Data Analysis and Interpretation

79 country or as a requirement for employment. The implementation of the English study in Indonesia has had its policy ruled by the government. According to Lauder 2008, in the 1989 Law, Chapter IX, Section 39, Verse 3, English is specified as a compulsory subject, part of the Basic Curriculum. This is supported by Government Regulation, Number 28, 1990. However, the regulation has been changed now, that is English is no longer compulsory subject for primary up to junior high school. Moreover, the government has not also organized the policy of the English learning program for univeristy so that every university has autonomy to design their English language programs. The variant of general English program then evoked the researcher to set up a general English program which could be utilized or adopted by universities. The researcher found that most universities in Indonesia which provided general English program have almost similar policy in case of the implementation. The similarity could be found in how many credits they have, the developed skills, and the materials. For instance, Faculty of Technology and Social Science of Yogyakarta State University, Primary School Teacher Training Study Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and all faculties in Duta Wacana Christian University applied 2 credits, meanwhile most faculties in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta serve for 2 credits. The program is held regularly during two to four semesters, starting from the general English to the English for specific purposes. Therefore, in this study the researcher determined the design of the learning model for college general English would be regularly served for 2 credits and held in the first semester, which hopefully could be implemented in most universities in Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 To dig out more information, especially about the developed skills and materials, the researcher tried to find out some potential problems in learning general English for college students of Duta Wacana Christian University and Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. One of the problems is the providence of learning material. The current learning material is adopted from some textbooks. Although the four skills reading, listening, speaking, and writing are developed, it is difficult to have equal portion in the learning process, even to teach all skills in integrated way. Moreover, the topics are determined based on what students need for survival English, such as talking about personal information, describing people and place, giving direction, apologizing, and so on. Therefore, the researcher selected an educational product that would help to solve the problem, i.e. a learning material model for college general English, which would contain integrated skills. In order to know what kind of learning approach that would be appropriate for college students to learn integrated, the researcher conducted literature study. As stated in the chapter two that college students deal with short-functional texts, journal, or other reports, they need to be introduced to any kinds of texts. Hence, text-based learning was selected as the learning approach because it can influence the teaching and learning process. Text-based learning can help students to produce meaningful communicative tasks Dammaco, 2010. Text is not only as a channel for communication, but it is rich input that provides opportunity for the learners to get involved in communicative tasks. Through the spoken or written text, the learners get more exposure which stimulate them to easily understand the context and content of the text. The effect is the learners can produce the text by themselves. In addition, Mickan 2012 suggested that the provided texts enable learners to use PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81 the target language which is familiar to them. When seeing or hearing texts, the learners are accustomed to questionning in order to make sense of them. Many learners also already access and create texts independently in chat rooms, in emails and in other social networking sites. Doing the same with target language texts extends their experiences of texts and enables them to work with texts beyond the boundaries of programs and the borders of classrooms. Thus, prior experiences prepare learners for working with texts in many ways. Based on the explanation above, the researcher decided to choose a text-based learning model for college general English. Instead of reviewing some literatures related to the research field, the researcher analyzed some documents which were related to the research target. The documents were syllabus and current learning materials. The institution applied functional syllabus in which the topics were based on what students need during communicating in English or making meaning. The researcher was able to find out the objectives and the topics provided by the institution. The objectives and topics of the teaching and learning process were stated in the syllabus as presented in the Appendix 3. According to the syllabus, in one semester there are twenty four meetings which consist of topic discussion, progress tests, and final test. The topics provided will be considerations for the researcher in designing the textbook. There are also various language expressions and text genres, in form of monologues or dialogues. The text can be provided in written form, such as reading passages, and oral form, such as listening material. Different from previous example of syllabus for general English class, another syllabus utilized by university refers to integrated skills, those are speaking, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 82 writing, reading, and listening. The four skills are not provided in every meeting because it is adjusted to the topics. There are at least two skills given for each topic and combined between receptive and productive skills. Each skill takes more or less 25 of the learning process which means that the balance of the four skills is important to be considered. To give detail information, the syllabus is provided in Appendix 3. In this study, because of the time constraints in designing the learning model, the researcher decided to provide 15 meetings for one semester. The amount of the meeting considered the minimum requirements of the language program. Those meetings would cover the topic discussion, mid-test, and final test. The researcher also conducted needs analysis to the second semester students of Duta Wacana Christian University and Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The students were taking the general English class. Questionnaires were distributed to know the students’ needs for general English class, including the students’ goals, learning materials, learning process or activities, and constraints. The data gained aimed to help the researcher articulate the beliefs. After distributing the questionnaires, the researcher analyzed the data gathered. Since the data gathered are qualitative data, it is considered to be the rough materials from the world the researchers are studying Bogdan Biklen, 1992, p.106. Hence, the needs are assumed based on the data gathered and data display. The researcher could draw the conclusion, including determining the context and articulating beliefs. The questionnaires were distibuted to the students who are taking the general English class. There were one hundred and thirty three students as participants and they are from accounting, management, architecture, economic and banking, and