Surat Website Duties and Responsibilities

198 PT MATAHARI DEPARTMENT STORE TBK LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2014 Perseroan menerima 10 kasus melalui jalur selain Suara Matahari. Tuduhan-tuduhan itu termasuk pelanggaran Pedoman Perilaku dan etika kerja, permintaan atau penerimaan uang danatau hadiah dari vendor serta menggunakan uang Perseroan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Total sepuluh kasus sudah diinvestigasi dan terbukti. LITIGASI Dari waktu ke waktu, perselisihan dapat timbul akibat kegiatan Perseroan. Meskipun Perseroan telah berusaha keras untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan sebelum berlanjut ke proses litigasi, beberapa di antaranya tetap dilanjutkan ke pengadilan. Pada tahun 2014, Perseroan tidak menghadapi kasus legal yang dapat berdampak material atau merusak keberlangsungan usaha apabila Perseroan, Dewan Komisaris atau Direksi diputuskan bersalah sekalipun. AKSES KE INFORMASI Media Sosial Website Matahari,, menyediakan informasi terkini mengenai Perseroan kepada konsumen dan masyarakat umum selain juga informasi dan berita tentang department store, penawaran eksklusif, promosi, lokasi gerai dan topik-topik lainnya. Konsumen dapat memberikan masukan melalui situs tersebut. Website diluncurkan kembali pada tahun 2013 dengan desain baru dan dengan area Relasi Investor yang lebih komprehensif. Selain website, Matahari juga memiliki akun dalam berbagai media sosial. Berikut akun media sosial yang dimiliki oleh Matahari: Facebook : www.facebook.commataharidepartmentstore Twitter : gayamatahari Instagram : matahari deptstore Youtube : Matahari Department Store Siaran Pers Secara rutin, Perseroan mengeluarkan siaran pers ke berbagai media mengenai hasil kinerja, produk, aksi korporasi dan even lainnya. Siaran Pers ini dapat diakses melalui situs Perseroan. Pada tahun 2014, Perseroan mengeluarkan 37 siaran pers. Media dapat meghubungi Perseroan melalui email di corporate.communication.mds Hubungan Investor Semua informasi mengenai investor dapat ditemukan di website Perseroan, Masyarakat dapat menghubungi bagian Hubungan Investor untuk informasi lebih lanjut di alamat email: The Company received 10 cases through channels other than Suara Matahari. The allegations included code of conduct and work ethics violations, requesting or receiving money andor gifts from vendors, and using the Company’s money for personal beneit. All ten cases have been investigated and substantiated. LITIGATION From time to time, disputes can arise as a result of the Company’s activities. Although the Company makes every effort to resolve such disputes before they proceed to litigation, some may go to court. The Company did not face any legal actions in 2014 that could have materially affected the Company or jeopardised the sustainability of the business had they been decided against the Company, the Board of Commissioners or the Board of Directors. ACCESS TO INFORMATION Social Media Matahari’s website,, provides customers and the general public with up-to-date information about the Company as well as information and news about our department stores, exclusive offers, promotions, store locations, and other topics. Customers can also give their feedback through the site. The website was relaunched in 2013 with a new design and a more comprehensive Investor Relations site. In adidition, Matahari also has account on various social media accounts, as below: Facebook : www.facebook.commataharidepartmentstore Twitter : gayamatahari Instagram : matahari deptstore Youtube : Matahari Department Store Press Releases The Company regularly issues releases to various media on our results, products, corporate actions and events. These can also be accessed through the Company’s website. In 2014, the Company issued 37 press releases. The press can contact the Company through the Company’s Corporate Communication email at corporate.communication.mds Investor Relations All the informations regarding the Investors can be found at the Company’s website, For further information the public can ciontact the Investor Relations at