Interview Questionnaire Data Gathering Instruments

72 Concept Objective Question Type Item Indicator  conte nt 4  The content is accurate.  The content is relevant to the needs of the college students. The needs assessment Structured 8 10  The materials present options for meeting the individual needs.  The materilas can be adapted to meet the needs of the targeted group. The materials and methods – the learning instructions Structured 7 9 11 13 14 15 16  The materials present opportunities for text-based learning.  The materials satisfy the various teaching and learning styles.  The content reflects current and accepted methodology.  The materials present information in appealing ways.  The materials provide flexibility in use.  The materials support self- directed learning.  The instructions are clear and easy to comprehend. Practicali ty Brown, 2003 Sequence of the activities – the way the course is organized Structured 6 12  The flow from unit to unit is systematically organized.  The tasks and competencies are easily identified. Validity Brown, 2003 Face validity: The layout of the product Structured 17 18 19 20  The layout is clear and well designed.  The fonts are legible.  The type of colour and fonts are appropriate.  The audio is clear. 73 Concept Objective Question Type Item Indicator Overall evaluation Unstructured 21  What do you think of the designed learning model? Positive things of the designed model Unstructured 22  Please mention some strengths of the designed learning model Negative things of the designed model Unstructured 23  Please mention some weaknesses of the designed learning model Improvement Unstructured 24  What do you suggest to improve the designed learning model? Then, the third questionnaire was distributed after the main field testing. The purpose was to obtain evaluation from the users in order to prepare the final model into practice through some adjustment, improvement, and revision. The blueprint of the questionnaire can be seen in table below. Table 3.3. User Validation Questionnaire Blueprint Concept Objective Question Type Item Indicator Evaluat ing the course Feez Joyce, 2002 Validity Brown, 2003 Chatterji, 2003 goal Clarity of the learning goal Structured 1 I understand the learning goal and in every meeting. Validity Brown, 2003 Chatterji, 2003 conten t The materials provide or respond to the needs Structured 2 The materials in the coursebook are suitable with my needs on learning English. Relevance of the contentslearni ng materials Structured 3 4 5 6 7 8  The materials support me to practice reading.  The materials support me to practice writing.  The materials support me to practice listening.  The materials support me to practice speaking.  The topics are interesting.  The materials are relevant to the topics. The methods or activities Structured 10 11  The activities are various.  The activities encourage students to participate. 74 Concept Objective Question Type Item Indicator Practicali ty Brown, 2003 Sequence of the activities or the way the course is organized Structured 9  The materials are arranged systematically, from the easiest one to more difficult one. Validity Brown, 2003 Face validity Structured 13 14 15 16 17  The instructions are clear and easy to comprehend.  The layout is clear and well designed.  The fonts are legible.  The type of colour and fonts are appropriate.  The audio is clear. Quality of accepta ble product Brown , 2003 Chatter ji, 2003 Reliabilit y Brown, 2003 Chatterji, 2003 The use of the learning materials results the same under different conditions. Stuctured 12  The coursebook can be used in any majors. Utility Brown, 2003 Chatterji, 2003 The ease of use Unstructured 18  Will you use the course book? Why? Improvement Unstructured 19  Please describe the things that need improvements The need analysis questionnaire consisted of structured and unstructured questions, in which the students might provide their answers with and without any limitation. The unstructured questions aimed to dig out more information. Both expert and user validation were classified into two parts. The first part was the structured questions, in which the lecturers stated their degree of agreement on the statements. There were five degree of agreement, those were totally agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and totally disagree. If the respondents stated agree on most statements, it could be inferred that the developed learning model was good. The second part was the essay questions. The respondents gave their comments and suggestion to improve the learning model. The results were used to revise the developed product. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75

