The Research Method The Data Collecting Method The Data Analyzing Method



3.1 The Research Method

In a scientific analysis, there must be a method because it is very important to solve the problems of the analysis. In this analysis, I apply ‘ the library research ‘. It is a kind of research that is conducted by searching the data sources from books to support this analysis. In addition to the library research, I use ‘ descriptive method .‘ Nawawi 1995 : 67 states, “ Metode descriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang diselidiki seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, pabrik, dan lain – lain sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan fakta – fakta yang actual pada saat sekarang. From this definition, it is understood that descriptive method is the procedure of how the problems of the analysis are solved by describing the data based on the recent facts

3.2 The Data Collecting Method

The method how to collect the data is very important. In this analysis, I collect the data from written sources which are written in English and Karonese, in which I try to find the English and Karonese verbs formed by affixation. After collecting the data, I classify them into each group by differentiating English and Karonese verbs that contain prefixes and suffixes. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 23 In order to support the data collecting method, I use two kinds of dictionaries. They are English Oxford Dictionary Hornby and Kamus Karo Indonesia Prints . These two dictionaries are used to avoid the errors in understanding the changes in the forms, distributions, functions, and meanings of English and Karonese verbs fromed by affixation. .

3.3 The Data Analyzing Method

In this analysis, I analyze the data by applying the method ‘ Contrastive Analysis C A . Naibaho 2006 : 1 says, “ Contrastive Analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and similarities of two or more languages are made explicit. After that, I also analyze the data based on morphological processe. The reason is that English and Karonese verbs formed by affixation is one of morphological processes. In this analysis, I also analyze the forms, distributions, functions, meanings of affixes which are attached to base words to form verbs in English and Karonese. Sibarani 2002 : 76 states that in analyzing affixes, the forms, functions, distributions, and notions of affixes are necessary to be taken account of. The forms deal with the process of the change of the affixes after being attached to the bases. The fuctions deal with the process whether the affixes change or maintain the word- class category of the word after being attached to the bases. The distributions deal with the types of the word-class category of the bases which can be attached by the affixes. The nations deal with the meaning of the affixes after being attached to the bases. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 24 .

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures