The Prefix dis- The Prefix over- The Prefix trans- The Prefix re-


b. The Prefix dis-

The prefix dis- does not change in the form when attacched to the base forms beginning with vowels or consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples dis- + connect = disconnect ‘ to detach something from something ‘ dis- + approve = disapproce ‘ to consider something to be foolish ‘ dis- + lilke = dislike ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able = disable ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘

c.The Prefix over-

The prefix over- does not change in the form when attached to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples. over- + sleep = oversleep ‘ to sleep longer or later than one intended ‘ over- + cook = overcook ‘ to cook food for longer than it is necessary ‘ over- + do = overdo ‘ to do, perfom, or express something too fully or for too long ‘ over- + book = overbook’ to reserve seats, rooms, etc for too many passengers or visitors on aircraf, in a hotel, etc. ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 28

d.The Prefix trans-

The prefix trans- does not change in the form when attached to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples. trans- + from = transform ‘ to change the shape, appearance or character of something or someone completely ’ trans- + migrate = transmigrate ‘ to move from one place to another ’ trans- + figure = transfigure ‘ to change the appearance of something or someone as to make themit nobler or more beautiful ‘

e.The Prefix re-

The prefix re- does not change in the form when attached to the base forms beginnning with vowels or consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples re- + write = rewrite ‘to write something again in different or better way ’ re- + set = reset ‘ to place something in position again ‘ re- + shape = reshape‘to shape or form something again or in different way ’ re- + admit = readmit ’to allow someone to become a member of a group or an organization again ’ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 29

f.The Prefix mis-