The Suffix –ize The Prefix per – The Prefix pe- The Prefix – i The Suffix –en


k. The Prefix un-

The prefix un- may be attached to the base forms of the nouns. Examples. un- + load noun = unload verb ‘ to move a thing from ‘ un- + pack noun = unpack verb‘ to take out a thing ‘ un- + loose noun = unloose verb‘ to make something loose ‘ The English Suffix a. The Suffix

–en The suffix –en may be attached to the base forms of the nouns and the adjectives. Examples. length noun + -en = lengthen verb ‘to make or become longer ‘ fright noun + -en = frightenverb ‘ to make or to become fright ‘ sharp adjective + -en = sharpenverb ‘ to make something sharp ‘

b. The Suffix –ize

The suffix –ize may be attached to the base forms of the nouns. Examples. victim noun + -ize = victimize verb ’ to make someone suffer ‘ human noun + -ize = humanize verb‘ to make someone human’ patron noun + -ize = patronize verb ‘ to act as patron towords ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 49

c. The Suffix –ify

The suffix –ify may be attached to the base froms of the nouns. Examples beauty noun + -ify = beautify verb ‘ to make someone beautiful ‘ class noun + -ify = classify verb‘ to arrange in class or group ‘ amply noun + -ify = amplify verb‘ to make larger or fuller information’

4.1.6 The Distributions in Karonese

The distributions deal with the types of the word-class of the base which can be attached by the affixes. The Karonese Prefix a. The Prefix

er- The prefix er- may be attached to the base forms of the nouns. Examples. er- + kabeng noun = erkabeng verb ‘ to have wings ‘ er- + pemegi noun = erpemegi verb ‘ to have hearing ‘ er- + juma noun = erjuma verb ‘ to work as a farmer ‘ er- + kesah noun = erkesah verb ‘ to have breath, to breathe ‘

b. The Prefix per –

The prefix per – may be attached to the base forms of the numerals. Examples. per- + sada numeral = persada verb ‘ to become one ‘ per- + dua numeral = perdua verb ‘ to devide in half ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 50 per- + telu numeral = pertelu verb ‘ to devide into three’ per- + pitu numera = perpitu verb ‘ to devide into seven’

c. The Prefix pe-

The prefix pe- may be attached to the base forms of the verb and the adjectives. Examples. pe- + galang adjective = pegalang verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ pe- + kitik adjective = pekitik verb ‘ to make something smaller ‘ pe- + lawes verb = pelawes verb ‘to ask someone to go ‘

d. The Prefix – i

The prefix –i may be attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples. i- + pekpek verb = ipekpek verb ’ to be hit ‘ i- + tukur verb = itukur verb ‘ to be bought ‘ i- + buat verb = ibuat verb ‘ to be taken ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 51 The Karonese suffix a. The Suffix

–i The suffix –i may be attached to the base froms of the nouns and the verbs Examples. lau noun + -i = laui verb‘ to put water on ‘ tambar noun + -i = tambari verb‘ to give medicine to ‘ kulit noun + -i = kuliti verb‘ to remove the skin from ‘ Pekpek verb + -i = pekpeki verb‘ to hit someone or something repeatedly ‘ ema verb + -i = emai verb‘ to kiss someone repeatedly ‘

b. The Suffix –en

The suffix –en may be attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples kiam verb + -en = kiamken verb ‘ to all run‘ lawes verb + -en = lawesken verb‘ to all go ‘ mbulak verb + -en = mbulaken verb‘ to all fall down ‘ cires verb + -en = ciresen verb‘ to leak everywhere ‘ mambur verb + -en = mamburen verb‘ to flow everywhere ‘

c. The Suffix –ken