Pre-Design Data Gathering Technique Post-Design Data Gathering Technique

38 questions are used to gain more comments and suggestions deeper from the evaluators.

D. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data, the researcher divided the process into two steps. They were as follows.

1. Pre-Design Data Gathering Technique

In the beginning, the researcher tried to get the supporting data through library study. The researcher collected the supporting framework from August to December 2012. Then, in the beginning of February 2013, the researcher tried to find and process the permission letter for conducting the letter by contacting the university, the school, and the Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Yogyakarta Depdiknas. During composing the permission letter, the researcher contacted the tenth grade teacher of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta and the evaluators. The next step was observation. In March 2013, the researcher did some observations in the class to collect information about the teaching and learning activity. The researcher observed the class activities and filled the observation checklist while doing the observation. The observation checklist was used to identify the types of speaking materials and the speaking activity in the class. The observation held twice. 39 After the observation was done, the researcher interviewed the teacher and several students to get many data about the effectiveness of the speaking materials which were used in the class. The researcher interviewed the teacher and the students in the break time in order to give the interviewees enough times in answering the questions and avoiding class distraction. The researcher found what the students’ needs and expectations of speaking class. In addition, during the data gathering process, the researcher designed the preliminary product in order to use the time efficiently.

2. Post-Design Data Gathering Technique

In May 2013, the researcher finished the preliminary form of product by considering the need analysis done in the first stage. The researcher consulted it to the evaluators to gain suggestion and feedback. The product validated in the middle of May 2013. The researcher chose X-E class by doing the lottery as the sample to the preliminary field-testing. In this stage, the real data of the instructional materials were collected and processed. As soon as possible, the researcher consulted the instructional materials design to the evaluators and reported the field- testing’s result. After the consultation, the researcher did the main product revision. During the process, the researcher actively consulted it to the evaluators and revised it better. It was approximately done in two months. 40

E. Data Analysis Technique