Necessities The Result of Needs Analysis

the result, it can be concluded that most of the students X-A class of computer engineering and networking is categorized as beginner. The following item is about the lacks related to reading skills. Regarding students’ lacks, there are five options that can be chosen: vocabulary mastery, finding main idea, comprehending texts, understanding technical terms, and finding specific information. Table 4.5 Students’ Lacks in Reading Skills Aspects Questions Statements Items to answer N F Percenta ge Lacks In Reading skills, I find difficulties in.... a. understanding vocabulary in a text 43 10

23, 3

b. finding main idea in a paragraph 43 7 16,3 c. comprehending the content of whole text 43 10

23, 3

d. understanding technical terms 43 20 46,5 e. finding specific information in a text 43 6 14 The table illustrates that 46,5 of total respondents say that they have difficulty in understanding technical terms. They also find difficult in comprehending the content of the whole texts 23.3 and understanding the meaning of vocabulary in texts 23,3.

d. Wants

Wants refer to students’ views related to their needs HutchinsonWaters, 1987:56. The description of students’ general wants in learning English can be seen from the table below. Table 4.6 Students’ Wants in Reading Skills Aspects QuestionsStat ements Items to answer N F Percenta ge Wants I want the teaching and learning process of Reading that can make me be able to... a. master vocabulary 64 20 29,9 b. comprehend texts 64 22 32,8 c. master grammar and structure 64 14 20,9 d. find specific information in a text accurately 64 10 14,9 Based on the result shown in the table, the respondents want reading learning that can make them be able to comprehend texts 32,8 and to master vocabulary 29,9. 2 Students’ Learning Needs a. Input Input is defined as the spoken, written, and visual sources that the learners should work with in the English learning Nunan: 2004. Since the materials’ in this research focus in reading skills, the input only concerns with reading input. Table 4.7 Input of Reading materials Aspects QuestionsStat ements Items to answer N F Percenta ge Input When I learn reading I want to have.... a. a. simple texts b. 66 12 18,2 c. b. authentic texts e.g: brochure, advertisement, schedule, memo, etc 66 19 28,8 d. d. texts equipped with vocabulary related to the texts. 66 3 4,5 e. texts equipped with pictures 66 19 28,8 f. texts which are relevant to the needs of computer engineering and networking program students 66 13 19,7 The table above shows that 28,8 of the total respondents wants authentic texts as the source of reading learning process and in the same percentage they also want texts equipped with pictures. In relation to their major, they also want texts which are relevant to computer engineering and networking program19,7.