The Suffix –ize The Suffix –ify The Prefix dis- The Prefix re-

78 Examples. length noun + -en = lengthen verb ‘to make or become longer ‘ fright noun + -en = frightenverb ‘ to make or to become fright ‘ sharp adjective + -en = sharpenverb ‘ to make something sharp ‘

b.The Suffix –ize

The function of the suffix –ize changes the word-class catagory when it is attached to the base forms. Examples. victim noun + -ize = victimize verb ’ to make someone suffer ‘ human noun + -ize = humanize verb‘ to make someone human’ patron noun + -ize = patronize verb ‘ to act as patron towords ‘

c. The Suffix –ify

The function of the suffix –ify changes the word-class catagory when it attached to base forms Examples beauty noun + -ify = beautify verb ‘ to make someone beautiful ‘ class noun + -ify = classify verb‘ to arrange in class or group ‘ amply noun + -ify = amplify verb‘ to make larger or fuller information’ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 79 Karonese Suffix a. The Suffix –i The function of the suffix –i changes the word-class category when they are attached to the base forms Examples. lau noun + -i = laui verb‘ to put water on ‘ tambar noun + -i = tambari verb‘ to give medicine to ‘ kulit noun + -i = kuliti verb‘ to remove the skin from ‘

4.4 Partly Correpondence

The partly correspondence of two or more languages which is contrasted may be found if they have the similarities but not in whole part. In this analysis, I find the partly correspondence in terms of the distributions and meanings notions. The distributions deal with the types of the word-class category of the bases which can be attached by the affixes, but The notions deal with the meaning of the affixes after being attached to the base forms In term of the distribution, the English and Karonese prefixes and suffixes have the similarities, but not in whole parts. The English prefixes and suffixes cannot be attached to the numeral to form the verbs, but the Karonese prefix can be attached to numeral to form the verbs In the term of meaning notion , the English and Karonese prefixes and suffixes also have the similarities, but no in whole parts. In English and Karonese, there are prefixes or suffixes that state the similar meaning but not in the whole meanings. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 80

4.4.1 The Distributions

The English prefixes and suffixes which are attached to the base forms of adjectives, nouns, and verbs in order to form the verbs The English Prefix a. The Prefix

en- The prefix en- may be attached to the base forms of the adjectives and the nouns Examples en- + large adjective = enlarge verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ en- + rich adjective = enrich verb ‘ to make someone rich ‘ en- + able adjective = enable verb ‘ to make someone able to do something en- + code noun = encode verb ‘ to put a massage into code ‘

b. The Prefix dis-

The prefix dis- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs and the adjectives Examples. dis- + connect verb = disconnect verb ‘ to detach something from something dis- + approve verb = disapprove verb ‘ to consider something to be folish ‘ dis- + like verb = dislike verb ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able adjective = disable verb ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 81

c. The Prefix re-

The prefix re- may be attached to the base forms of the verbs Examples re- + write verb = rewrite verb ‘to write something again in different or better way ’ re- + set verb = reset verb ‘to place something in position again’ re- + shape verb = reshape verb ‘to shape or form something again or in differen way ’ re- + admit verb = readmit verb ’to allow someone to become a member of a group or an organization again ’

d. The Prefix mis-