai Macaques on Difer- ent Islands of the Mentawai Archipelago” Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii perbedaan vocalisasi monyet siberut di beberapa pulau Kepulauan Mentawai. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 sepuluh bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar Kab. Kepulauan Mentawai Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Ir. Dones Rinaldi, M.Sc. Dan Ir. Dodi Primata 86 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Abstrak The genus Macaca is unique among the non-human primates for the range of habitats it has colonised. Ten macaque species inhabit the Indonesian archipelago Fooden, 1980; Groves, 1980; Groves, 1996; Evans et al., 1999. This is the only area in the world where oceanic islands are sufficiently stocked by primates to allow significant assessment of the population in terms of evolution and conservation Abegg et al, 2002. Due to its geological and zoogeographical separation for 0.5 – 1.0 Mio years, the Mentawai islands off Sumatras west coast are characterized by an usual high rate of endemism. All of the five currently recognized primate species, namely the Kloss gibbon Hylobates klossii, Pig tailed langur Simias concolor, Mentawai langur Presbytis potenziani the Siberut macaque Macaca siberu and the Mentawai macaque Macaca pagensis are endemic to this archipelago Watanabe, 1981; Roos et al., 2003; Whittaker, 2006; Ziegler et al. 2007. The populations of these primate species are threatened by various factors, e.g. legal and illegal logging, conversion of the forest into oil palm plantations, forest clearing and product extraction by local people, hunting and pet trade Whittaker, 2006. Little is known about the Mentawai macaques dute to their endemic occurrence on the remote Mentawai islands Whitten Whitten, 1982; Abegg Thierry, 2002. Until recently all Mentawai macaques were considered to be close relatives of Macaca nemestrina living on mainland Sumatra and although the morphology of macaques from Siberut differs clearly from the macaques of the southern Mentawai islands Sipora, North and South Pagai, they were classified as closely related subspecies. It was only recently, that two studies based on molecular genetic showed that the two forms of Mentawai macaques have a paraphyletic origin and that the macaques from Siberut are more closely related to Macaca nemestrina on Sumatra than to the macaques form the neighbouring islands of the Mentawai archipelago Roos et al., 2003; Ziegler et al. 2007. Consequently it was suggested to reclassify the Mentawai macaques into two taxa on full species level. In the present study we will investigate structural differences in loud calls of Mentawai macaques to find out whether they can support the proposed reclassification. A recent meta-analysis over the primate order Which Nunn 2002 suggests that loud calls mainly serve to defend resources and to attract mates. Interestingly, only few macaques’ species produce such loud calls and it is not known why they developed only in these species. From our observations we know that both Mentawai macaques use regularly loud calls. We know form former studies on other primate species, like gibbons Konrad Geissmann, 2006, Thinh et al. in press, thath loud calls can be useful to confirm phylogenetic relationships. To which extent this is also true for macaque loud calls is unclear until now, because they is only a limited knowledge on species-specific differences in macaque loud calls Muroyama Thierry 1998. F.9.1 Ms. Anne Sophie Helene Pellier 124 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Le Mans, 24 – 08 – 1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Research Assistant - Student Insitusi : Deutches PrimatenzentrumDPZ Email : Alamat : I Allee des Saules, 72230 RUAUDIN, Farnce Home Phone : +33 87 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.10 Parasites and Their Efects on Orangutan Health. Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan invesigasi strategi pengobatan sendiri oleh Orangutan dan segala faktor dan kondisi yang diperlukan untuk merawat kesehatan isik. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : Perpanjangan Izin selama enam bulan, mulai bulan Maret 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumut TN. Gunung Leuser, Bukit Kencur, Langkat, Bukit Lawang, Marike, Suaq dan Ketambe Reseach Staion dan Kalimantan Sebangau, Mawas – Tuanan,. Mitra Kerja : Dr. Drh. R. Wisnu Nurcahyo, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan – UGM. Abstrak Good health result from homeostasis: the balancing, through continuous interaction, of an organism’s myriad dynamic physiological processes. Parasitology allows us to gain important information not only about the types of parasites which are infecting individuals, but also about their general condition. By comparing the health of wild and semi-wild orangutans, at different sites under varying degress of human pressure, we have begun to build a picture of the factors affecting health in these two equally important populations. Our unique approach enables us to investigate whether complex aspects of ethology and and ecology influences parasite infections and how parasites may have an impact on whole ecosystem, out of all proportion to their relative size. It is hoped that these efforts will lead to an improved understanding of how best to promote the long-term survival of all orangutans. Together with our past result, we will create the most extensive database of orangutan health from the data gathered at different locations. The result of this project will be useful not only for primatologists, biologists, pharmacologists, parasitologists, wildlife veterinarians and conservationists, but will contribute to the local population’s social and economic needs. Result will be published in the speciality journals of the various disciplines e.g., Parasitology, Int. J. Parasitology, Phytochemistry, J Ethnopharmacology, Primates, Medical Primatology, Int.J. Primatology, and Am.J. Primatology and more general science magazines Bio Science, Evolutionary Anthropology. F.10.1 Dr. Ivona Foitova 125 Tempat dan Tgl. Lahir : Jihlava, 11 April 1967 Warga Negara : Republik Ceko Jabatan : Principal Invesigator Insitusi : Foundaion UMI – Saving of Pongidae Email :; Address : Sa’malova 90, 615 00 Brno, Czech Republic Lama Peneliian : 24 bulan mulai 7 Maret 2009 88 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.10.2 Ms. Cathleen Catlinh Nguyen 126 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Minessota, 29 Maret 1988 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Assistant Insitusi : University of Minnesota, Decomposiion Research Laboratory Email : - Alamat : 1015 8th St SE Apt 300, Minneapolis, MN 55414 F.10.3 Ms. Emily Jane Howard William 127 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Bristol, 9 November 1982 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph. D Student Insitusi : School of Animal, Rural and Enviromental Sciences, Noingham Trent Unversity. Email : - Alamat : 3F2 9 Marchmont Street, Edinburgh EH9 1EL. F.11 The Ecology of Male – Male Relaionships among Sulawesi Moor Macaque Monkeys Macaca maura Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii antar hubungan pejantan dengan pejantan primata moor Macaques dan menetukan peran para pejantan dalam kompeisi kelompok Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 03 iga bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulsel TN Banimurung - Bulusaraung Mitra Kerja : Dr. Bambang Suryobroto IPB dan Universitas Hasanuddin Abstrak Primate socioecology aims to identify the causal links between ecological variables, such as the distribution of food, and the social behavior of primates. Female relationships have traditionally been the focus of socioecology because female reproductive success is strongly constrained by access to food. This project expands the scope of socioecology by exploring the nature of male-male relationships in moor macaque monkeys and the potential role males play in important socioecological domains, such as between-group competition. Methods in behavioral observation will be used to: 1 determine rates of male-male affiliation and aggression; 2 record the context and participants of between- group competitive encounters; and, 3 measure the mating success of males that participate in those encounters. This research will not only enhance our understanding of the role ecological and social factors play in shaping primate social systems but also will provide opportunities for SDSU students to engage in international field research. 89 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.11.1 Ms. Erin Phelps Riley, Ph.D. 128 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Washington D.C., 25 – 11 – 1973 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Assistant Professor Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology, San Diego State University Email : Alamat : 5500 Campanile Dr. Sandiego, CA 92182 USA F.12 The Response of Nonhuman Primates to Fruit Scarcity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari kemampuan adaptasi primata di lingkungan yang mengalami kelangkaan buah-buahan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Kalim Hutan Lindung Wehea di Kutai Timur Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan – Universitas Mulawarman Dr. Yaya Rayadin Abstrak The Influence of resources seasonality on the behavioral ecology of nonhuman primates has been extensively studied. However variation in resources distribution and abundance also extends beyond intra annual seasonal fluctuations. Such supra annual variation is characteristic of Southeast Asian forest, which exhibit irregular “masting” cycles in which highly synchronized periods of fruiting are interspersed with extended periods of little or no fruit production. The term scarcity can be used to refer to such prolonged, supra annual periods of resources shortage. Although scarcity may exert an even stronger selective pressure or organisms than seasonality, and has most likely played an important role in shaping the Biology and behavior of many primates species, it has not been studied extensively. Resources scare habitats should select for behavioral flexibility, which is likely to be highly adaptive in variable condition. Nonhuman primates exhibit great potential for behavioral flexibility in response to different environmental conditions, but few comparative studies has been conducted with wild primates. Thus, the influence of resources scarcity on the behavioral ecology of primates species, and capacity of nonhuman primates for behavioral flexibility, remain poorly understood. This study will examine how nonhuman primates that are known to rely on ripe fruit as major component of their diet elsewhere cope with the scarcity and unpredictable availability of fruit in East Kalimantan. The forests of Borneo particularly East Kalimantan, exhibit exceptionally low fruit availability outside of masting event and provide an excellent environment in which to study responses to scarcity. The proposed research will examine the feeding ecology, including the dietary composition and ranging behavior, 90 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 of tree sympatric primates species in the Wehea protected forest: orangutans pongo pygameus, Bornean gibbons hylobates muelleri, and red langurs presbytis rubicund. These same species have been studied elsewhere in Borneo, providing a basis for comparison between fruit scarce and more fruit abundant conditions. This project will takes place between March 2010 and February 2011. The significance of this proposal is that it uses a within-site and inter specific comparative approach to examine the range of responses of different sympatric primate species to fruit scarce habitat conditions. This will allow us to better understand how behavioral flexibility is promoted or constrained, and its role in shaping response to the environment. A broader impact of this study is that examining responses to varying habitat condition can provide crucial insight into how nonhuman primates might adapt to environmental changes induced by anthropogenic habitat alteration, which is crucial for designing effective management plans. Finally this study will also provide much needed information about Asian primate communities, which have been understudied relatives to African, Neotropical, and Malagasy primate communities. F.12.1 Ms. Kara Joann Morby 129 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Wisconsin, 28 – 01 – 1987 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Bachelor Degree Student Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology – Wisconsin University E-mail : Alamat : N6169 Fox Glen Rd., Portage, WI 5390 I F.13 Feeding Ecology of Long-tailed Macaques and Socio-Ecology of Ebony Leaf Monkeys in Bali” Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji struktur populasi species lutung Trachypithecus auratus dengan mendokumentasikan distribusi ukuran kelompok dan distribusi berdasarkan sex dan usia Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Bali Taman Nasional Bali Barat Mitra Kerja : Prof. Dr. I made Damriyasa, DVM., M.S, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana dan Dr. Ir. Negah Wandia, M.Si, DVM., Pusat Kajian Primata – Universitas Udayana. Abstrak The following two research projects aim to further our knowledge about the ecology, behavior, demography, and conservation of two non-human primate species living in Bali, namely the long-tailed macaques and ebony leaf monkeys, through the establishment of a scientific collaboration between the two principal investigators, Drs. Jean-Baptiste 91 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Leca currently working at the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute, Japan and Noelle Gunst who graduated from the University of Georgia, USA, and their Indonesian counterpart, Dr. Nengah Wandia, Director of the Universitas Udayana’s Primate Research Center in Bali. These projects will also involve several students from Universitas Udayana. Drs. Leca and Gunst will train them to user different observation methods, conduct different types of data analyses, and prepare research papers. F.13.1 Mr. Jean Bapista Leca, Ph.D. 130 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Marmande, 19 – 12 – 1973 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Post Doctoral Fellow Insitusi : Primate Research Insitute, Kyoto University Email : Alamat : Insitute Universitaire Hubert Curien, 23 rue Becquerel 67000 StarbiurgFRANCE F.13.2 Ms. Noelle Gunst Leca, Ph.D. 131 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Mulhouse, 21 – 12 – 1971 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Research Assistant Insitusi : Primate Research Insitute, Kyoto University Email : Alamat : - F.13.3 Mr. Pierre Gras 132 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Peine, 25 – 12 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : M.Sc. Student Insitusi : Georg August University of Goingen Email : Alamat : Porschweg 10, 37075 92 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.14 Understanding the Role of Ecology in Orangutan Reproducion Orangutan Populaion Monitoring at Gunung Palung Naional Park, West Kalimantan Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengkaji beberapa variabel ekologi dan reproduksi populasi Orangutan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalbar Taman Nasional Gunung Palung di Kab. Kayong Utara dan Kab. Ketapang Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman Prof. dr. Sangkot Marzuki, AM, Ph.D., S.Sc. Abstrak This study examines inter-population differences in Orangutan interbirth intervals and reproductive ecology. Comparisons of habitat quality and reproductive data accross ape taxa, across populations of chimpanzees, and within one population of Bornean Orangutan strongly point to the hole of energic condition as a determinant of reproductive timing and reprodductive rate in female apes. Those in better energetic condition have shorter inter-birth intervals and an accelerated rate of other reproductive parameters such as age at first birth. Hoever, the inter-birth interval data for Orangutans seems contrary to the predictions ofthe energetic hypothesis in that Sumatra Orangutans appear to have better energic circumstances but but longer inter-birth intervals. Researcers in Sumatra have proposed that better conditions in Sumatra have led to the selection of elongated life history parameters such as longer lifespan and inter-birth intervals in this species Wich, et al., 2006. However, at this point it is not clear that the contrasting data from each field site is directly comparable, nor whether the data suggesting shoter IBI’s on Borneo in not an artifact of the short period of wild orangutanresearch relative to their lifespan. An additional component of this study is to conduct a population survey of the density of orangutans living in Gunung palung National Park. Density estimates and subsequent population monitoring are fundamental to determining how threats may be impacting ape populations and assessing the success of conservation actions. This project extends a previous density survey conducted in 2001, which estimated there to be -2500 individual orangutans within the park and subsequently called for their conservation and long-term monitoring. However, with the exception of one survey in 2002, which was not condcuted to assess orangutan density, there have been no further orangutan surveys or associated monitoring of orangutans in the area. We believe a large-scale orangutan survey of this critical population is long overdue. 93 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.14.1 Ms. Josephine Sarah Beck 133 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Morrinsville, 01 – 10 – 1983 Warga Negara : Selandia Baru Jabatan : Research Fellow Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology, Boston University Email : ; Alamat : 232, Nay State Road, Boston University, Boston MA 02215 F.15 Pair–bonding and Female Reproducion of the Javan Gibbons Hylobates moloch Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji aspek-aspek reproduksi pada kera beina Javan gibbons khususnya aspek monogami sosial, monogami geneik dan monogami seksual Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Jabar TN. G. Halimun – G. Salak Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan – IPB Prof. Dr. Ir. Sambas Basuni, M.S. Abstrak Javan gibbons Hylobates moloch usually live in monogamous pairs. We call this type of social organization as social monogamy that involves sharing territory. One of the surprising features of gibbons is the presence of sexual swelling. Sexual swellings are usually aeen in species that form multi-male and multi-female groups but monogamous gibbons also show sexual sweeling. We think that it may be another key to understand why gibbons are monogamous. Sexual swelling can be categorized into three levels by tumescence intensity exaggerated, ordinary, no swelling. Gibbons have an ordinary swelling that is different from the exaggerate swelling of chimpanzees. But its function, pattern and characteristic appear to be quite similar to exaggerated sexual swelling. According to the graded signal hypothesis, sexual swellings provide information about the probability of ovulation, instead of its actual timing. That means the female sexual swelling occurs almost 50 of the time per month. So even though one male may be able to defend a female’s territory, he would be unable to defend both females themselves from other males effectively. Therefore social monogamy with EPC may be the optimal strategy. We hypothesize female benefits from pair-bonding because male defense of the territory increase food availability at little energy cost to the female. This food availability enables female gibbons to manipulate male behavior by prolonging the duration of sexual swelling which may lead to pair-bonding. To test these hypotheses, we will measure pattern of sexual swelling, collect Behavioral data such as copulation rate per day, daily path length to patrol and proctect territory, and conduct hormone analysis using a fecal samples. This research can help us to understand the function of sexual swellings in Javan gibbons. It should also help understand the origin of gibbon monogamy and the relationship between ecology food availability and social organization. 94 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.15.1 Ms. Eunha Ko 134 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Seoul, 10 April 2010 Warga Negara : Republik Korea Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Lab. Of Behavior and Ecology, Division of EcoScience, Ewha Women University E-mail : Alamat : Ewha Womans University 11-1 Daehtung-Dong, Soedaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-750 Korea F.16 Emoion Regulaion in Orangutans Pongo pygmaeus: Comparaive Study with Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and Human Children Homo sapiens Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengkaji dan membandingkan kompetensi emosi dan sosial antara Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus dengan Simpanse Pan troglodytes and anak manusia Homo sapiens Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 06 enam bulan, mulai 22 Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Pusat Perawatan dan Karanina Orangutan di Kab. Pasir Panjang Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Lembaga Peneliian Universitas Atma Jaya Yassir Nasanius, Ph.D. Abstrak The aim of this project is to investigate individual differences in several temperamental traits and social competence in orangutans Pongo pygmaeus, chimpanzees Pan troglodytes, and human children Homo sapiens. How a species or individual reacts emotionally differs in temperament to various environmental stimuli can play an important role in explaining differences in their behavioural phenotype Fairbanks et al. 2004; Hare, 2007. In human children, it has been shown that differences in emotion- related regulatory capacities are associated with high levels of social competence in their daily life. For example, differences in being able to inhibit a dominant response and acting flexibly in a given situation is related with children’s socially appropriate and prosocial behavior Eisenberg et al. 1995,1997, Murphy et al 2004. The majority of research on temperament in humans and non-human primates has focused on individual variability in temperamental traits within a single species and comparisons across species are mostly neglected Gosling 2001; Kagan Snidman 2004. Until now very little is known about individual differences in the non-human great apes, in general, and especially in regard to their temperament. One reason is that most of the behavioural research done in the past was conducted with very few individuals and with different methods, wich made it impossible to investigate their individual differences systematically. Further, there has been no systematic study that investigated 95 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 similarities and differences in temperamental traits between humans and their closest living relatives the non-human apes. Therefore, this project will compare the reaction of human children, orangutans and chimpanzees to novelty and uncertainty. Moreover, we will investigate if individual temperamental predisposition can predict social competence in each species. We developed six temperamental tasks that can be used to assess and document the individual differences of orangutans, chimpanzees and human children in a standardized manner. In addition we developed a social competence task for orangutans and chimpanzees which investigates each individual social tolerance over food. Moreover, social competence will be assessed by a questionnaire. In this project we also want to find out if age and sex can have an influence on individual differences. F.16.1 Ms. Laura Annelies Damerius 135 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Berlin, 10 – 03 – 1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant in Language Emoion Insitusi : Free University Berlin Email : Alamat : Oppelues Sharasse 18, 10997 Berlin F.17 Nesing Buiding Skills in Borneon Orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii: Peering of Infant Towards Nest Behavior of Their Mothesr” Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari kemampuan Orangutan dalam membangun sarang. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 10 sepuluh bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2010. Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Tuanan Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Dr. Muhammad Agil dan Fakultas Biologi UNAS Syahik Nur Bani. Abstrak It was recently shown the nest-building in orangutans shows cultural elements Berlowitz 2008; van Schaik er al. 2003; van Shchaik et al. 2009; van Schaik et. Al 2006, and it has even been suggested to be the most pervasive form of material skill in great apes fruth and Hohmann 1996. Infant orangutans have been observed to build adequate small day nest when they are2-3 years old, and all immature are competent nest builders before the age of weaning 6-8 years of age; van Noordwijk van Schaik 2005; van Noordwijk et al. 2009. Despite obvious individual learning through practice, Forss 2009 found that infants often closely pay attention when their mothers or another nonspecifik build a nest, thus indicating ample opportunity for social learning. 96 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 This study is part of a larger project currently conducted by Nicle Zweifel in Tuanan, Kalimantan: “Testing the cultural intelligence Hypothesis in Orangutans” and the objective of this study is to examine yhe individual nest-building skills in the Tuanan study populations. In Particular, this study will focus of their mother to find out if and to what extent nest-building skills are socially learned. Additionally this study wants to investigated whether an infestation Influences nest study that one factor thet might be influencing nesting behavior of orangutans might be the mosquito abundance in the study area. But so far it has not yet been investigate whether the abundance of ants in a certain tree might influence nest tree species selection in orangutans too. F.17.1 Mr. Marcel Baumann 136 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Hirzel ZH, 08 – 06 - 1981 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Ph. D Student Insitusi : Anthropologisches Insitute und Museum, Universitat Zurich. Email : Alamat : Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH 8057 Zurich Switzerland F.18 Habituaion and Preliminary Research on Female Sexual Swellings and Re- lated Social Behaviour in Two Groups of Simakobu Simias concolor, at the SCP Field staion in North Siberut, Mentawai Islands” Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii perilaku dan gejala sexual kera beina Simias concolor Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 6 enam bulan mulai 18 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar P. Siberut, Mentawai Mitra Kerja : Dr. Drh. Muhammad Agil, M.Sc..Agr. