The Suffix –en The Prefix be- The Prefix un- The Prefix per –


b. The Suffix –en

The suffix –en does not have any changing form when it is added to the base forms ending with consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples kiam + -en = kiamken ‘ to all run‘ lawes + -en = lawesken ‘ to all go ‘ mbulak + -en = mbulaken ‘ to all fall down ‘ cires + -en = ciresen ‘ to leak everwhere ‘ mambur + -en = mamburen ‘ to flow everwhere ‘

c. The Suffix –ken

The suffix –ken does not have any changing form when it is added to the base forms ending with consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples. kundul + -ken = kundulken ‘ sit.. ‘ lawes + -ken = lawesken ‘ go.. ‘ ngisap + -ken = ngisapken ‘ smoke..’ ndarat + -ken = ndaratken ‘ go out ..’ tutup + -ken = tutupken ‘ shut it ..’ tulis + -ken = tulisken ‘ write it.. Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 71

4.3.2 The Function

The functions deal with the process whether the affixes change or maintain the word-class category of the words after being attached to the base forms. In this analysis, The English and Karonese prefixes and suffixes are correspondence in the functions. The prefixes and suffixes of the languages which are attached to the base form may change or maintain the word-class category. The English and Karonese prefixes which change the word-class category when they are attached to the base forms The English Prefix a. The Prefix

en- The function of the prefix en- changes the word-class category when they are attached to the base forms Examples en- + large adjective = enlarge verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ en- + rich adjective = enrich verb ‘ to make someone rich ‘ en- + able adjective = enable verb ‘ to make someone able to do something ‘ en- + code noun = encode verb ‘ to put a massage into code ‘

b. The Prefix be-

The function of the prefix be- changes the word-class catagory when it is attached to the base forms beginning with consonants in order to form the verbs Examples Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 72 be- + friend noun = befriend verb ‘ to make a friend of ‘ be- + devil noun = bedevil verb ‘ to seduce or to make confuse’ be- + little noun = belittle verb ‘ to cause to seem unimportant ‘

c. The Prefix un-

The function of the prefix un- changes the word-class catagory when it is attched to the forms beginning with consonants in order to form the verbs Examples. un- + load noun = unload verb ‘ to move a thing from ‘ un- + pack noun = unpack verb‘ to take out a thing ‘ un- + loose noun = unloose verb‘ to make something loose ‘ The Karonese Prefix a. The Prefix

pe- The function of the prefix pe- changes the word-class category when it is attached to the base forms Examples. pe- + galang adjective = pegalang verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ pe- + kitik adjective = pekitik verb ‘ to make something smaller ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 73

b. The Prefix per –

The functions of the prefix per – changes the word-class category of the word when it is attached to the base forms Examples. per- + sada numeral = persada verb ‘ to become one ‘ per- + dua numeral = perdua verb ‘ to devide in half ‘ per- + telu numeral = pertelu verb ‘ to devide into three’ per- + pitu numera = perpitu verb ‘ to devide into seven’ The English and Karonese prefixes do not change the word-class category when they are attached to the base forms. The English Prefixes a. The Prefix

dis- The function of the prefix dis- does not change the word-class category of the word when attached to base forms. Examples. dis- + connect verb = disconnect verb ‘ to detach something from something ‘ dis- + approve verb = disapprove verb ‘ to consider something to be folish ‘ dis- + like verb = dislike verb ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able verb = disable verb ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 74

b. The Prefix re-