Stage 3: Presentation of the Model

119 language use Mickan, 2013, p.22. The essence is to determine what is going on in a context and how language is necessary to what is taking place. Then, the four strands served balanced distribution of activities in four learning areas to provide the best conditions for the students’ learning output. The equal share of activities to meaningful input, meaningful output, language expressions, and fluency practice is along with the teaching and learning cycle which provides scaffolding from the more guidance to the less guidance. Therefore, the text-based learning and the four strands supported this study to present the conceptual model of the designed product. Furthermore, the question in the problem formulation was answered by adapting the steps from ADDIE instructional model. Those steps were 1 analysis, 2 design, 3 development, 4 implementation, and 5 evaluation. All those steps were in accordance with Borg and Gall Research and Development method RD. The researcher considered seven of the ten steps of RD method as the methodological umbrella in conducting this study. Due to the time constraints, the researcher only had around three months to observe the students and to design the material. Moreover, the final product will not be disseminated so that the researcher chose the seven steps of RD method. Those were 1 research and information collecting, 2 planning, 3 developing preliminary form of product, 4 preliminary field testing, 5 main product revision, 6 main field testing, and 7 final product revision. Then, the final version of the designed model was presented after it was revised and improved. In gaining the concept of the model, Analysis and Design steps of ADDIE model were employed. The analysis was conducted by distributing questionnaires, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 120 interviewing, and referring to some theories. As stated before, the assumed need was discovered through conceptualizing the obtained data, in which college students are able to achieve epistemic level or transfer knowledge using certain language. It was also in accordance with level B1 of Common European Framework References. Thus, the four skills reading, writing, speaking, and listening were integrated to provide appropriate input and output. Furthermore, since college students often dealt with the various texts, text-based learning became the approach involved in this study. It couraged the learners to be independent through gradual guidance of the teacher. The goal was learners enable to be fluent in the four skills. After conducting needs analysis, the goal, learning objectives, and topics were determined. The blueprint of the conceptual model was presented in form of mixed syllabus. Then, the topics and the learning activities were selected. The researcher moved to the next phase, i.e. Development. The designed model of each unit reflected the teaching learning cycle and the four strands. Hence, there are four parts provided in each unit, namely 1 What do you know?, 2 Let’s find out, 3 Let’s Practice, and 4 Express yourself. The activities in each part were selected and arranged on sequence, balancing between the receptive and productive skills. The next steps were Implementation and Evaluation, which answered the research question. The learning model was undergone series of steps and revisions to produce a good model. The product was also assessed and verified with experts and students in order to know that the conceptual model and iconic model were valid, reliable, and practical. The last step was the researcher revised the product based on the comments and suggestions from the experts and users. Improvement is conducted to present the final acceptable product. The results showed that the