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Abstrak Both, Tilson 1977and Watanabe 1981 studied Simias concolor on Siberut Island, but neither of them noted sexual swellings. Either they overlooked the swellings or swellings are absent in the Siberut subspecies. This preliminary study should answer basic questions on the emergence and characteristics of female sexual swellings in S. concolor and provide first data on behavioural correlates linked to this morphological phenomenon, not known from other Asian Colobines. The study will form a basis for a longer term study on the reproductive biology of this critically endangered primate species. 97 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 In addition the study will also ensure that individuals of S. concolor previously habituated to human observers will not loose their tolerance towards humans within their home range and it will enable the researchers to habituate other individuals recently immigrated into the study groups. The membership of the study groups will be monitored and for identification of single monkeys, individual morphological characteristics will be documented by drawings and digital colour photos. F.18.1 Mr. Richard Michael Francksen 137 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Bury St. Edmunds, 24 – 12 – 1986 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Research Student Insitusi : University of East Anglia Email : Alamat : 57 Old Street, Hauhley, Stowmarket, Sufolk, IP14 3 NT F.19 Cost of Mate-guarding in Male Long-tailed Macaques Macaca Fascicularis Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari perilaku sosial Macaca Fascicularis Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 9 sembilan bulan mulai 18 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NAD Ketambe research Staion di TN Gunung Leuser Mitra Kerja : Dr. Drh. Muhammad Agil, M.Sc..Agr.,Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Abstrak I will as a volunteer between 01112010 and 31072011 for the ongoing Macaca Fascicularis project supervised by Dr. Antje Engelhardt on the “Costs of mate-guarding in male long-tailed macaques Macaca Fascicularis”. This project result from the collaboration between the German Primate Center DPZ, Department of Reproductive Biology, the Bogor Agricultural University IPB through Dr. Muhammad Agil from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and the Universitas Syiah Kuala UNSYIAH Banda Aceh, through Erdiansah, Ms. My position in this project is a volunteer position. I will therefore NOT use any data of this project for the preparation of a thesis. The purpose of my involvement in the project is to get practical training and field experience through this position. During my stay, I will help Cedric Girard-Buttoz, PhD student from the German Primate Centre in collecting behavioural data, faecal and urine samples. His study aims at investigating the costs of mate-guarding in male long-tailed macaques. The most common reproductive strategy of dominant males in multi-male multi-female groups is to mate guard females during their period of fertility. While mate-guarding behavior has been proven to increase mating and 98 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 reproductive success of male primates, little is known about the costs and limitation of this behavior. Although some costs have been measured, no study has so far comprehensively investigated all potential sources of costs of mate-guarding. The main aim of the project is therefore to quantify costs and benefits of mate-guarding for male primates in multi-male multi-female groups using the long-tailed macaques as a model species. F.19.1 Ms. Kathrijn H.L.R. Van Bastelaere 138 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Gent, 18 – 09 – 1981 Warga Negara : Belgia Jabatan : M.Sc. Student Insitusi : Dept. of Applied Mathemathics and Computer Science Email :, Katrijn_Vanbastelaere Alamat : Hof Te Praat 8, B-9991 Adegem, Belgium F.20 Orangutan Vocal and Sound Repertoire at Suaq Balimbing South Aceh, Indonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari karakterisik vokal dan suara Orangutan dan memperbandingkannya antara Orangutan Sumatera dan Orangutan Kalimantan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 30 November 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NAD Staiun Peneliian Suaq Balimbing di TN G. Leuser dan Kalteng Tuanan Mitra Kerja : Ike N. Naysilana, S.SI dan M. Arif Rifqi Fakultas Biologi UNAS Abstrak Not much is known on the vocal repertoire of great apes, our closest relatives, and in particular not on orangutans calls. Early studies only resulted in descriptions of calls, but then mainly focused on male long calls. A recent study by Hardus at al. 2009 showed that orangutans have a very diverse vocal and sound repertoire, which underlines the view that orangutans may have one of the richest repertoires among great apes and thus represent a model species for the evolutionary study of human speech in hominoids. To investigate the true extent of orangutan vocal and sound capacities and behavioural flexibility in orangutan calls, the research by Hardus must be replicated in other sites. Establishing the vocal repertoire of the orangutan at several sites may reveal more populations specific call types and also enables us to examine whether variations andor differences found may be ascribed to local cultures. The study site of this research will be Suaq Balimbing, where orangutan vocalizations will be recorded, as well as information on the individual and its environment, and will be analysed using the Raven software package. 99 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.20.1 Mr. Wiebe Douwe Rinsma 139 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Heemstede, 14 – 11 – 1984 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Universitet Utrecht Email : Alamat : Ina Boudier- Bakkerlaan 163 room 1544 F.21 Factors Inluencing Male Orang-Utan Reproducive Success Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari faktor-faktor morfologis yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan reproduksi Orangutan jantan. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 4 empat bulan, mulai tgl. 27 Oktober 2010. Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng TN Tanjung Puing dan Suaka Marga Satwa Lamandau dan Palangka Raya. Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Dr. Ir. Suwido H. Limin dan Orangutan Foundaion Pangkalan Bun Hudi Danu Wuryanto. Abstrak While sud-adult male orang-utans appear similar to females in their morphology, dominants males are visibly distinct, They develop large cheek pads or ‘Facial flanges’, though the reason for this is not fully understood. It may be that check pads render male orangutans more attractive to females, resulting in greater male reproductive success. This benefit might justify the initial disadvantage s associated with developing these ornaments, such as increased nutrient demands, greater inter male aggression and the need for behavioral adaptations. The role of cheek pads in sexual selection can be assessed using paternity studies, though only two paternity studies have been conducted to date and only one of these was in Borneo. Each found that flanged males only sired about half six of all offspring. In the proposed study, we will investigate paternity in two orang-utan populations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: at Camp Leakey in Tanjung Puting National Park and in the Lamandau River Wildlife reserve. Out study will go beyond previous studies of social dominance, bima tourism and reproductive success by evaluating the relative importance of male orang-utan cheek pads in sexual selection and reproductive success. This will be considered in light of individual genetic traits and genetic disparity between breeding pairs. These results may also be of conservation value: the inclusion of ex-captive populations in this study will help us to determine if reintroduction of captive orang-utan is available strategy for conservation of the species. 100 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.21.1 Mr. Graham Leslie Banes 140 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : London, 14 Agustus 1987 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph. D Student Insitusi : Darwin College, University of Cambridge Alamat : Primate Immunogeneics and Molecular Ecology PrIME Research Group, Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB3 9EU, U. K. F.22. Skill Learning in Immature Sumatran Orangutans Pongo abelii” Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari keterampilan perilaku belajar Orangutan liar yang belum dewasa. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 8 delapan bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2010. Daerah Peneliian : NAD Suaq Balimbing di TN G. Leuseur Mitra Kerja : M. Syarief Rifqi, Fakultas Biologi UNAS. Abstrak This project will investigate skill learning behavior of wild immature Sumatran orangutans. Special focus will be put on skill acquisition of independently ranging, weaned immatures in order to get insight into learning behavior during the period between weaning and first reproduction. The collected data will be entered into a data base established by students of the University of Zurich who had conducted former projects on skill acquisition. Data of individuals of different age classes, collected during different study periods will help to refine the understanding of skill acquisition of orangutans during immaturity. Data of Sumatran orangutans may be especially helpful, as so far skill learning has primarily been investigated on Bornean orangutans. The data will be compared with the established data of Bornean orangutans to investigate potential differences between the two populations. The aim of this project is to produce additional data to develop skill learning trajectories of orangutans. This will finally help to understand the derived life history of this species. The aim of this project is to investigate skill learning behavior of immature orangutans. Data on the timing of the acquisition of ecological, social and technical skills will help to refine skill learning trajectories. Understanding when animal acquire different skills will help to get a better understanding of the comparably long period of immaturity of orangutans. This will finally give insight into the derived life history of this species. Because of their remarkably long period of immaturity it will be very interesting to test whether the skill learning hypothesis or the expensive brain hypothesis applies to orangutans. Different predictions about the development of skill competence can be made for the two hypotheses: 101 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 1. If the skill learning hypothesis applies to orangutans and the need to learn skills determines the pace of maturaion, immature would reach stable values of ecological competence around the age at irst reproducion. So unil the age of irst reproducion orangutans would be expected to gradually acquire skills and knowledge needed for survival and successful reproducion. 2. The expensive brain hypothesis on the other hand suggest that it is not the number of skills but the energy available that determines the length of immaturity. Therefore ecological competence is not expected to coincide with the age at irst reproducion. To solve these question, data on the acquisition of ecological competence will be produced by studying immatures of different ages. In terms of feeding competence, diet composition, processing techniques including tool use, at least in Suaq Balimbing, feeding rates and range use features will be analyzed. Further the development of non food related skills will be described. Examples of non food related skills are technological skills ex.nest building or building of head covers against the rain, and social skills. Special focus will be put on juveniles, which already range independently from their mothers as it is crucial to analyze akill acquisition during this period of life to test the two hypotheses. Further, the collected data will be compared with data on the development of skill competence of immature orangutans at the Tuanan study site in Borneo. F.22.1 Ms. Caroline Schuppli 141 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Fraunfeld, 24 Agustus 1987 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of Zurich, Anthropologisches Insitut und Museum. Email : Alamat : Bürglipark 5, 8820 Wadenswil, Switzerland. F.23 Social Relaionship Agonisic and Ailiaive Interacions in Commensal Pop- ulaion of Long-tailed Macaques Macaca Fascicularis in Bali, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mempelajari hubungan sosial dalam kelompok simbiosis komensalis memonyet berekor panjang di daerah Candi Uluwatu Bali selatan Kecamatan Badung Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 05 lima bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Bali Mitra Kerja : Lemlit Pusat Kajian Primata – Universitas Udayana Dr. I Nengah Wandia, Msi, DVM 102 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.23.1 Mr. Oliver C.D. Lebeau 142 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Anderlecht, 31 Januari 1986 Warga Negara : Belgia Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Faculty of Sciences of FUNDP and University of Liege Belgium Email : Alamat : Rue de Bruxelles, 66, 500 Namur - Belgium F.24 Tesing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis on Orangutans : Variaion in Exploraion, Intelligence and Response to Novelty” Tujuan Peneliian : Menguji hipotesis “Cultural Intelligence’ pada orangutan Ecotone. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Tuanan, Mawas Reserve, Kalteng, dan Suaq Balimbing, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Banda Aceh Mitra Kerja : UNAS Jakarta UNAS – Mr. Tatang Mitra Seia Abstrak The cultural intelligence hypothesis states that the conditions for social learning during development affect how intelligent an individual can become, thus animals with a similar brain size that grow up in a more complex social and cultural environment are capable of more cognitively complex behavior. The main goal of this PhD project will be to test the cultural intelligence hypothesis on one of human’s closets relatives, the orangutan. Previously performed work on orangutans at both the islands of Borneo and Sumatra has generated a very diverse picture regarding sociality. To this date documented variance in opportunities for social learning between our two chosen study populations, Tuanan in east Kalimantan and Suaq Balimbing in Sumatra, is the basis for our interesting in testing the possible cognitive differences between these socially dissimilar populations. In this study we aim to examine whether the differences between these populations caused by sociality, affects response to novelty, neophobia as well as general intelligence in form of problem solving tasks. We will approach these goals by detailed field observations and an experimental set up at both sites. The study will be carried out approximately 10 months at each study site, starting in May 2010. 103 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.24.1 Ms. Soia Forss 143 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Jacobstad, 16 September 1981 Warga Negara : Finlandia Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Antropological Insitute and Museum, University of Zurich Email : Alamat : 8057 Zurich Swirzerland F.25 Nesing Posiion and Chemical Properies of Nesing Material in Relaion to Mozquito Avoidance in Sumatran Orangutans Pongo abelii” Tujuan Peneliian : Menginvesigasi tanaman dengan kandungan ani nyamuk dan penggunaan tanaman tersebut oleh orangutan sebagai ani parasit Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 05 lima bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Suaq Balimbing, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Banda Aceh Mitra Kerja : UNAS Jakarta UNAS – Mr. Tatang Mitra Seia Abstrak Recent studies of Bornean orangutans Pongo pygmaeus in Central Kalimantan have reported that this population prefers certain tree species for nest building. The aim of this study is to investigate if Sumatran orangutans Pongo abelii at Suaq Balimbing, Aceh Selatan also show a preference for certain tree species and if the reason for their choice are similar to the ones proposed for Bornean orangutans. The study will concentrate on two possible factors influencing nesting behavior: mosquito repellent effects of the nest site and nesting position. Field experiments have already shown that live intact plants are able to repel mosquitoes and studies of Bornean orangutans imply that they incorporate such parasite repelling abilities of tree species in their nesting choice. Thus in Suaq leaves of trees often selected for nesting will be tested for possible mosquito-repelling properties using mosquito traps. The nesting position influences to which extent the animal is exposed to rain and wind and those factors in turn impact on parasite abundance. How far nesting position really affects exposure to such parasites will be examined using again mosquito traps. 104 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.25.1 Mr. Jakob Villioth 144 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Friedberg hessen, 29 September 1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Antropological Insitute and Museum, University of Zurich Email : Alamat : 8057 Zurich Swirzerland F.26 Playing Behaviour in Infant Orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii and Pongo abelii: The Role of Object Manipulaion and Social Play Tujuan Peneliian : Membandingkan kebiasaan bermain dari dua populasi orangutan yang berbeda Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 05 lima bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Tuanan Kalteng dan Suaq Balimbing Banda Aceh Mitra Kerja : UNAS Jakarta UNAS – Mr. Tatang Mitra Seia Abstrak Recent studies suggest that animal play is an important behavioral phenotype,especially in the phase of an individual’s development and maturation phase. Detailed analyses of play phenomenon can help us grow our understanding of the evolution of social behavior and the interaction of phylogeny, ecology and behavioral development Bekoff 1984. This study is a part of a larger project: “Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in orangutan” and is focusing on the role of play among orangutan infants. We aim to investigate the explorative meaning of object manipulation and the social significance of play with conspecifics. Further we intend to compare playing behavior between two, socially very different orangutan populations, Suaq Balimbing, Sumatra and Tuanan, Kalimantan. F.26.1 Ms. Jacqueline Frias 145 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Zurich, 28 Januari 1984 Warga Negara : Switzerland Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Antropological Insitute and Museum, University of Zurich Email : Alamat : Wuhstrasse 19, 8003 Zurich 105 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.27 Ecological Drivers of Macaque Macaca Ochreata Brunnrscens Crop-Raiding in Buton, Indonesia: Human Responses Implicaions for Conservaion” Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk menelii pilihan makanan liar dan makanan budidaya, yang pening untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidup Monyet Buton di Agroforest Ecotone. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 10 sepuluh bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Hutan Lambusango, hutan Kakenauwe, lahan pertanian berbatasan dengan hutan Lambusango, Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara Mitra Kerja : Fak. Biologi UNAS Dr. Tatang Mitra Seia Abstrak This study concerns the growing problems of crop raiding in subsistence farming communities bordering a protected area and will examine conflict issues in relation to habitat degradation and fragmentation, wild food availability and competition for forest resources, with conservation of a vulnerable “flagship’ species at its core. Predicting behavioural responses and survival probabilities for populations of threatened endemic species in human-dominated and changing environments are global concerns facing many primatologists. This problem is particularly acute for the Buton macaques Macaca ochreata brunnescens, which is endemic to Buton Island, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study aims to investigate wild versus cultivated food choice, which is essential for ensuring the survival of the Buton macaques in this agro forest ecotone. The ecological determinants of crop raiding will be studied over an 18-month period, to assess feeding ecology in relation to forest phenology. Human-wildlife conflict, particularly crop-raiding by wildlife, is an increasing important issue for social and natural scientists in the 21st Century. The results of this PhD study will be used directly to support conservation efforts for the Buton macaque and to benefit the people of Buton. F.27.1 Ms. Rebecca M. Wyper 146 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Irvine, 12 Juli 1986 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : PhD Student Insitusi : Department of Psychology, University of Sirling Email : Alamat : 38 Erskine Street Alva Clackmannashire FK 12 5 LS, United Kingdom 106 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.28 Variaion in Long Call Behaviour and Reacions among Bornean Male Orang- utans Tujuan Peneliian : mendokumentasikan dan memahami suara long call Orangutan jantan dan fungsi-fungsi komunikasinya. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 11 sebelas bulan, mulai 4 Oktober 2010. Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Tuanan dan Cagar Alam Mawas. Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS; FKH IPB Dr. Muhammad Agil an Pusat Studi Satwa Primata IPB Dr. Drh. Joko Pamungkas, M. Sc; Widlife Conservaion Society Dr. Noviar Andayani.. Abstrak Sexual dismorphism is common in a wide range of animal species. Where sexual selection is at work, males often exhibit striking seconday sexual characteristics. While in most species all the males carry these ornaments, in orang-utans, two different adult male morphs exits: aflanged and an unflanged one. Flenged males, which tend to be dominant at least over unflanged males, have developed cheek flanges, a throat sac, and have considerably grown in size and in weight. Unflanged males are sexually mature as well, despite their arrested or delayed development of secondary sexual traits. These two forms of adult males follow different reproductive strategies. Females prefer flanged males and are attracted by their long calls, vocalisations that can be heard over large distances. In Sumatra, unflanged males are more mobile and actively seek and pursue females who often refuse their mating attempts, which results in forced copulations. In Borneo, flanged males travel on the ground sometimes and in addition to emitting long calls may actively pursue females and may also engage in forced copulations. While males tend to dlay development of full secondary sexual characteristics in Sumatra, such arrested development is probably less pronounced in Bornean orangutans. Hormones play a substantial role in controlling the development of secondary sexual traits, mating strategies, and reproductive behaviour. Among these are testosterone, an important androgen, and the stress hormone cortisol. This project aim to contribute to longterm investigation into the relationships between levels of testosterone and cortisol with dominance rank, long call vocaliasations, and different developmental stages in Bornean Orang-utans Pongo pygmaues, in order to gain more insight into the function and evolution of male bimaturism. 107 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.28.1 Ms. Meret Lilian Signer 147 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : 22 Juni 1985 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : University of Zurich, Insitute of Evoluioner Biology and Environmental Studies. Email : Alamat : Einsiedlerdtrasse 3, 8820 Wadenswil, Switzerland F.29 Conservaion in A Sacred Forest: An Integrated Approach for Assessing the Long-Term Conservaion Potenial of Javan Gibbons Hylobates moloch in a Human-Impacted Forest Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari upaya-upaya konservasi alam dengan pendekatan sosial terpadu. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 14 Juli 2010. Daerah Peneliian : Jabar Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang di Kab. Garut. Mitra Kerja : KONUS – Indonesia Nature Conservaion Foundaion Asep R. Purnama. Abstrak Primate studies have traditionally focused on primate behaviour in habitats where humans are absent. Yet, a continually increasing human population is resulting in concomitantly increasing interactions-both direct and indirect-between human and non-human primate populations. It is therefore critical to understand the consequences of human-non-human primate interactions to build sound conservation policy and implement appropriate tactics. Thus, in this study I propose to evaluate the impact of human presence on non-human primate population viability, and address the following questions: 1 to what extent does human presence cause primates to alter their behaviors, and; 2 do these behavioral alterations affect the survival of the species? Because primates are behaviorally flexible, exposure to humans often does not result in death or reproductive cessation, however behavioral changes within a lifetime can alter activity budgets, which can influence individual fitness, which in turn can affect population growth rates. While such changes may be insignificants in large populations, they may have large affects on small populations of animals. Therefore, I aim to address the question of how proximate behavioral responses to human activity by the endangered Javan gibbon Hylobates Moloch may affect their long-term survival as a species. Nature-based tourism, in which wildlife or natural features draw tourists to a site, but where tourists may or may not contribute to long term conservation, is a major source of interaction between human and non-human primates. The intensity of nature-based 108 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 tourism can vary from highly invasive, which would include provisioning and direct contact with wildlife, to much more low impact, which would include tourist groups viewing wildlife with little interaction or ignoring wildlife completely, as wildlife viewing may not be an objective of the visit. Not all species suffer negative effects from tourism, such as behavioral alterations and increased energy expenditure e.g. black striped capuchins, Cebus libidinosus. However, even in cases where human actions e.g.noise from walking in groups, talking, viewing animals are seemingly low impact, primates may alter their behaviors in the presence of humans. For example, black howler monkeys Alouatta pigra scatter, flee to higher in the canopy, or come to the ground when tourist groups are present despite years of exposure to them. Pygmy marmosets Callithrix pygmaea will increase their home-range size, travel to non-preferred strata levels, vocalize and engage in less frequent social play, and have fewer offspring when exposed to human presence. Behavioral changes such as these can have the proximal effect of raising an individual’s daily energy expenditure, which can influence total fitness and individual reproductive output, and, ultimately-population parameters. Population growth is affected by the birthrate and mortality rate of a species. If birthrate is greater than mortality rate, a population continues to increase, but if mortality exceeds birthrates, a population will decrease. Behavioral changes are unlikely to affect an individual adult animal’s survival, and therefore the adult mortality rate of a population. However, infant mortality rate can increase. Moreover, if animals are not able to compensate for changes in energy expenditure-as a consequences, for example, of increased day range-birthrates can decrease as a consequences of less available energy devoted to reproduction. These known consequences of behavioral and reproductive adjustments to human presence result in slowed population growth. Large populations have a greater capacity to withstand demographic stochasiticy than small and isolated populations, and Javan gibbons are restricted to many small, isolated populations throughout the island of Java Large- bodied, slow-growing mammalian species such as gibbons living in small populations are at greatest risk for extinction and are especially sensitive to changes in growth rates; a shrinking population can easily result in local extinction of that population, which impacts the ultimate survival of the species. My goal is this pilot study is to investigate the effects of incidental nature-based tourism i.e. tourism geared towards nature viewing but not towards animal viewing, so contact with animals is incidental on Javan gibbon behavior. Javan gibbons are endemic to the Western half of Java, and are critically endangered. Over 91 of the forets cover in Java has been lost, but deforestation has slowed considerably in recent years, and most gibbons now live in small, protected reserves that are frequently utilized by the people living nearby. Therefore, this species fate in large part relies on how well they can survive and deal with anthropogenic stressors in the remaining fragments. My specific research goal is to address this issue by assessing the ability of one population of Javan gibbons to acclimate to human proximity, which is often a direct consequence of fragmentation. I propose to conduct research on Javan gibbons living in the Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang CALS,West Java. My research design will center on comparing individual animal behavior when in the presence of tourist to animal behavior when humans are absent; additionally I will compare gibbon groups with a history of interaction with humans to gibbon groups with no such history of interaction. 109 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.29.1 Ms. Melissa Ann Reisland 148 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Ohio, U. S. A., 30 Juni 1982 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph. D Student Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology , University of Wisconsin Email : Alamat : 2251 Pimm. T Pr. Apt 1423, Falls F.30 Referenial Acousic Signalling in Wild Sumatra Orangutans Pongo Abelii Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji dan menafsirkan panggilansuara akuisik Orangutan sebagai peringatan terhadap sesama Orangutan terhadap kehadiran predator atau hewan lainnya. . Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 9 sembilan bulan, mulai 19 Juli 2010. Daerah Peneliian : NAD Pusat Peneliian Ketambe di Taman Nasional Gunung Leuseur Aceh Tenggara. Mitra Kerja : Ike N. Nayasilana, S. Si, Fakultas Biologi, UNAS. F.30.1 Mr. Cedric Poulus Arthur Hall 149 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Hilversum, 19 Mei 1987 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Dept. of Biology, Utrecht University Email : Alamat : Nieuwe Keizersgracht 92 Netherland F.31 Monitoring Populaion Trends of Threatened Primates on Siberut Island, Indonesia” Tujuan Peneliian : Melakukan survei dan monitoring populasi primata di P. Siberut Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 04 empat bulan, mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar P. Siberut Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Dr. Agus Kartono 110 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Abstrak Siberut island of the Mentawai archipelago off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, harbours four of five primate species endemic to the archipelago: Simias concolor, Hylobates klossii, Macaca siberu, and Presbytis potenziani. All four species are IUCN listed as globally threatened, assessed in 2009, suggesting declining population trends; recently three of the four species were uplisted, highlighting importance for conservation action. Siberut primates face threats from habitat loss due to looging and agriculture, and also of hunting for food. This project assessed population densities for all four species at the field site of the Siberut Conservation Project in North Siberut, which is currently a safe haven for primates but is potentially affected by very recent logging in the region. A combination of two different methods to estimate species abundance and densities was used; line-transects and triangulation, which is a common method of auditory sampling to estimate gibbon densities. The study took place between 30th of August and 30th of November 2010. A line transect survey effort of 155 km was achieved. In this report we analysed data up to 148 km and sighted a total of 478 primate groups including auditory and visual counts. S. concolor was counted 222, P.potenzia 70, H.klossii 100 and M.siberu 82 times. In comparison to result from 2005 it seems that S.concolor, P.potenziani and H.klosii increased there densities slightly whereas M.siberu seems to have a slight decrease in population size compared to 2005. If the differences are statistically significant must still be analysed. The differences could be because of agriculture conversion of land at the SCP border and the use of ground traps in which whole M.siberu families can be caught might have had an influence. To make a more accurate statement further data analysis is needed. Triangulation was conducted at four different locations, with each three listening posts, within the study area. Data were collected on three up to four consecutive days at each site. The result have shown a slightly lower density of H.klosii then we achieved by the census, but also for the data gained by triangulation further analysis is needed. F.31.1 Ms. Andrea Hoing 150 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Hoxter, 26 – 02 – 1980 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Georg August University Goingen Email : Alamat : Im Wiesengrund 21, 37671 Hoexter, Germany 111 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.32 Body Size and Ecological Segregaion in Sympatric Sumatran Hylobaiada e Hylobates agilis and Symphalangus syndactylus Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii segregasi ekologi gibbon Sumatera dan Siamang dengan analisis penggunaan kanopi hutan, perilaku posisi dan rentang wilayah Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Sumut Batang Toru barat Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi, UNAS Adi Saputra Abstrak Extant apes have served as models for reconstructing ape and human ancestors. Many of these models assume an ancestor that was Asian ape-like. The purpose of this study is to document the feedingforaging strategies, positional behavior, and ranging behaviors of sympatric Sumatran gibbons Hylobates agilis and siamangs Symphalangus syndactylus. Hylobatids are the first of the extant apes to diverge from the human ancestral line. They are exclusively arboreal and exhibit considerable variation in body size. Previous work has demonstrated that body size is associated with differences in primate positional behavior and range use; however, gibbons and siamangs are relatively understudied in these regards. The Asian hylobatids provide an interesting case study of alternative ecological strategies among sympatric arboreal frugivores. Observations of wild gibbons and siamangs will be conducted at West Batang Toru Forest Black, Sumatra, Indonesia. Associations between body size, feedingforaging strategies, positional behavior, and range use of these, the taxonomically most primitive and arboreal extant apes, will be sought. Identifications of these associations will improve the current understanding of selective pressure that may have contributed to the evolution of apes and humans. Broader Impact: A key factor for all conservation efforts is an understanding of the community ecology of a given ecosystem. This study provides data on the forest utilization of wild sympatric gibbon and siamang populations. The hylobatids are key to understanding the overall primate biota of the West Batang Toru Forest Block, as they are two of the main resource competitors of the critically endangered Sumatran orangutan Pongo abelii. 112 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.32.1 Mr. Mathew Gerard Nowak, M.A. 151 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Indiana, 29 – Mei 1981 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University E-mail : Alamat : Departement of Anthropology, Carbondale,IL 42901-4502 F.33 Orangutan pongo pygmaeus morio Ranging in East Kalimantan Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari kemampuan adaptasi dan leksibilitas dan aspek aspek sosio-ecologic Oranguitan Pongo Pygmaeus morio baik di habitat normal maupun di habitat ekstrem rusak dan idak familiar Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan mulai April 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalim Taman Nasional Kutai Mitra Kerja : Balai Taman Nasional Kutai Kalim Ir. Tandya Tjahjana dan Mazhar Abstrak This project aims to study ranging and its flexibilities in Pongo pygmaeus morio, the orangutans of E Kalimantan. New comparison show morio as the extreme of orangutan adaption: morio faces the harshest environment and my therefore have distinct morphology, behavior, and life history. Most morio data are 20-25 year old, however. They not good enough verify these distinctions, they suggest others difference, and they represent conditions that may no longer exits because natural disasters and development since damaged and fragmented much of morio’s habitat. New studies of morio are then needed, and ranging is good place of start. Orangutan ranging is determined mainly by two resources, fruit and mating partners, but there biology and ecology make it extremely complex. First orangutan have enormous food need because of their extremely large size, but they live in forests know for poor, irregular food productivity . Second their main foods are patchy in time and space, so their ranging must be flexible. Third orangutan must learn their complex ranging skill but they do so very slowly because they develop extremely slowly. Studying ranging then offer a good view of how orangutan use space and resources, including those caused by habitat change. In addition to enhancing our understanding of orangutan biology, ranging studies may contribute to managing morio- human conflicts by improving understanding of why and how morio change their ranging patterns and where they cannot. Objectives of this project include reassessing morio ranging and flexibilities by assessing long-term ranging patterns in normal habitat and, as possible, in extreme damaged and unfamiliar habitat. Concepts and methods developed for studying primate spatial cognition will be used as well as standard socio-ecological 113 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 methods developed for studying primate spatial cognition will be used as well as standard socio-ecological method. In 2009, aims are to lunch they study of morio ranging in near normal habitat Kutai National Park, and if possible, in unfamiliar habitat rehabilitant orangutans adjusting to forest life in forest schools or release forests managed by Yayasan