Research Questions Product Specifications

13 Wales, 1987, as cited in Competence Standard of Curriculum 2004 by National Education Department, 2003. After students graduate from high school, they are expected to reach informational level because they are also prepared to enter the university level. Therefore, English for college students has to achieve epistemic level, in which students are able to transform knowledge in certain language. According to Yumei and Bang 2007, as cited by Zhu and Liao 2008, p.92, teaching and learning is an “instructional paradigm” which the teacher transfers the information in 45-or-50-minute lectures and the student receives it. In teaching and learning process, this linear process of information transfer and reception happens continously by using several teaching models. Yumei and Bang 2007, as cited by Zhu and Liao 2008, explain several teaching models frequently applied for general English teaching. One of them is PPP model. PPP stands for “presentation- practice- production”. Presentation means introducing new material or grammatical structures through meaningful context. Then, at the Practice stage, various tasks are given to the students in order to reinforce what has been learnt. The last stage is Production. Students are given practice tasks less controlled by the teacher to link what is newly learnt with what has been learnt before. In PPP model, the skills are worked upon in sequence from the receptive skills reading and listening to the productive skills writing and speaking. Ksenia 2011 suggested that the PPP can minimize the mistake on the stage during the learning process. In presentation, the teacher explains about material what they want to deliver to the students. The second is practice, in which the students try about what they understand about the material from the teacher. The students start taking bigger control over the learning, however practice in this case is still guided PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 by the teacher. Hints are always given to the students so they can find out and practice by themselves. Students are able to discuss what they learn with peer group. The last is production. Production is chance to students express their own idea. Students make a text based on topic that giving by the teacher, which aims to measure how far the students understand about the material. Regarding the proceses, it can be cocluded that student-centered approach is implemented in PPP. The teachers or instructors provide students with opportunities to learn independently and from one another. They also coach the students in the skills that need to learn. According to Vystavelova 2009, there is an advantage of PPP model that leads to the student-centered approach. Using PPP, the lesson is easy to prepare because the material used for the lesson are ordered from the simplest to the most difficult. Types of activities are arranged from the most controlled to the feast controlled. Thus, this approach is relatively easy for beginner students or novice level students. In addition, Carless 2009 said that “low achieving students probably learn better through PPP ”. The PPP has been referred to a teaching method; however, it can be utilized as a useful technique with a variety of teaching methodologies, such as the most common type communicative approach and text- based approach. In both approaches, students takes dominant role in the learning process. The scaffold given to the students is gradually decreased in order to be independent. The learning model should be adjusted to the class’ circumstances. The systematic procedures can be combined in order to vary the activities and give stimulus to the learners. The first stage, Presentation, aims to buid knowledge or