Data Analysis Procedures Review of The Related Literature

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3.4 Data Analysis Procedures

To analyze the data, some procedures are done. They are: 1. Collecting the English and Karonese verbs which contain prefixes and suffixes 2. Selecting the English and Karonese verbs which belong to prefixes and suffixes 3. Describing the prefixes and suffixes that are attached to base words to form verbs in English and Karonese in terms of forms, distributions, funtions, and meanings. 4. Analyzing how the prefixes and suffixes are attached to base words to form verbs in English and Karonese in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings 5. Making the contrastive analysis between English and Karonese verbs formed by affixation in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings 6. Finding out the correspondences, partly correspondences, and non- correspondences between English and Karonese verbs formed by affixation in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 25

3.5 Review of The Related Literature

In order to support this analysis, I consult the other thesises related to this analysis which were done by some students. They are: 1. Rahmianti 2002 in her thesis entitled, “ A Contrastive Analysis of affixes between English and Buginese Language” . In the analysis, after she had analyzed the data, she found there were the correspondences, partly correspondences and non-correspondences of the langauges in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings. 2. Esfandiarti 2008 in her thesis entitled, “ Affixation between English and Palembang Malay Lanaguage : A Contrastive Analysis “. In the analysis, after she had compared the two languages, she also found that there were the correspondences, partly correspondences, and non-correspondences of the languages in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings. 3. Hanim 1999 in her thesis entitled ‘ A Contrastive Analysis Between English And Riau Malay Verb Form ‘. The correspondences and non-correspondeces between English and Riau Malay verb form in terms of forms, functions, distributions, and meanings were found in her thesis 4. Batubara 1999 in his thesis entitled ‘ A Contrastive Analysis Between English And Mandailing Langauge Prefixes And Suffixes ‘.The correspondences and non-correspondeces between English and Mandailing Langauge prefixes and suffixes in term of forms, functions, distributions, and meaning were found in her thesis Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 26