BOS, Samboja Lestari. F.33.1 Prof. Dr. Anne Eleanor Russon, M.Sc., M.A. 152 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Toronto, 20 – 05 – 1947 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Professor Insitusi : Dept. of Psychology, Glendon College, York University E-mail : Alamat : Psycology Dep’t, Glendon College of York University, Toronto M4N 3M6, Kanada F.34 The Inluence of Habitat on the Posiional Behaviour of Wild Orsng-Utang Pongo abeli in the Leuser Ecosystem Suaq Balimbing Ketambe, Suma- tra, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari keterkaitan antara perilaku posisional dengan ekologi kondisi hutan habitat Orangutan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 6 enam bulan Daerah Peneliian : NAD suaq Balimbing dan Stasiun riset Ketambe di TN G. Leuser Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi, UNAS Drs. Amran S.L. Tobing, M.Si Abstrak This study will examine the positional behaviour i.e. locomotion and posture of orang-utan in suaq Balimbing, Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatera. The Positional behaviour, in additional to number of habitat and support use variables will be used to identify key associations apply as have been found in previous studies ketambe and sebangau. In addition, forest structure and support availability will be quantified at both suaq Balimbing and Ketembe in order ti assess the extent to which forest structure influences positional behaviour. Finally, morphological feature P. p abelii in order to examine the influence of body size on locomotion which may contribute to difference in locomotion between orang-utan species. Hence, the data collected in this study will help improve our understanding of the relationship between locomotion body size and habitat use of orang-utan. 114 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.34.1 Ms. Kirsten Louise Manduell 153 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Oloham, 05 – 03 – 1974 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Bi rmingham University, School of Biosciences E-mail : Alamat : University of Birmingham, School of Biosciences, Edgbaston, B15 2TT, United Kingdom F.35 Cultural and Non-Cultural Variaion in Acousic Repertoire and Referenial Knowledge in Wild Orangutans Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji vocal dan panggilan accousic repertoire and calls Orangutan di dua populasi Sumatra dan Kalimantan dan mengkaji kandungan semanik panggilan Orangutan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 6 enam bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NAD Statsiun Peneliian Ketambe di TN G. Leuser Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS Dr. Suci Utami dan Ike N. Nayasilana, S.Si Abstrak This study has two main objectives. Firs, it aims to determine the variation in the orangutan acoustic repertoire of four study populations three on Sumatra, one on Borneo. Variation can occur on two levels : 1 Variation in the acoustical structure of the same call type e.g. long calls between contexts, sexes andor individuals and populations and 2 presenceabsence of certain call types in one population but not in another population. Both levels of variation are known to occur in orangutans but have not been documented well for noteworthy studies on this subject see van Schaik et al. 2006, Hardus et al. in prep. There are three factors that are important to explain both levels of variation : genetic, ecological, and social transmission cultural. Addressing both levels of variation will provide us with a detailed database on orangutan calls that can be used to carefully examine the factors affecting this variation. This part of the study will therefore focus on variation in orangutan vocalization on all levels and will provide us with the first detailed results on variation in a board array of orangutan vocalizations between study sites. In case some acoustic variation andor repertoire patterns can not be explained by ecological or genetic factors between orangutans populations, these could represent dialects. The second aim of this study is to examine the semantic content of orangutan calls. Observational studies of variation in the same call types in relation to context indicate these vocalizations may have referential meaning e.g. Notman Rendall 2005. The most recent descriptive work on orangutan repertoire Hardus et al. in prep has also revealed the existence of contextual variation in several orangutan calls. When orangutans consistently show particular responses to particular calls, these calls can be used in play- 115 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 back experiments to determine whether orangutans can obtain information about the events in the environment from calls of others. Both these objectives will enlarge our understanding of the roots of human vocal behavior and the emergence of language. F.35.1 Mr. Adriano Reis Lameira 154 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Lisboa, 01 – 09 –1982 Warga Negara : Portugis Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Faculty of Biology - University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Email : Alamat : RNA Amelia Rey Cozaco, N : 7, 10 A, 1500-037 Lisboa F.36 Ecology or Culture: Individual Variaion and efect of Logging on Orangutan Diet and feeding Techniques at Ketambe, Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Menetukan variasi diet dan teknik pemberian makan Orangutan dan dampak penebangan hutan terhadap diet dan teknik pemberian makan Orangutan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 6 enam bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NAD Statsiun Peneliian Ketambe di TN G. Leuser Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi Uiversitas Nasional Dr. Suci Utami dan Ike N. Nayasilana, S.Si Abstrak The basis of survival, growth and reproduction for all animals, so also for orangutans, is foraging. A central question in ecological studies is why and how animals select the foods that comprise their diets. It is known that for orangutans, the development of food choice is likely to be a combination of individual and social learning, but strong evidence remains absent. Orangutans are highly threatened and the severest threat is loss of habitat due to logging. A loss of habitat will influence food availability and learning opportunities thus will interfere with orangutans foraging strategies. Investigating feeding habits and transmission of such behaviours in orangutans will enable us to understand how tree species and forest composition influence ultimately one of the highest levels of social behavior in animal – the emergence of culture. In addition, this study will broaden our knowledge of the origin of culture in hominin evolution. The Ketambe area Leuser Ecosystem, Aceh provides a unique opportunity to investigate this, since part of the area has been subject to logging during the Aceh conflict and research on orangutans had been conducted for 30 years prior to logging. 116 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.36.1 Ms. Madeleine Eline Hardus, M.Sc. 155 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Gouda, 09 – 05 – 1980 Warga Negara : Belanda Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Faculty of Biology - University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Email : Alamat : Papenhoeglaan 91, 34212 XN Oudewatee F.37 Dietary Changes from Childhood to Adulthood in Wild Orangutans Pongo abelii Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari bagaimana perubahan pola makan Orangutan secara individual setelah disapih induknya dan hidup mandiri Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : NAD Statsiun Peneliian Ketambe di TN G. Leuser Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS Dr. Suci Utami Abstrak The basis of survival, growth and reproduction for all animals is faraging. A central question in behavioral and ecological studies is why and how animals select the foods that comprise their diets. It is known that for orangutans, the development of food choice is likely to be a combination of individual and social learning, but strong evidence remains absent. Ecological factors such as food availability and food nutritional and mechanical properties are known to influence diet, however individual’s body size and rank may also play an important role. This study will examine long term orangutan data to assess the development of diet in particular individuals, from childhood to adulthood. According to the Theory of Optimal Foraging, all individuals will tend to maximize their intake of energy and thus, one may expect that development of diet from childhood to adulthood is equivalent between individuals and consequently that they will show similar i.e. high degree of overlap diets. At the same, orangutans have been shown to rely on innovation and social learning to acquire new behaviors into their repertoire. The results of this study will ultimately indicate if orangutan diet is strictly ecology driven, or if individual and social factors also determine the diet of a particular individual. 117 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.37.1 Ms. Anna Chrisina Beina Fromme 156 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Munster, 23 – 03 – 1981 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Faculty of Science Biology, Utrecht University Email : Alamat : Bergdriesch 38, 52062 Aachen Born 23.03.1981 in Munster F.38 Emoion Regulaion in Orangutans Pongo pygmaeus: Comparaive Study with Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and Human Children Homo sapiens Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengkaji dan membandingkan kompetensi emosi dan sosial antara Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus dengan Simpanse Pan troglodytes and anak manusia Homo sapiens Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 06 enam bulan, mulai 22 Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Pusat Perawatan dan Karanina Orangutan di Kab. Pasir Panjang Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Lembaga Peneliian Universitas Katholik Atma Jaya, Jakarta Yassir Nasanius, Ph.D. Abstrak The aim of this project is to investigate individual differences in several temperamental traits and social competence in orangutans Pongo pygmaeus, chimpanzees Pan troglodytes, and human children Homo sapiens. How a species or individual reacts emotionally differs in temperament to various environmental stimuli can play an important role in explaining differences in their behavioural phenotype Fairbanks et al. 2004; Hare, 2007. In human children, it has been shown that differences in emotion- related regulatory capacities are associated with high levels of social competence in their daily life. For example, differences in being able to inhibit a dominant response and acting flexibly in a given situation is related with children’s socially appropriate and prosocial behavior Eisenberg et al. 1995,1997, Murphy et al 2004. The majority of research on temperament in humans and non-human primates has focused on individual variability in temperamental traits within a single species and comparisons across species are mostly neglected Gosling 2001; Kagan Snidman 2004. Until now very little is known about individual differences in the non-human great apes, in general, and especially in regard to their temperament. One reason is that most of the behavioural research done in the past was conducted with very few individuals and with different methods, wich made it impossible to investigate their individual differences systematically. Further, there has been no systematic study that investigated similarities and differences in temperamental traits between humans and their closest living relatives the non-human apes. Therefore, this project will compare the reaction of human children, orangutans and chimpanzees to novelty and uncertainty. Moreover, we 118 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 will investigate if individual temperamental predisposition can predict social competence in each species. We developed six temperamental tasks that can be used to assess and document the individual differences of orangutans, chimpanzees and human children in a standardized manner. In addition we developed a social competence task for orangutans and chimpanzees which investigates each individual social tolerance over food. Moreover, social competence will be assessed by a questionnaire. In this project we also want to find out if age and sex can have an influence on individual differences. F.38.1 Ms. Laura Annelies Damerius 157 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Berlin, 10 – 03 – 1982 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Assistant in Language Emoion Insitusi : Free University Berlin Email : Alamat : Oppelues Sharasse 18, 10997 Berlin F.39 Variaion in Long Call Behaviour and reacions among Bornean Male Oranngutans Tujuan Peneliian : Mendokumentasikan dan memahami suara long call Orangutan jantan dan fungsi-fungsi komunikasinya Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua nelas bulan mulai 4 Oktober 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng Tuanan dan Cagar alam Mawas Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS; FKH IPB Dr. Muhammad Agil dan Pusat Studi Satwa Primata IPB Dr. Drh. Joko Pamungkas, M.Sc.; Wildlife Conservaion Society Dr. Noviar Andayani Abstrak Sexual dimorphism is common in a wide range of animal species. Where sexual selection is at work, males often exhibit striking secondary sexual characteristics. While in most species all the males carry these ornaments, in orang-utans, two different adult male morphs exist: a flanged and an unflaged one. Flanged males, which tend to be dominant at least over unflanged male, have developed cheekflanges, a throat sac, and have considerably grown in size and in weight. Unflenged males are sexually mature as wekk, despite their arrested or delayed development of secondary sexual traits. These two forms of adult males follow different reproductive strategies. Females prefer flanged males and areattracted by their long calls, vocalizations that can be heards over large distances. In Sumatra, unflanged males are more mobile and actively seek and pursue females who often refuse their mating attemps, which results in forced copulations. In Borneo, flanged males travel on the ground sometimes and in additional to emiting long calls may actively pursue females and may also engage in forced copulations. While males tend to delay development of full secondary sexual characteristics in Sumatra, such arrested development is probably less pronounced in Bornean orangutans. 119 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Hormones plays s substantial role in controlling the development of secondary sexual traits, mating strategies, and reproductive behavior. Among these are testosterone, an important androgen, and the stress hormone sortisol. This Project aims to contribute to a longterms investigation into the relationship between levels of testosterone and cortisol with dominance rank, long call Pongo pygmaeus, in order to gain more insight into the function and evolution of male bimaturism. Field work will be carried out at the Tuanan Field Station in Kalteng in Borneo, and will be part of the ongoing research under the Memorandum of understanding between the UNAS of Jakarta UNAS and the Anthropologial Institute Museum of the University of Zurich AIM and BOSMawas. Faecal samples will be collected for hormonal analyses in collaboration with the Vetrinary Hormone Lab at IPB and faecal samples for genetic identity analyses are collected in collabotion with the Pusat Primata at IPB. F.39.1 Ms. Meret Lilian Signer 158 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : 22 Juni 1985 Warga Negara : Swiss Jabatan : M.Sc. Student Insitusi : University of Zurich, Insitute of Evoluioner Biology and Environmental Studies Email : Alamat : 8057 Zurich, Switzerland F.40 The Socio-ecological Studies on Wild Orangutan and Non-Human Primate in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Mengkaji aspek sosiologi, ekologi dan perilaku Orngutan Genus Hylobates Presbyis, Nasalis dan Macaca Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Kalim TN Kutai Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Biologi LIPI Dr. Soegardjito dan Yuli Sulistyo Fitriani Abstrak Field studies on sociology, ecological and behavior of orangutans and Kalimantan species of non-human primates, especially of the genus Hylobates, Presbytis, Nasalis and Macaca. Comparative studies of these, together with the studies already completed or in progress in Sumatra, Java and Mentawai, and also in Africa will yield a solid and systematic basses to construct theories on social evolution of primates’ species. Ecological studies of the structure and dynamics of the community of arboreal mammals, with the primates as 120 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 a key group, and evaluation of the human impact on these in the Lowland Tropical Rain Forest. Comparative studies of Physiology and Anatomy of such a species. Research on the conservation of Orangutans and other kind of Non-human primates species in East Kalimantan. F.40.1 Dr. Akira Suzuki 159 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Japan, 02 – 01 – 1939 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Execuive Director Insitusi : Man of Forest Foundaion E-mail : Alamat : 5-11-8 Ikuta Tama , Kawasaki Japan F.41 Tesing the Cultural Intelligence hypothesis in Orangutans : I. Variaion in the development of the skill set Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk menguji hipotesis “cultural intelligence’ pada orangutan. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai Juni 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Tuanan Kalteng dan Suaq balimbing Banda Aceh Mitra Kerja : UNAS Jakarta UNAS – Mr. Tatang Mitra Seia Abstrak The concept of general intelligence was developed for humans, but recent work demonstrating its existence in nonhuman primates suggests evolutionary continuity. The adaptive significance of general intelligence must lie in the set of learned skills it generates for its bearer, rather than in an abstract ability per se. The cultural intelligence hypothesis claims that the conditions for social learning during development affect how intelligent an individual can become, by affecting how many learned skills an individual can acquire. It also claims that on evolutionary timescales, these conditions affect selection of the underlying learning ability. Here, we plan to test the developmental version, especially the predictions i that animals in populations with more opportunities for social learning, and thus a greater repertoire of learned skills, should show greater intelligence problem- solving ability when tested, and ii that the increased learning ability is likely to make the animals more exploratory and less novelty-averse. We intend to test these predictions by comparing wild orangutans on Borneo and Sumatra, which are known to differ widely in sociability and therefore opportunities foe social learning and repertoires of cultural variants, and as a control test the same two taxa in captivity, where the social conditions are much more similar and constant proximity with conspecifics and humans should produce better opportunities for social learning. We expect to find i a pronounced difference in general intelligence in the wild and no or a much smaller one in captivity, 121 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 thus linking early conditions to the cognitive skill set of adults and ii a pronounced difference between the captive and the wild populations, with captive ones having better current learning abilities. Importantly, we will simultaneously identify the responsible processes as much as possible. If the results emerge as predicted, this will bolster the idea that intelligence, innovation and culture as socially transmitted information are causally linked, and thus support the cultural intelligence hypothesis, the evolutionary version of which states that systematic differences in the efficiency of learning across populations or species should lead to variable thresholds of selection on the innate learning ability due to the feedback on fitness through the set of learned skills. Comparative tests of the evolutionary predictions of the cultural intelligence hypothesis are planned. F.41.1 Ms. Nicole Zweifel 160 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Schanis-Dorf SG, 29 Oktober 1982 Warga Negara : Switzerland Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Antropological Insitute and Museum, University of Zurich Email : nzweifelgmx.cet Alamat : Schlathibel 15, 5079 Zeihen F.42 An Invesigaion to Compare Loud Calls in Mentawai macaques on Difer- ent Islands of the mentawai Archipelago Tujuan Peneliian : Membandingkan penggunaan loud call pada jenis beruk macaque di tempat dan pulau yang berbeda dan mengklariikasi hubungan taksonomi antara Macaca siberut dan Macaca pagensis Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 5 lima bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar P. Siberut dan Kepulauan Mentawai Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB Ir. Dones Rinaldi, M.Sc., Dodi Priata, S. Hut Abstrak The genus Macaca is unique among the non-human primates for the range of habitats it has colonised. Ten macaque species inhabit the Indonesian archipelago Fooden, 1980; Groves, 1980; Groves, 1996, Evans et al., 1999. This is the only area in the world where oceanic islands are sufficiently stocked by primates to allow significant assessment of the population in terms of evolution and conservation Abegg et al, 2002. Due to its geological and zoogeographical separation for 0.5 – 1.0 Mio years, the Mentawai islands off Sumatras west coast are characterized by an unusual high rate of endemism. All of the five currently recognized primate species, namely the Kloss gibbon Hylobates klossii, Pig tailed langur Simias concolor, Mentawai langur Presbytis potenziani the Siberut macaque Macaca siberu and the Mentawai macaque Macaca pagensis are endemic to this archipelago 122 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Watanabe, 1981; Roos et al., 2003; Ziegler et al. 2007. The populations of these primate species are threatened by various factors, e.g. legal and illegal logging, conversion of the forest into oil palm plantations, forest clearing and product extraction by local people, hunting and pet trade Whittaker, 2006. The aims of the study are: 1. To compare structural features and usage of loud calls in macaques from diferent Mentawai islands. 2. To clairy the taxonomic relaionship of Macaca siberu and Macaca pagensis at a biological level. 3. To evaluate the role of loud calls in the progress of speciicaion. The study will be carried out on Siberut, the northernmost and largest island of the Mentawai Islands, situated on the offshore of Sumatra and comprising approximately 4,030 km2. Siberut is generally hilly, although the highest elevation is only 384m above sea level Watanabe, 1981. The study site is situated in the Peleonan Forest, Norhern Siberut, and is part of the Siberut Conversion Project. For the latter half of the total time period, the experiment will be based at a second, not yet determined location, on one of the other islands of the Mentawai archipelago. Due to the geographical separation of Mentawai macaques we expect substantial differences in the structure of loud calls of Macaca siberu and Macaca pagensis. F.42.1 Ms. Jessica Brown 161 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Pietermartzburg, 18 – 07 – 1985 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Research Student Insitusi : German Primate Center Email : Alamat : 12 a Thrit’s Walk, Cambridge CB 1NR F.42.2 Ms. Anne Sophie Helene Pellier 162 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Le Mans, 24 – 08 – 1985 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Research Assistant - Student Insitusi : Deutches PrimatenzentrumDPZ Email : Alamat : I Allee des Saules, 72230 RUAUDIN, Farnce Home Phone : +33 123 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.43 To Which Extent Can Kloss’ Gibbon Adapt Their Songs to Diferent Environ- mental Condiions? Tujuan Peneliian : Membandingkan nyayian Siamang Kerdil Hylobates klosii di dua jenis habitat hutan yang berbeda serta menentukan apakah hutan rawa dapat digunakan sebagai habitat lain siamang kerdil Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 5 lima bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar P. Siberut Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB Ir. Dones Rinaldi, M.Sc., Dodi Priata, S. Hut Abstrak This research will study Kloss’ Gibbon on the Island of Siberut in the Mentawai Archipelago. Siberut Island is 403,000 ha and is the largest island in the Mentawai chain. It lies about 135 km off the coast of West Sumatra and has been separated from mainland Sumatra for at least 500,000 years Eliot Bickersteth, 2000; Asian Development Bank, 2001. The island is hilly and heavily forested including mangrove, swamp, and dipterocarp forests and there is almost daily rainfall Hess, 2005. Daily temperatures range from 22 oC to 31 oC Meyers, 2006. Aims of the study are : 1. to compare Kloss gibbon songs Hylobates klossii in two diferently forested habitats, i.e. lowland rainforest and peat swamp forest. 2. to describe possible vocal lexibility in Kloss gibbon songs. 3. to determine the extend to which gibbons use the peat swamp forest as home range habitat. Different groups of Kloss gibbons will be recorded in two locations. The first location is the SCP field station within the primary rainforest. The second location is the peat swamp forest near the ecolodge on the northern coast of Siberut. The transition between peat swamp forest and primary lowland forest occurs approximately 2.5 – 3.5 km away from the seashore. Both locations have a transect system which can be used to find and allow gibbons Ziegler et al., 2005; Quinten, 2008. The result will show whether Kloss gibbon are able to adapt their songs to different environmental conditions. Further, the results will enhance our knowledge about the possibility of Kloss gibbon to use peat swamp forest habitats and therefore give us further implications for conservation. 124 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.43.1 Ms. Emma Jane Henrieta Fenton 163 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : London, 22 – 11 – 1984 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Research Student Insitusi : German Primate Center Email : Alamat : 55 De Beauvoir Road, London, N1 5 AU F.44 Ecological and Behavioural Correlates of Populaion Density in Bornean Gibbon Species” Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk melakukan survei terhadap populasi Gibbons Hylobates Albibarbis dan Hylobates Muelleri di habitat yang rusak dan terancam sebagai akibat konversi fungsi hutan menjadi lahan pertanian Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai 05 Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng TN Sebangau dan Palangka Raya; Kalim Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain dan Balikpapan Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Dr. Ir. Suwido Limin Abstrak Both species of Bornean Gibbons Hylobates albibarbis and Hylobates Muelleri are threatened by the destructrion of their habitat or its conversion to agriculture land and are listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species 2008. In order to inform conservation plans to protect those species and their habitat, understanding the complex links between forest and the density of the Gibbon population they can support is essential. Previous research, undertook at the M.Sc. level at Oxford Brookes University, showed that the density of H. Albibaribis was strong correlated with vegetation variables in the peat-swamp forest ecosystem of the Sabangau cathment, in Indonesian Borneo, Gibbons were found to be present at higher density where large, high trees remainded, with good canopy cover, Food availability was found to be weakly correlated with gibbon density. Building on these resulths, the proposed study will seek to confirm the existence of such correlations in Sabangau. 125 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.44.1 Ms. Marie Claire Laure Hamard 164 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Bois Guillaume, 14 – 09 – 1984 Warga Negara : Perancis Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Oxford Brookes University Email : Alamat : 10 Beauchamp Place, Oxford OX4 3NE, UK F.45 Vocalizaion and Pair-Bonding Behaviors in Bornean Southern Gibbon Hylo- bates albibarbis in Sebangau Naional Park, Central kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mempelajari perilaku sosial Gibbon Kalimantan Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 2 dua bulan, mulai 05 Juli 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng TN Sebangau dan Palangka Raya Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya Dr. Ir. Suwido Limin Abstrak In Sabangau, I aim to study how Bornean southern gibbon dueting frequency and song duration correlates to affiliative social behaviors such as grooming, mating and play and agonistic behaviors such as chasing, biting, grabbing, and fear grimace facial features. I predict that increased dueting within a mated pair is positively correlated with affiliative behaviors grooming, mating, and play, and is negatively correlated with aggressive behaviors chasing, biting, and grabbing. I hope to add to current scarce data on Bornean southern gibbon vocalization and the literature on the function of dueting behavior in gibbons. F.45.1 Ms. Grace Skye Enlow 165 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, 05 – 08 – 1981 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Graduate Student in Primate Behavior Program Insitusi : Central Washington University Email : Alamat : 501 West 11 th AVE ELLENSBURG WA 98926 USA 126 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.46 Feeding Ecology and Food Compeiion in Siberut Macaques Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari pengaruh karakterisik sumber makanan terhadap model kompeisi pola pencarian makanan dan konsekuensi sosialnya Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai Januari 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sumbar P. Siberut Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Dr. drh. Muhammad Agil, M.Sc.Agr. Abstrak Ecological conditions are known to influence the social structure of most animal species. The extent and complexity of this influence and the characteristics of such an interaction are, however, not yet fully understood. Food resources and their properties e.g. distribution, quality and abundance play a central role in the interaction between ecology and sociality as they are the shaping factors of all types of food competition, one of the major costs group-living animals are facing. Primate species show pronounced differences in both their social structure and habitat ecology and are thus appropriate taxa for such investigations. The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of these questions by investigating the feeding ecology and patterns of food competition in Siberut macaques Macaca siberu, an endangered species endemic to the small island of Siberut Indonesia, which is part of one of the biodiversity hotspots in the world. Specifically, we will investigate i the influence of food resource characteristics on the mode of feeding competition and its social consequences, ii how seasonality in the habitat affects seasonality in reproduction, and iii how nutritional and social conditions affects physiological stress levels. After the habituation of two groups, detailed behavioural data e.g. agonistic interactions, group spread, home range size, feeding party composition and ecological data e.g. food resource distribution, abundance, quality and phenology will be collected, accompanied by chemical analysis of food items and hormonal data on stress levels, physical condition and female reproductive success. Results of this study will provide the first detailed description of ecological characteristics of the habitat of Siberut macaques, and are thus an important basis for conservation plans of this endangered primate species. Results of this study will also help to explain and understand the interactions between ecology and social structure and thus further the development of general theoretical concepts. 127 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.46.1 Mr. Pierre Gras 166 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Peine, 25 – 12 – 1984 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : M.Sc. Student Insitusi : Georg August University of Goingen Email : Alamat : Porschweg 10, 37075 F.47 An Invesigaion into Home-Range Use and Resource Compeiion of the Maroon Langur Presbyis rubicunda and sympatric Primates of the Se- bangau Peat-Swamp Forest, Central Kalimantan Tujuan Peneliian : mempelajari kompeisi di antara lutung merah dalam memperebutkan sumber-sumber makanan dan habitat di hutan yang telah mengalami deforestrasi dan degradasi. Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 6 enam bulan, mulai 12 Juli 2010. Daerah Peneliian : Kalteng TN. Sebangau dan Palangka Raya. Mitra Kerja : Dr. Ir. Suwido Limin H., M. S., CIMTROP – Universitas Palangka Raya. Abstrak In the last 50 years,the island of Borneo has lost over 56 of its lowland rainforest and is currently losing more than 1.2 million hectares annually to deforestation. Conservation strategies for threatened biodiversity are therefore rapidly required to ensure its long term survival. Pre-requisites, such as home-range reqirements and resource competition are vital for informing such actions. However, studies of the maroon langur, Presbytis rubicunda-an endemic to Borneo-have thus far yielded published results at only three sites. An ecological study of P. rubicunda has not been conducted in almost 25 years, and populations whose ranges are restricted to peat swamp forest have never been studied. P. rubicunda is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. However, the extreme level of deforestation of both peat swamp forests and lowland forest in general; the lack of data available on the species and fact that the category of Endangered being assigned to its’ better-studied sympatric primate species due to rapid habitat loss orang- utans and gibbons is impetus for reassessing its status. Currently, long-term behavioural ecology projects of Bornean orangutans and southern gibbons are ongoing in the Natural Laboratory for the Study of Peat swamp Forest LAHG, Sabangau Forest under The Center for International Cooperation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatland CIMTROP based at the University of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. A research project began in October 2009 to assess density estimates, conservation status, and behavioural and feeding ecology P. rubicunda in the Sabangau Forest. This project intends to compliment that study by investigating home-range and habitat use of P. rubicunda in the Sabangau 128 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 peat-swamp forest. It also aims to investigate home-range and resource overlap and competition between P.rubicunda and the sympatric P. pygmaeus and H. albibarbis to assess coping strategies of three sympatric primates in a disturbed forest F.47.1 Ms. Yvete Cathrine Ehlers 167 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Vereniging, 3 Juni 1981 Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Oxford Brokes University Email : Alamat : Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus, Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 ABP F.48 Ecology, Cost and Beneits of Sexual Signalling in Sulawesi Macaques in a Comparaive Perspecive: the Case of Macaca South Sulawesi Tujuan Peneliian : Memahami secara komprehensif fungsi sinyal atau bahasa tubuh kera beina di masa fase subur Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Sulsel Dataran rendah D. Tempe dan TN Banimurung –Bulusaraung Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Dr. Ir. Amran Achmad F.48.1 Ms. Crisina Sagnoi 168 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Roma, 04 – 02 – 1980 Warga Negara : Italia Jabatan : Master Student Insitusi : Dept. of Biology, Tor Vergata University Rome E-mail : Alamat : 26b, via Monterado, 00132, Rome Italy 129 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.49 Diet Selecion and Foraging Decisions in Wild Bornean Orangutans Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii Tujuan Peneliian : Untuk mengukur eisiensi pencarian makanan oleh orangutan liar dengan menerapkan konsep Teori Pencarian Makanan Opimal Opimal Foraging Theory-OFT dalam pencarian makanan dan perilaku perjalanan dari orangutan Kalimantan liar Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii Bidang Peneliian : Primatologi Lama Peneliian : 12 duabelas bulan Daerah Peneliian : Stasiun Peneliian Orang Utan Tuanan, Palangkaraya, Kalteng Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi – UNAS Neneng Mardianah, S.Si Abstrak In order to survive in a complex tropical environment, orangutans must cope with an unpredictable spatial and temporal distribution of food sources. The objective of this study is to examine foraging efficiency in wild orangutans by applying concepts from the Optimal Foraging Theory OFT to foraging and travel behavior in wid Bornean orangutans Pongo Pygmaeus Wurmbii. Orangutans are an ideal species for testing principles derived from optimal foraging theory because they are often solitary and foraging decisions are unlikely to be influenced by other individuals. We will initially examine simple questions regarding orangutan foraging efficiency including: Is there a relationship between species profitability and preferences? Are fruits more preferred relative to non-fruit item type? Is there a relationship between feeding bout length and food item type? Is there a relationship between foraging efficiency and food item type? We will study 35 habituated individuals at the Tuanan Research Station from April 2010-March 2011 located in the MAWAS Reserve, Central Kalimantan. This study is part of the long-term research project that has been conducted at Tuanan by Dr. Erin Vogel in collaboration with Dr. Carel van Schaik, Tatang Mitra Setia, and Dr. Suci Utami-Atmoko. We will use a combination of methods including full-day focal follows, fruit sample collection, processing, and nutritional analyses conducted by LIPI in Indonesia, GPS mapping of daily routes, and computer modeling. It has been demonstrated that ecologically naïve ex-captive orangutans struggle with identifying suitable food items upon release into their natural habitat Russon 2003. Our study will provide crucial information on the role that diet optimization nutrition and cognition play in diet selection in wild orangutans, which can then be applied to help shape reintroduction efforts currently underway. We will also identify which food resources are most preferred by wild orangutans, providing valuable information on which tree species should be planted during reforestation efforts by BOS-F personel. Finally, our approach involves the participation and training of local Indonesian scientist, students, and local assistants in the process of empirical measurement. We anticipate on publishing our results in international scientific journals and presenting our results at scientific conferences, UNAS Jakarta, and BOS-MAWAS Palangkaraya. 130 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 F.49.1 Ms. Zoe Maxon 169 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : California, 27 April 1986 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Fellow Insitusi : Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University E-mail : Alamat : 73 Morning Sun Are Mill Valey, Los Angeles 94941 USA