The Prefix sub- The Prefix under- The Prefix be- The Prefix un-


f. The Prefix mis-

The prefix mis- does not have any changing form when it is attached to the base forms beginning with vowels or consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples mis- + understand = misunderstand ‘ to interpert words, instructions, etc wrongly ‘ mis- + calculate = miscalculate ‘to calculate amount, distance, measurement, etc wrongly ‘ mis- + apply = misapply ‘ to use something for the wrong purpose or in wrong way ‘ mis- + behave = misbehave’ to behave wrongly ‘

g. The Prefix sub-

The prefix sub- does not have any changing from when it is attached to base form beginning with consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples sub- + devide = subdevide ‘ to devide something or be devided into smaller devision sub- + marge = submarge ‘ to go under the surface of water ‘ sub- + serve = submerge ‘ to serve as a means in promoting ‘

h. The Prefix under-

The prefix under- does not have any changing form when it is attached to the base froms beginning with consonants in oder to create the verbs. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 66 Examples under- + estimate = underestimate ‘ to guess that amout of something is lower that it realy is ‘ under- + expose = underexpose ‘ to allow too little light to reach a film ’ under- + sign = undersign ‘ to sign a letter at the foot ‘

i. The Prefix be-

The prefix be- does not have any changing form when it is attached to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples be- + friend = befriend ‘ to make a friend of ‘ be- + devil = bedevil ‘ to seduce or to make confuse ’ be- + little = belittle ‘ to cause to seem unimportant ‘

j. The Prefix un-

The prefix un- does not have any changing form when it is attched to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples. un- + load = unload ‘ to move a thing from ‘ un- + pack = unpack ‘ to take out a thing ‘ un- + loose = unloose ‘ to make something loose ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 67 The Karonese Prefixes a.The Prefix

er- The prefix er- does not have any changing form when it is attached to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples. er- + kabeng = erkabeng ‘ to have wings ‘ er- + pemegi = erpemegi ‘ to have hearing ‘ er- + juma = erjuma ‘ to work as a farmer ‘ er- + kesah = erkesah ‘ to have breath, to breathe ‘

b.The Prefix per-