D. Data Analysis and Interpretation

In the pre-design research, the interview and questionnaire were used to collect the information. To analyze the interview results, the recorded interviews were put into a transcript and coded. The information was classified and organized based on the following fields of enquiry: characteristics of the students, intended skills, the teaching and learning activities, learning media, and evaluation phase. Then, the information was summarized into some paragraphs to ease further interpretation. The questionnaire for need analysis was open question. The researcher listed the obtained information, classified, and organized it. Finally, the information was summarized into paragraphs. In the post-design research, questionnaires were distributed to validate the product and to revise and improve the designed learning model. The questionnaire consisted of two parts; closed questions and open questions. To analyze the questionnaire results, the researcher divided into two parts; the closed questions and open questions. There were around sixteen statements in the first part of the questionnaire and five points of choices to figure out respondents’ degree of agreement based on Likert scale Best and Kahn, 2006, p.331. The description of the score can be seen in Table 3.4. Table 3.4. Degree of Agreement Point of Agreement Meaning 5 Totally agree with the statement 4 Agree with the statement 3 Undecided 2 Disagree with the statement 1 Totally disagree with the statement 76 The result of the questionnaire was calculated using descriptive statistics. The researcher calculated the mean by using the following formula. = Σ M = Mean N = number of respondents Then, the mean was categorized into certain criteria. The criteria was determined through the calculation of the ideal mean Mi and ideal standard deviation SDi Sudijono, 2011. The criteria is presented as follows. Table 3.5. The Score Interpretation Formula Score Range Criteria Mi + 1.5 SDi = 3 + 1.5 x 0.6 = 3.9 ≥4 Very good Mi + 0.5 SDi = 3 + 0.5 x 0.6 = 3.3 3.4 – 3.9 Good Mi – 0.5 SDi = 3 – 0.5 x 0.6 = 2.7 2.8 – 3.3 Fair Mi – 0.5 SDi = 3 – 0.5 x 0.6 = 2.1 2.2 – 2.7 Low � = ℎ��ℎ� �� � + �� � �� � = + = ��� = ℎ��ℎ� �� � − �� � �� � = − = . The score range then was used as the reference to interpret the result. The researcher put it into four categories which helped the researcher decided what should do with the developed product. The interpretation is presented in the following table. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 Table 3.6. Item Improvement Score Range Critera Interpretation ≥4 Very good No revision 3.4 – 3.9 Good Conduct more exploration on the existing part of the designed model based on the statement 2.8 – 3.3 Fair Modify more part of the designed model based on the lack on the statement 2.2 – 2.7 Low Replace the rejected part of the designed model The second part of the questionnaire was open question. In this step, the researcher listed the obtained comments, classified, and organized it. Finally, the information was summarized into paragraphs and used as the reference to revise the learning model. 78


This chapter presents the results and findings of the research. The realization of what had been planned in chapter III is also presented. This chapter will be divided into two parts; process of designing the learning model and presentation of the learning model. Process of designing the learning material model provides the scientific concept and procedures that the researcher conducts, including the detailed results in order to design an acceptable product. It aimed to present the validity and reliability of the acceptable product. In the second part, the presentation of the learning material model figures out the contents of the acceptable product. Those will answer the research question.

A. Process of Designing the Model

In designing the learning material model, the researcher elaborated five stages. Those stages are combination between ADDIE model and RD cycle by Borg and Gall. They were 1 Analysis, 2 Design, 3 Development, 4 Implementation, and 5 Evaluation. In this section, the researcher would elaborate those stages to know how the product was constructed.

1. Analysis

In Indonesia, English language takes roles in any range of fields. Regarding the education field, Crystal 2003 as cited by Lauder 2008 mentioned that English is increasingly used as a medium of instruction in schools or universities and scientific papers published in all subjects area. English is also taught widely as a foreign language for students intending either further study in an English speaking PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 79 country or as a requirement for employment. The implementation of the English study in Indonesia has had its policy ruled by the government. According to Lauder 2008, in the 1989 Law, Chapter IX, Section 39, Verse 3, English is specified as a compulsory subject, part of the Basic Curriculum. This is supported by Government Regulation, Number 28, 1990. However, the regulation has been changed now, that is English is no longer compulsory subject for primary up to junior high school. Moreover, the government has not also organized the policy of the English learning program for univeristy so that every university has autonomy to design their English language programs. The variant of general English program then evoked the researcher to set up a general English program which could be utilized or adopted by universities. The researcher found that most universities in Indonesia which provided general English program have almost similar policy in case of the implementation. The similarity could be found in how many credits they have, the developed skills, and the materials. For instance, Faculty of Technology and Social Science of Yogyakarta State University, Primary School Teacher Training Study Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and all faculties in Duta Wacana Christian University applied 2 credits, meanwhile most faculties in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta serve for 2 credits. The program is held regularly during two to four semesters, starting from the general English to the English for specific purposes. Therefore, in this study the researcher determined the design of the learning model for college general English would be regularly served for 2 credits and held in the first semester, which hopefully could be implemented in most universities in Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI