Characteristics of Prospective Users

56 college students has to achieve epistemic level, in which students are able to transform knowledge in certain language National Education Department, 2013. Hence, the four skills such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing, are integrated in the selected materials. In developing the model, the researcher needs to determine the proficiency level as the standard of what level the learners will be. Since Indonesia has not provided official standard, the researcher will employ Common European Framework References CEFR in which college students should achieve more or less B1 independent users. This study emphasizes text-based learning because it is concerned with what learners do with language and the whole texts in context Feez and Joyce, 2002, p.4. Text are also fixed in social practices so the learning program focuses on college students’ purposes for language use Mickan, 2013, p.22. Therefore, the essence is to determine what is going on in a context and how language is necessary to what is taking place. The text-based learning material will be designed for two- credit program with 50 minutes for each credit. There are fifteen meetings including the tests for one semester. The amount of units and topics, and the contents will be decided after conducting the needs analysis and considering the fundamental theory. The conceptual model can be summarized as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 Figure 2.6. The Conceptual Model In the process of developing the model, ADDIE would be conducted because it is appropriate and effective to develop the learning model. The phases are simpler than other instructional designs, but it is still able to produce detailed result. Moreover, the process will not be time-consuming. Similar to some previous studies, the phases in ADDIE instructional design make the process more constructive since the process can move back and forth. Furthermore, the instructional design will be included in the field of Research and Development RD. The Research part of the learning model will be conducted by implementing the first two phases of ADDIE’s model: Analysis and Design. The Students are able to achieve epistemic level + CEFR Text-based learning Teaching and learning cycle The four strands Fluency development Unit 1 Welcome to campus Unit 2 Study orientation Unit 3 Media Resources Unit 4 Get into the class Unit 5 Interest group activities  Sub-unit 1 Start conversation  Sub-unit 2 Introduce selfothers  Sub-unit 3 Ask forgive personal information  Sub-unit 1 Ask forgive direction  Sub-unit 2 Describe someone  Sub-unit 1 Ask forgive information  Sub-unit 2 Ask forgive information announcement  Sub-unit 1 Give information how to do something  Sub-unit 2 Ask forgive opinion  Sub-unit 1 Ask forgive suggestion  Sub-unit 2 Persuade others