The Results of the Analysis of the Questionnaire

Table 4.3 Students’ Necessities in learning English Aspects Questions Statements Items to answer N F Percenta ge Necessities When I graduate from vocational school, I use English in the working field to.... a. communicate in written and oral form actively 58 20 34,5 b. read articlebooks related to the development of computer engineering and networking technology 58 13 22,4 c. understand instructions in computer terms 58 23 39,7 d. understand manual 58 2 3,5 I think the use of texts related to computer engineering and networkingin teaching and learning Reading skills is.... a. very important 28 22 78,6 b. important 28 6 21,4 c. quite important 28 d. not important 28 Skills and knowledge that I will occasionally use in the working field isare.... a. listening 68 12 19,4 b. speaking 68 22 35,5 c. reading 68 16 25.8 d. writing 68 12 19,4 e. vocabulary 68 3 4,8 f. grammar 68 3 4,8 This table shows that the students need English to understand instructions in computer terms 39,7 and it isnecessary for them to communicate in written and oral form actively 34,5. 22,4 of the respondents also state that they need English to read reference related to the development of technology as what their major demands.In relation to reading materials as the product of this research, 78,6 respondents thought that the use of texts related to computer engineering and networkingin teaching and learning Reading skills is very important.The need of skills in English that they want to master are speaking 35,5 and reading 25,5

c. Lacks

The gap between what the students have already known and what they need to know is called as Lacks Hutchinson and Waters, 1987. To find out the lacks of students in computer engineering and networkingprogram, the researcher needs to know in what level their English proficiency is. The result is shown in the table below. Table 4.4 Students’ Proficiency Level As shown on the table, 71.4 of total respondents consider themselves as beginner while 28.6 of them state that they are in the intermediate level. Based on Aspects Questions Statements Items to answer N F Percenta ge Lacks My current English proficiency is at the level of.... a. beginner 28 20 71.4 b. intermediate 28 8 28.6 c. advanced 28