35 of the mobile devices are not designed for educational purposes and for mobile phones which are appropriate for specific learning tasks are too expensive for most learners to buy such as smart phones or tablets with high capabilities. Due to the disadvantages of mobile devices as a learning tool, the researcher is really pay attention on the size of the content in the application. d. Principles of M-Learning M-learning using mobile devices has advantages and disadvantages as learning tool as has been discussed in the previous part in this chapter. So, in developing m-learning tool, the researcher considers about the Universal Instructional Design UID principles. Elias 2010 as stated by Elias 2011 extracted the eight UID principles particularly useful in distance education DE. The table below shows the comparison the most relevant recommendations arising from UID principles for online learning with a series of additional recommendations for m-learning. Table 2.6 UID Recommendations for Inclusive M-Learning, Adapted from Elias 2011 UID Principles Online DE Recommendations M-Learning Recommendation 1. Equitable use - put the content online - provide translation - deliver content in the simplest possible format - use cloud-computing file storage

2. Flexible use - present content and

accept assignments in multiple formats - offer choice and additional information - package content in small chunks - consider unconventional assignment options - leave it to learners to illustrate and animate courses

3. Simple and intuitive

- simplify interface - offer offline and text-only options - keep code simple - use open-source software 4. Perceptible - add captions, descriptors 36 information and transcriptions 5. Tolerance for error - Allow students to edit posts - issue warning using sound and text - Scaffold and support situated learning methods 6. Low physical and technical effort - incorporate assistive technologies - consider issues of physical effort - check browser capabilities - use available SMS readers and other mobile-specific assistive technologies 7. Community of learners and support - include study groups and tools - easy-to-find links to support services - encourage multiple methods of communication - group learners according to technological access andor preferences 8. Instructional climate - make contact and stay involved - push regular reminders, quizzes and questions to students - pull in learner-generated content Those UID principles for m-learning are as the fundamental for the researcher to develop the application for this research. The further definition of those seven principles as stated in Elias 2011; 1 Equitable use, it means that the course content should be accessible to people with different abilities and locations, 2 Flexible use, this course design found in the application should accommodate a wide range of individual abilities, preferences, levels of connectivity, and choices in methods of use. This principle allows the device to provide multimedia features such as audios songs and small talks, pictures. Further, the devices used in m- learning should be able to capture their own material or the result of doing exercises and transfer them to the lecturers via social media like WhatsApp and BBM Blackberry Messenger, 3 Simple and Intuitive, recently, the simplest mobile delivery system is not SMS short message services anymore, but there are more simple mobile delivery systems with high capabilities in transferring 37 messages, images, even videos such as WhatsApp, BBM, Facebook Messenger, etc, 4 Perceptible information, the additional of captions, descriptors, and transcription if necessary, 5 Tolerance for error, UID principles minimize hazards and adverse consequences of errors in software operation by designing learning environments with a tolerance of error. Job performance aids included in the learning package may reduce learner errors by providing just in time training and as and when required, 6 Low physical and technical effort, M-learning should be developed requiring a low technical and physical effort. The physical effort related to inputting text into devices, 7 Community of learners and support, this principle enables the learner to communicate one another such as the use of feature Chat, voice communication, instant messaging so that the learners can work collaboratively. It also enables the learners to create group, 8 Instructional climate, this principle focuses in the instructor‟s impact in course delivery as opposed to course design. The instructor or lecturer can send regular message to interact with the learners in various ways, such as sending reminders, requests and questions. The instructor can also pull the students‟ generated content in various forms WhatsApp, BBM, Facebook, audios, etc. e. The Characteristics of Well-Designed Software There are some characteristics of well-designed software which are important to develop software. Egbert Hanson-Smith 1999 suggest the characteristics; those are 1 consistency, 2 good useof space, 3 legibility, 4 contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity, 5 ease of navigation and recovery, 6 high-quality playback. 38 Consistency means that the placement of elements on the screen remains stable from one display to the next; color, layout, capitalization and fonts must be consistent. The terminology used in prompts, menus, and helps screens is consistent from one part to another. Good use of space, means that each section of content should fit onto one screen, and different parts of the information should be distinguished from one part to another spatially rather than through variations in color, style or other treatments. Legibility, the text on the screen must be legible i.e. the letter forms must be easy to see and readable i.e. lines of text must be easy to scan in normal reading patterns. Contratst, repetition, alignment, and proximity, different elements should contrast clearly with each other, whereas logos and navigation buttons should be repeated in order to unify the various screens in the same section. Each element on the screen should be align either horizontally or vertically against a few locations on an invisible, consistent grid that give structure to the individual displays while uniting all the screens of a program in a consistent design. Ease on navigation and recovery, the software should ignore nonsensical choices or commands and provide clear instructions for recovery if users get into trouble. High quality playback, it means that audio and video playback must be of sufficiently high technical quality p. 442-445.

8. Mobile Assisted Language Learning MALL

Recently, mobile technologies are very familiar among people either as teacher or learner. Around us there are a lot of people using gadget, most of them use gadget with Android as the Operating System for Android OS the gadget. In 39 the Android smart phone or tablet, there is an application named Google Play Store where the user can download and install applications they want to. a. The Concept of MALL The user can find many various applications there. The application has some categories such as education, lifestyle, book, dictionaries, entertainment and so on. It indicates that mobile technologies have affected many other field including education. Kukulska- Hulme and Lesley 2008 states that “as the wireless network expands and ownership of devices that can communicate with such networks increases, the use of mobile devices to support language learning becomes more common in the society. They also state that MALL is different from Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL. The differences are in its use of personal, portable devices that enable new ways of learning, emphasizing continuity or spontaneity of access and interaction across different contexts of use.” AbuSa‟aleek 2014 also claims that mobile phone became an important component in the world especially in the field of education, so that it suggests the think of using technology in language learning activity. The mobile phone most of them right now are able connect with the internet. It suggests that the knowledge can be accessed via mobile phone also. The knowledge in this study refers to language knowledge so that the language learner can also learn from the gadget which is developed into Mobile Assissted Language Learning MALL. Miangah and Nezaret 2012 claim that MALL deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. The students do not only learn language in the classroom but they can learn English through the