Learning Through Listening and Reading

39 output will be educational objectives and lists of tasks to accomplish the educational goals. Then, those will be used to continue the next phase which is Design. The second step of ADDIE model is Design. In the design phase, a broad overview or blueprint, and description of how to deliver the instruction to meet the objectives are created Cheung, 2016. The blueprint contains the idea, including topics, various activities, assessments, and technical things in the lesson. Then it is arranged in good sequence, which is so called a syllabus. Similar opinion comes from Rodgers 2002, who suggested that in the design phase, the systematic process of specifying learning objectives and test items, selecting a delivery system, and sequencing the instruction are conducted. This step also considers the subject content. Subject content constitutes the selection of the specific knowledge facts and information and skills step by step procedures, conditions, and requirements of any topics. A student’s learning experiences may involve subject content. The content may closely relate to the objectives and to the students’ needs. The teacher has a choice whether to start the subject content first or listing the learning objective first regarding the achievement of the objectives and the students’ needs. Subject content ideally starts from facts, concepts, principles, and problem solving. Indeed, the design phase produces clear concepts of the designed materials although it is still in form of raw model. In the development phase, Cheung 2016 stated that “each component of instruction is planned in as much practical detail as possible to meet the blue print created during the design phase ”. This means the production of the contents, tasks, and learning activities has to be made based on the previous phase. The contents include what will be presented in every unit, what tasks will be given, how the 40 instructions are constructed, what skill will be focused on, and illustrations or pictures. All media that will support the learning process are also developed here. In addition, the time allotment and assessments are considered in this phase as well. The time allotment not only determines the amount of units that are provided, but also the length of the activities in every meeting. For the assessment, both formative and summative assessments can be applied as it is necessary. Implementation is the presentation of the learning material model to the participants. During the implementation, the plan is put into action. The materials are delivered to the student group. This aims to try out the designed learning model to the students, obtain feedback from the users, and make the appropriate adjustments to the program . This phase has to promote students’ understanding of material, support the students’ mastery of objectives, and ensure the students’ transfer knowledge from the material. The last step of ADDIE model is Evaluation. Evaluation functions as the payoff step in the instructional design plan to measure the amount of the learning outcomes. There are two kinds of evaluation, namely formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation takes place during development and tryouts to know the weaknesses in the instructional plan. Meanwhile summative evaluation takes place at the end of the course to evaluate the degree of the student’s final achievement of the objectives and to improve any important feedback of the instructional plan. The stages of ADDIE model can be seen in figure 2.2.