Evaluation Process of Designing the Model

111 book were very good. The product actually looked English course book with good and clear layout. It could be concluded that the product was acceptable. The reliability was also important to be measured. Here, the students were asked whether the course book could be used in any majors or not. The mean score was 4,05. It meant students agreed that the product could be used by every student with different major because the materials were still general. Further result talked about the practicality of the product. The mean score gained 4,24. It meant very good. Practicality showed that the materials were systematically arranged. Good arrangement made the course was not time-consuming and did not cost much. The other important thing was that the program could be conducted even with minimum facilities because the materials utilized any media that were easily found. From the result above, it could be concluded that the product was acceptable. The second part of the questionnaire helped the researcher to measure how the utility of the designed product was. Although the researcher only tried-out one unit of the course book, the students were given a chance to take a look at the whole parts of the coursebook before they wrote their comments and suggestions. Almost all students agreed that they would like to use the course book College Just Ahead because of some reasons. First, the book couraged students to improve the four skills, especially because the topics were interesting and really supported students in learning English. Second, the materials started from the easiest one to the more difficult. Students felt that it could help them learn English from basic and gradually increase. Third, the materials were appropriate to college life. On the other hand, students gave suggestions related to the materials. The font should be more clear and the sound in the recordings should be clear as well. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 112 After conducting the main field testing, the researcher improved the product based in the obtained suggestions. Then, the final product of the text based learning model for college general English was produced. The complete version can be seen in Appendix 7.

B. Presentation of the Model

In this section, the researcher presented the final version of the text-based learning model for college general English. The researcher provided complete and detailed explanation of the designed model. It contained the contents of the learning model for college general English, which were divided into four stages: What do you know?, Let’s Find Out, Let’s Practice, and Express Yourself. 1. Stage 1: What do you know? What do you know? constituted the first part of the designed model. It helped the students to recall what they have learned and introduced the students to new material. This part invited students to have group or class discussion so that the interaction mostly happened between the teacher and students. The examples of the activities were answering questions based on a picture, guessing meaning, reading, and vocabulary building. What do you know? is presented as follows. 113 Figure 4.1. What do you know? Figure 4.1 presents an example of What do you know? part. Here, the students were asked to see a picture. The students needed to guess what picture it was, where they could find such picture, and what information they could get. After looking at the detailed information presented in the picture and brainstorm some vocabulary, the students were invited to have discussion related to the picture. From the discussion, the students were able to know what they are going to study.

2. Stage 2:

Let’s find out The second stage was called Let’s find out because the students would gain more input through examples. The students were asked to read or listen to one or more texts. The text-types were adjusted to the purpose, structure, and language features. According to FeezJoyce 2000, p.85, identifying the text-type and its features needs to know the dimensions of the text, those are field, tenor, and mode. Therefore, the texts provided in the course book belonged to exchanges and information texts. Exchange was because the text involved more than one person 114 and was constructed interactively between these people. Meanwhile, information dealt with whole kind of texts which aimed to inform the readers. Next, students were asked to answer comprehension questions or deconstruct the text. Answering comprehension questions aimed to know whether the students got the main idea and identified the detailed information. Deconstruction functioned to break down the components of the texts, such as the vocabulary, the grammar, and the language expressions. Here, deliberate learning element included in the learning activity. The example of Let’s find out is presented below. Figure 4.2. Let’s find out In figure 4.2, students were asked to read a form and answer the comprehension questions. The conversation was also provided to help students learn the language expressions how to ask for and give personal information. Thus, the receptive skills, reading and listening, were really explored so that the input was beyond students’ current competence. The more input students are equipped with, the more output students achieve. 115

3. Stage 3:

Let’s practice Let’s practice became the part when students increase their independent contribution and the teacher gradually declined the aid. The activities included pair work or group work with small portion of the teacher’s guidance. Teacher was still allowed to give feedback. The students were asked to construct their texts, whether it was written or spoken. The examples of this part could be writing a description, filling in form, making poster, and so on. In addion, the interaction mostly happened between student and student or teacher and students. When students could use the language to exchange information, communication occured. Thus, the productive skills like speaking and writing could be accomodated in Let’s practice part. The example can be seen in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3. Let’s practice There were two examples in figure above. The left was speaking activity, whereas the right one was writing activity. In speaking, students were asked to interview their friends about certain topic. However, before interviewing, students had to arrange the questions and answer first for themselves. This activity was more 116 interesting if the teacher could provide a game. On the other hand, the right picture showed a registration form. Students were asked to fill in the form. Then, they would have a role-play related to the form.

4. Stage 4: Express yourself

The last part of each unit was Express yourself in which students independently produce the text. The receptive and productive skills still existed, but the focus was more on productive skills. Express yourself also provided encouragement to push the students to perform faster than usual speed. The activities included role-play, dialogue, compose a text and post it on the facebook account. Figure 4.4. showed the example of Express yourself. Figure 4.4. Express yourself The activities in the in the figure above focused on the productive skills, such as speaking or writing. Students were asked to write a simple poster which was used to persuade others joining a club. Then, the poster had to be posted on facebook account to get response from other students. The other picture focused on speaking. Here, the students were asked to perform in form of the class what they had PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI