48 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 B.10.1 Mr. Daniel Wangpraseurt 80 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Samut Prakarn, 18 – 11 – 1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Student Insitusi : Internaional Studies in Tropical Aquaic Ecology ISATEC, University of Bremen Email : daniel wangpraseurtuni-brement.de Alamat : Tresckowstr, 8, 28203 Bremen, Germany


C.1 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of Malili Lakes, Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologik dan geokimia Danau Malili Bidang Peneliian : Mikrobiologi Lama Peneliian : 2 dua bulan, mulai Mei 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Sulsel D. Malili di Kab. Luwu Timur Mitra Kerja : Pusat Peneliian Limnologi – LIPI Dr. Gadis Haryani Abstrak The methodology to be used in our proposed research is a novel combination of geochemical, microbiological and limnological techniques. In this work we will employ many classical, well-established techniques that will be supplemented, as necessary, with new, state-of-the-art technologies. As a whole, our team is experienced with most of the techniques to be employed, and we have the expertise required to test our hypotheses. Our sample requirements are minimal, and many of our analyses will be conducted on site. In general, our samples will fall into 4 categories, water, sediment, suspended particulate matter, and geological materials i.e. rocks. Hypotheses 1 through 3 pertain to methane in Lake Natano and address long standing issues in biogeochemistry and microbial physiology : 1 The potential for organisms to utilize the oxidized forms of Fe and Mn as electron acceptors for the anaerobic oxidation of methane 1,2;2 the importance of Cu in controlling the activity of aerobic methane oxidizers 3; and 3 the ability of methanogens to outcompete organisms using more favorable metabolic pathways for substrates 4-6. To test these hypotheses, we will use a suite of classical and state of the art geochemical and microbiological techniques as outlined below. 49 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Hypotheses 4 through 6 pertain to nitrogen cycling in Lake Matano and address the issues of macro and trace nutrient limitation on biological productivity in Lake Matano. The unique chemistry of Lake Matano is poised by large fluxes of reactive ironoxyhydroxides from the catchment basin. These iron oxyhydroxidesstrip the surface waters of Lake Matano of essential macro P-see below and trace Mo, Cu etc.-also see below nutrients. The biology of Lake Matano is characterized by high degree of species endemism yet paradoxically low levels of primary production. Understanding the biology of Lake Matano requires determining the rates and controls on primary productivity. To date, little information is available on primary production, therefore we will measure primary production in Lake Matano along with the other Malili Lakes using isotopic techniques. One of the overriding controls on the chemistry of Lake Matano is the flux of Fe oxides from the catchment soils. This suppy of Fe oxides either directly e.g. P or indirectly e.g. N regulates the supply of macro-and micro-nutrients to Lake Matano’s biological community. C.1.1 Dr. Sergei Katsev 81 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Edmonton, 19-02-1975 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : University of Minnesota Email : skatsevd.umm.edu Alamat : Research Lab. Building, 2205 E. 5 th Street, Duluh MN 55812 C.1.2 Dr. Sean Andrew Crowe 82 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Edmonton, 28 – 10 – 1977 Warga Negara : Kanada Jabatan : Team Leader Senior ResearchScienist Insitusi : University of Southern Denmark Nordic Center for Earth Evoluion Insitute of Biology Email : sacrowe1gmail.com Alamat : Campusvej 55, Odense 5230. Denmark C.1.3 Ms. Carri Ayne Jones 83 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Georgia, 04 – 12 – 1981 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Student Insitusi : - Email : - Alamat : - 50 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 C.1.4 Mr. Arne Sturm 84 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Gherden, 22 – 02 – 1974 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : - Email : - Alamat : - C.1.5 Mr. Sebasian Herman Kopf 85 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Freiburg Im Breisgau, 11 – 09 – 1985 Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Research Scienist Insitusi : - Email : - Alamat : - C.2 “Collaboraive Research Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Infecious Disease CRD – ERID” Tujuan Peneliian : Mempelajari virus lu burung H5N1 yang terisolasi pada ayam dan babi Bidang Peneliian : Mikrobiologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan mulai 18 Oktober 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Jaim Surabaya Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. H. Fasich, Apt. Abstrak In Asian countries, highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5N1 viruses have spread among poultry and wild birds since beginning in 2003. Especially here in Indonesia, H5N 1 infection among poultry was first recognized middle in 2003. Large commercial poultry farms raising breeder and broiler chickens were affected initially, although H5N1 spread rapidly and widely to small farms and backyard poultry. On the other hand, the first case of human infection with H5N1 virus in Indonesia was confirmed in July 2005. Since 2005, cases of H5N1 virus infection have continued to occur, and more H5N1 virus infections were identified in Indonesia until now than in any other country. Therefore, here in Institute of Tropical Disease ITD Airlangga University, to understand the transmission of H5N1 viruses from domestic animals to humans, we have set up surveillance projects that mean collecting sample from some places in Indonesia and analysis of all collected samples on this collaborative research. 51 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Acivity reports: In February 2008 we had started collecting some kinds of samples in Surabaya, and now this activity has been completely finished. Now we have started inoculation with embryonated chiken’s eggs to isolate H5N1 virus from our collected samples. Future plans: After finishing isolation from the sample, we are going to start sequencing analysis of eight segments HA, NA, PA, PB1, PB2, M, NP, NS in Biosafety Level 3 conditions. C.2.1 Dr. Takako Utsumi 86 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Kagawa, 14 – 12 – 1962 Warga Negara : Jepang Jabatan : Assistant Professor Insitusi : Internaional Center for Medical Research and Treatment ICMRT, Kobe University Email : takako .utsumigmail.com Alamat : Jl. Mulyoreijo, Surabaya 60115 C.3 Proposal for Dissertaion Work in Associaion with the Malaria Transmis- sion Consorium - Indonesia Tujuan Peneliian : Menelii penularan virus Malaria melalui nyamuk Anopheles di beberapa daerah endemik Bidang Peneliian : Mikrobiologi Lama Peneliian : 12 dua belas bulan, mulai Agustus 2010 Daerah Peneliian : Jateng Purworejo; Lampung; Maluku Utara Halmahera Selatan Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman dr. Din Syarifuddin, Ph.D. Abstrak The ecology and behavior of Indonesian mosquitoes has a very definite impact on the efficiency of malaria control interventions. While studies usually focus on the indoor biting population, outdoor behavioost, such as host preference, breeding site selection, and mating behavior have not been explored for many of the vector species in Indonesia . The Malaria Transmission Consortium has three field sites in Indonesia of varying malaria transmission intensities : a low transmission field sites in Purworejo, Central Java; a medium transmission field site in Lampung, Sumatra; and a high transmission times of the year. 52 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010 Species biting preferencs and the densities of available hosts may be extremely important for the contribution of a particular Anopheline species to the malaria transmission in an area. Species that have broad feeding habits may be dettered from targeting altermate hosts may be effective in areas with zoophilic vectors. Identification of productive breeding habitats and analysis of larval instar distribution within those habitats may give us clues to how best to target or eliminate key anopheline breeding sites to reduce the biting population. Comparison of species and population composition within these habitats might indicate how adult females select breeding sites. Mating behaviors of Indonesian anophelines are largely unknown. Swarning behavior and the composition of those swarms could be an important mechanism for reproductive isolation between recently diverged species, as has been shown for the two molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae in Africa. Indonesia has many different anopheles that have been incriminated as malaria vectors. Many of these vector species are members of cryptic species complexes, which behaviorally different as well as differing in their vector competence. For example, the Anopheles farauti complex has members which are primary vectors of malaria while other members of the complex are secondary vectros or have not been shown to transmit human malaria. These species differ in their ecology and behavior. Hence there may be more vectors in some areas tahn are presently known due to cryptic species. Conversly, anopheline species in some geographic areas may not feed on humans but are morphological indistinguishable from vectors found elswhere in Indonesi. We need to identify all of anophelines in an area to species in order to know the species composition at each of four study sites and which species are potentially contributing to malaria transmission in that area and which of these should be targeted in control efforts to avoid wasting limited resources trying to control mosquitoes which are not vectors. C.3.1 Ms. Brandy Savannah St. Laurent 87 Tempat dan tgl. lahir : Colorado, 08 – 10 – 1984 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Ph.D. Student Insitusi : Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Indiana Email : bstlaurend.edu Alamat : 717 Northwood Drive, South Bend, IN 46617 53 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Dan Teknologi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2010