Development Research Goal and Method


C. Data Gathering Instruments

The research utilized some kinds of instruments to gather the data, those were interview and questionnaire. Interview and questionnaire were used to verify the needs and the acceptable model. The explanation is presented as follows.

1. Interview

According to Seliger and Shohamy 1989: 166, interview could be used to gain specific data by means of converting it. It might be observations such the related motivation, behavior, and it enabled the researcher to paraphrase the questions when needed. There were two kinds of interview questions, open-ended questions and closed questions. Close-ended questions were used when the number of responses were limited and relevant responses could be specified. Meanwhile open-ended questions were used when the range of answer was unlimited or unpredictable. In this study, the researcher used open ended questions in order to explore more detailed answers as the basis in developing the designed model. In the study, the interview was conducted to one lecturer of Introduction to College English, Duta Wacana Christian University and one lecturer of Language Institution, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta . It aimed to obtain the information needed about the facilities, methods, strategies, approach, learner’s characteristics, background knowledge, and the readiness of the students to learn English from the teacher’s point of view. The researcher conducted an informal interview in order to create a convenient atmosphere so that the interviewee could give more detailed responses while the researcher was documenting the related information using recording device. The interview guidelines can be seen in Appendix 1. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 69

2. Questionnaire

A questionnaire can be defined as a printed form of data collection, which includes questions or statements to which the subject is expected to respond Seliger and Shohamy, 1989. The purposes of questionnaires were to gather information needed through the participants’ written responses to a list of questions. There were two kinds of questionnaire, closed questionnaire and open questionnaire. A closed questionnaire or structured questionnaire was a questionnaire which enclosed the choices of questions. It meant that the respondents had to choose their best responses related with their opinions or responses. Meanwhile an open questionnaire or unstructured questionnaire was a questionnaire which did not enclose the expected choices with the aim to provide spaces for the respondents to express their opinions or responses Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, 2002. In this study, the researcher combined those two types of questionnaires stated earlier in order to be able to give more accurate and appropriate information to design the learning model. The researcher conducted three kinds of questionnaire: the questionnaire was distributed during the needs analysis, before preliminary field testing, and after the main field testing. The first questionnaire was distributed to the students to obtain the inf ormation about students’ needs. The contents are presented in the following table. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI