Relevant Studies Conceptual Framework

The materials which are already developed need to be evaluated by experts. Things to be considered in the materials evaluation are based on the standard of materials evaluation Instrumen Penilaian Buku Bahasa Inggris SMK made by BNSP. After getting feedbacks, the materials are revised to get the final draft of the materials. This will be considered as the appropriate reading materials for the students of Computer Engineering and Networking program grade X. 48


This chapter deals with the research method used in this research. It covers some aspects related to the method of research such as type of research, setting and subjects of the research, research procedure, data collection techniques and research instruments, and data analysis technique.

A. Type of Research

This research belongs to Research and Development RD since the main objective is to design Reading materials for Computer Engineering and Networking students. According to Borg Gall 1983 RD is ‘a process used to develop and validate educational products ’. The materials are developed based on Jolly Bolitho model in Tomlinson 1998.

B. Setting and Subjects of the Research

The research is conducted at SMKN 1 Pundong, Bantul which is located at Menang, Srihardono, Pundong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The school is a vocational high school focuses on engineering field, consisting of four program studies: Computer Engineering and Networking, Audio and Video Engineering, Electric Installation Engineering, and Welding Engineering. The subjects of the research are 31 students of Computer Engineering and Network class X-A.

C. Procedure of the Research

The procedure used in this research is based on the procedure proposed by BorgGall 1983 and combined with material design by JollyBollito in Tomlinson 1998 with several adaption. The procedure of this research is illustrated on the figure and the description below. Figure 3.1 Procedure of the Research Conducting Needs Analysis Developing Course Grids Designing materials First Draft Evaluating the materials by the expert Writing the final draft 1. Conducting needs analysis The first stage is conducting needs analysis which aims to obtain information about students’ identity, needs, and interests in learning English, especially reading skills. The needed information is around what materials they interested in, including input, tasks, relevant topic, the difficulties in comprehending reading texts, and so on. The result of the needs analysis is then used as the base in developing appropriate reading materials that can meet their needs. 2. Developing the course grid In this stage, the researcher designs a course grid of reading materials which contains units and activities that will be provided in the materials. The included topics are based on the students’ discipline, that is, computer and networking field that will raise students’ interest. 3. Designing the materials Writing the first draft is the next step of the study. The draft is developed based on the course grid that has been designed. There are three units developed in the materials which consist of some tasks. 4. Evaluating Materials by Expert When the first draft is already finished, the materials should be evaluated by experts to get the feedbacks of aspects to evaluate. The evaluation by experts is adapted from BSNP and the items are in the form of questionnaire. 5. Writing the final draft of the materials After receiving feedbacks from the experts, the researcher should revise the materials based on the revision from the expert. This aims to get more suitable materials in terms of content, language, lay out, and so on. The final result of this step is the final product of reading materials for the tenth grade students of computer engineering and networking.

D. Data Collecting Technique and Research Instruments

The instruments used in this research are questionnaires and there are two forms of questionnaires. The first one is the questionnaire distributed to the students of Computer Engineering and Networking program to find out the target needs and learning needs of the students. There are 23 questions that will be analysed except the personal identity of the students. The organization of the first questionnaire is shown as below.