The Suffix –en The Prefix dis- The Prefix re- The Prefix mis-

33 pe- + lawes = pelawes ‘to ask someone to go ‘

d.The Prefix i-

The prefix i- does not change in the form when it is attched to the base forms of verbs beginning with consonants. Examples. i- + pekpek verb = ipekpek verb ’ to be hit ‘ i- + tukur verb = itukur verb ‘ to be bought ‘ i- + buat verb = ibuat verb ‘ to be taken ‘ i- + ema verb = iema verb ‘ to be kissed ‘ The Karonese Suffix a. The Suffix

–i The suffix –i does not change in the form when attahed to the base froms ending with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples. lau + -i = laui ‘ to put water on ‘ tambar + -i = tambari ‘ to give medicine to ‘ kulit + -i = kuliti ‘ to remove the skin from ‘ pekpek + -i = pekpeki ‘ to hit someone or something repeatedly ‘ ema + -i = emai ‘ to kiss someone repeatedly ‘

b. The Suffix –en

The suffix –en does not change in the form when it is attached to the base forms ending with consonants in order to create the verbs. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 34 Examples kiam + -en = kiamken ‘ to all run‘ lawes + -en = lawesken ‘ to all go ‘ mbulak + -en = mbulaken ‘ to all fall down ‘ cires + -en = ciresen ‘ to leak everwhere ‘ mambur + -en = mamburen ‘ to flow everwhere ‘

c. The Suffix –ken

The suffix –ken does not change in the form when it is attahced to the base forms ending with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples. kundul + -ken = kundulken ‘ sit.. ‘ lawes + -ken = lawesken ‘ go.. ‘ ngisap + -ken = ngisapken ‘ smoke..’ ndarat + -ken = ndaratken ‘ go out ..’ tutup + -ken = tutupken ‘ shut it ..’ tulis + -ken = tulisken ‘ write it..’ reh + -ken = rehken ‘ to make come, summon’ tading + -ken = tadingken ‘ to make remain, to leave behind ‘ belin + -ken = belinken ‘ to make big ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 35

4.1.3 The Functions in English

The functions deal with the process whether the affixes change or maintain the word- class category of the words after being attached to the base forms. The English Prefix a.The Prefix

en- The function of the prefix en- change th word-class category of the word when attached to the base form of the adjectives en- + large adjective = enlarge verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ en- + rich adjective = enrich verb ‘ to make someone rich ‘ en- + able adjective = enable verb ‘ to make someone able to do something en- + code adjective = encode verb ‘ to put a massage into code ‘

b.The Prefix dis-

The function of the prefix dis- does not change the word-class category of the word when attached to base forms of the verbs. Examples. dis- + connect verb = disconnect verb ‘ to detach something from something dis- + approve verb = disapprove verb ‘ to consider something to be folish ‘ dis- + like verb = dislike verb ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able verb = disable verb ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 36

c. The Prefix re-

The function of the prefix re- does not change the word-class category of the word when attaced to the base forms of the verbs. Examples re- + write verb = rewrite verb ‘to write something again in different or better way’ re- + set verb = reset verb ‘to place something in position again’ re- + shape verb = reshape verb ‘to shape or form something again or in differen way’ re- + admit verb = readmit verb ’to allow someone to become a member of a group or an organization again’

d. The Prefix mis-

The function of the prefix mis- maintains the word-class category of the word when attached to the base forms of the verbs. Examples. mis- + understand verb = misunderstand verb ‘ to interpert words, instructions, etc wrongly ‘ mis- + calculate verb = miscalculate verb ‘to calculate amount, distance, measurement, etc wrongly ‘ mis- + apply verb = misapply verb ‘ to use something for the wrong purpose or in wrong way ‘ mis- + behave verb = misbehave verb ’ to behave wrongly ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 37

e. The Prefix trans-