CBI Models Content-based Instruction CBI

should be arranged to provide coherence for theme unit, and to generate content and language. Courses design according to the TB approach usually includes variety of text types and discourse samples such as presentations, videos, written materials such as news articles, essays, informative excerpts, literary passages Duenas, 2003. She also states that another characteristic of this model is the concept of integrated skills like grammar, vocabulary, language awareness as well as productive skills. Theme-based is a good tool to integrate language and content that makes course designers and teachers possible to explore language and content in materials. Students will not only look at the language matters but they will also enjoy the content that becomes their expertise.

e. Types of learning and teaching activities

Actually there is no specific activity according to this approach. Some aspects that should be considered related to activity in CBI classrooms are the activities should be matched with the needs of students and contain interesting, comprehensible, and meaningful content Brinton:1989. In line with this, Stiller 1997 on Richards 2001 stated that the students in CBI classrooms should be provided by authentic sources related their study. The learning activities will involve these aspects: a Language skills improvement, b Vocabulary building c Discourse organization d Communicative interaction e Study skills f Synthesis of content materials and grammar. Therefore, all of the aspects should meet the needs that the students want to fulfil. It should be considered in designing materials so that the content have to contain relevant technical terms and vocabulary, the context or discourse that can engage their English skills.

f. Learners and Teachers Role in CBI

The roles of learners and teachers in CBI classroom cannot be separated from one to another. Learners are expected to become autonomous and independent in learning languagesince automaticity becomes one of the main goals in CBI classroom Stryker and Leaver 1997:26 in Richards 2001. In short, the role of students is to take part actively in any kinds of activities to produce the language in effective way. It will impact to the improvement of their proficiency as they will master the target language from the content provided in the materials or activities. The successful of CBI classroom also lays on teachers’ roles. Teachers in CBI classroom have their own role as persons who teach the language as well as have an insight dealing with the content that relates to subject matter. Stryker and Leaver 1997 on Richards 2001 state that teachers in CBI classroom should experience well to the content and be able to select and adapt materials, to provide scaffolding for students’ linguistic content learning, and to create learner- centredclassrooms. CBI requires teachers who can teach language as well as the content to the students. Thus, it is important for teachers and learners to have meaningful interaction in order to reach the goal of learning. Both of teachers and students have to coordinate and create a good circumstance to learn English.

g. Roles of Materials

The materials used in CBI classroom are typically including subject matter in the content. The sources of the content should be authentic in order to make the learning become meaningful. There are actually two implications of authenticity: the materials are similar with native-language instruction or they relate to the use of products that are not produced for language teaching purpose Brinton:1989 such as article, newspaper, etc. Richards Rodgers 2001 suggest some sources such as tourist guidebooks, technical journals, railway time tables, newspaper ads, or TV broadcasts. All the sources thus should be matched to students’ needs and discipline in order to reach the effective learning.

4. Reading Theory

The materials that are going to develop in this study concern on reading skills and as one of the basic four skills in English, reading has its own learning