The Prefix dis- The Prefix re- The Prefix mis- The Prefix trans-


4.1.5 The Distributions in English

The distributions deal with the types of the word-class of the base which can be attached by the affixes. The English Prefix a.The Prefix

en- The prefix en- may be attached to the base forms of the adjectives and the nouns. Examples en- + large adjective = enlarge verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ en- + rich adjective = enrich verb ‘ to make someone rich ‘ en- + able adjective = enable verb ‘ to make someone able to do something en- + code noun = encode verb ‘ to put a massage into code ‘

b. The Prefix dis-

The prefix dis- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs and the adjectives. Examples. dis- + connect verb = disconnect verb ‘ to detach something from something dis- + approve verb = disapprove verb ‘ to consider something to be folish ‘ dis- + like verb = dislike verb ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able adjective = disable verb ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 45

c. The Prefix re-

The prefix re- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples re- + write verb = rewrite verb ‘to write something again in different or better way ’ re- + set verb = reset verb ‘to place something in position again’ re- + shape verb = reshape verb ‘to shape or form something again or in differen way ’ re- + admit verb = readmit verb ’to allow someone to become a member of a group or an organization again ’

d. The Prefix mis-

The prefix mis- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples. mis- + understand verb = misunderstand verb ‘ to interpert words, instructions, etc wrongly mis- + calculate verb = miscalculate verb ‘to calculate amount, distance, measurement, etc wrongly mis- + apply verb = misapply verb ‘ to use something for the wrong purpose or in wrong way mis- + behave verb = misbehave verb ’ to behave wrongly Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 46

f.The Prefix trans-

The prefix trans- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples. trans- + from verb = transform verb ‘ to change the shape, appearance or character of something or someone completely ’ trans- + migrate verb = transmigrate verb ‘ to move from one place to another ’ trans- + figure verb = transfigure verb ‘ to change the appearance of something or someone as to make themit nobler or more beautiful ’

g. The Prefix over-