Definition of Tasks Tasks Grading and Sequencing

4. Teacher Role Teacher role refers to what the teachers are expected to do to make the classroom become success, such as how to carry out learning tasks and build a good communication with the learners. According to Breen and Candlin 1980 in Nunan 2004, the teacher has three main roles: facilitator, participant, observer and learner . 5. Learner Role Roles means what the learners are expected to do in carrying out learning tasks as well having relationships with peers and teachers. Adapted from Rubin and Thomson 1982 in Nunan 2004, good language learner should be critical, reflective and autonomous. 6. Settings Settings are defined as how the tasks will be carried which consist of two different types: mode and environment Nunan: 2004. Learning mode refers to whetherthe learners do the tasks individually or in a group while environment refers to where the learning actually takes place, such as in a conventional classroom, a workplace setting, etc.

7. Materials Evaluation

Materials evaluation which is usually done in the end of the process of developing materials is needed in case to know whether the developed materials are appropriate for the students or not. The definition of materials evaluation is described by Hutchinson and Waters 1987 as a matter of judging of fitness of something for particular purpose. Tomlinson 1998:15 defines materials evaluation as follow. Materials evaluation refers to attempts to measure the value of the materials. In many cases this is done impressionistically and consists of attempts to predict whether or not the materials will work, in the sense that the learners will be able to use them without too much difficulty and will enjoy the experience of doing so. Materials evaluation is useful to get feedback from experts so that the materials designers are able to determine what they are going to do with the materials, whether it is ready enough to use them for the learners or they still need revision. Regarding this research is under Indonesia context, the materials are evaluated by materials evaluators which take the guideline from the government. The aspects that will be scored in each of the units are cover, appropriateness in some aspects such as content, presentation, language and layout.

B. Relevant Studies

There are some related studies about designing English materials for vocational high schools that have been done by several researchers. English materials including four skills of English, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking was already made by Reni Nugraheni 2012 for students grade X