Stage 4: Express yourself Presentation of the Model

120 interviewing, and referring to some theories. As stated before, the assumed need was discovered through conceptualizing the obtained data, in which college students are able to achieve epistemic level or transfer knowledge using certain language. It was also in accordance with level B1 of Common European Framework References. Thus, the four skills reading, writing, speaking, and listening were integrated to provide appropriate input and output. Furthermore, since college students often dealt with the various texts, text-based learning became the approach involved in this study. It couraged the learners to be independent through gradual guidance of the teacher. The goal was learners enable to be fluent in the four skills. After conducting needs analysis, the goal, learning objectives, and topics were determined. The blueprint of the conceptual model was presented in form of mixed syllabus. Then, the topics and the learning activities were selected. The researcher moved to the next phase, i.e. Development. The designed model of each unit reflected the teaching learning cycle and the four strands. Hence, there are four parts provided in each unit, namely 1 What do you know?, 2 Let’s find out, 3 Let’s Practice, and 4 Express yourself. The activities in each part were selected and arranged on sequence, balancing between the receptive and productive skills. The next steps were Implementation and Evaluation, which answered the research question. The learning model was undergone series of steps and revisions to produce a good model. The product was also assessed and verified with experts and students in order to know that the conceptual model and iconic model were valid, reliable, and practical. The last step was the researcher revised the product based on the comments and suggestions from the experts and users. Improvement is conducted to present the final acceptable product. The results showed that the 121 mean of each aspect for validity, reliability, and practicality reaches more than 4,00. It meant that the product well-developed. Moreover, it was also proved by positive comments from the users. Therefore, the text-based learning model for college general English was theoretically and practically acceptable.

B. Suggestions

The researcher provides suggestions for the future researchers and the lecturers who are interested in conducting research on this topic. The first is for future researchers. In this study, the researcher emphasized the model of English for general English. Thus, it is expected that the future researchers could develop the model of college specific academic purpose in specific skill or using different approach. This research is actually expected to bring benefits for all who concern with English teaching learning. Therefore, there is an enormous opportunity to develop English learning model that supports the English learning in language classroom. Theoretically, further researchers are expected to gain more knowledge of the theory underlying this study. This study gives principles of text-based learning for teaching and learning process. This study also provides the theoretical concept in teaching general English that integrates the four skills. In the next research, it is expected to find out other approaches for integrated skills, so the learning model for college students meets the self-actualization more and more. The other suggestion is for English lecturers. The researcher discussed suggestions for the lecturers that it is essential for the lecturers to gain more information about English for general puposes in order to provide various learning materials. Moreover, college students are demanded to be equipped with language skill that supports them in study or career. Lecturers should pay attention to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 122 learning activities which could help students be more fluent in the four skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The model is expected to be one of the course sources that enhance stud ents’ ability in English within integrated skills. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI