Phenomenological Theory Critical Approaches

26 and harmony in their relationship and interactions with others.

c. The Need of Affection

Inevitably, according to Beebe, everyone needs to get and give love, encourage and motivate each other, support warmth and intimacy each other, even though the quality and the amount are different from each other. From the love, support of warmth and intimacy, people know that they are accepted in one community especially in their closer relationship with others, and people also can fell that they are worth enough for others. From those needs, Beebe concludes and states that the meaning of friendship is dealing with one’s physical and mental needs. In his book 413, Beebe says “Besides helping us enjoying a healthy life, friends help us to cope with the stress, take care of physical needs even help us in the development of our personality. Friends help us with uncertainty and have a profound influence on our behavior”. As said by Beebe about friendship 413, it can be concluded that friendship can influence someone’s personality and self-identity. A friend can give love, support, views of life, and can help in deciding whether something are good or bad.

5. Theory of the Relationship between Psychology and Literature

Psychology is a science that has many branches of case study and can be correlated with many other fields of knowledge, one of them is literary work. According to James, “Psychology is the science of mental life, both the phenomena, 27 such as feelings, desires, cognitions, reasoning, decisions, etc, and their conditions” 15. Meanwhile, literature is the work that is related with imagination and creativity in writing representing human expressions and feelings. Readers can look into the fictional characters as the real characters and consider they look alive. The author of literary work can use the understanding from psychology side to enrich his or her fictional characters and vice versa, a psychologist can enlarge their understanding of human behavior by analyzing the deep sensitivity of a good author in creating a person’s character in a literary work. There is other supporting opinion from Wellek and Warren in their book, Theory of Literature. They argue that psychology has four possibilities of understanding related to literature or literary work 90. First, psychology in literature means the psychological study of the author as a person. Second is the process study of creativity. Third is the study of the type and the application of psychological conditions applied in literary work. The fourth, psychology in literature means the study of the effect of literature towards the readers. Wellek and Warren also argue that the readers of a literary work may look at the psychological motivations of the character and of the author itself in order to build psychological criticism of the work. Basically, literature represents the life and a realistic human motivation and behavior, while psychological criticism may give focus on the creativity of the art or the analysis of the character’s behavior and feelings. From what explained above, it is clear that literature and psychology can influence each other even though they come from different kinds of science. 28 Literature may include the application of the psychology rules in the work 93.

C. Theoretical Framework

Here, this part of this study is written to explain briefly the contribution of the theories in analyzing and solving the problems of the study, why the theories are needed and applied in this study. This study uses the theory of literature, including Theory of Character and Characterization, to answer the first problem that is “How are Sophie and Natasha, the two main characters of the novel described in the story of If I Were You?” Those theories mentioned above are used to analyze the characterization of the two main characters deeply. Using the theories, the characteristics of the two main characters can be explored and revealed through the way they speak, act, think, and express their emotion. Besides, this study also uses some theories of psychology to answer the second problem that is “What can influence Sophie and Natasha to find their self- identity?” Some theories that are going to be used are Psychoanalytic Theory, Psychodynamic Theory to analyze the internal factors of self-searching, and Phenomenological Theory, Theory of Friendship, and Theory of the Relationship between Literature and Psychology.