The Suffix –en The Suffix –ken Finding The Prefix dis-

60 i- + pekpek verb = ipekpek verb ’ to be hit ‘ i- + tukur verb = itukur verb ‘ to be bought ‘ i- + buat verb = ibuat verb ‘ to be taken ‘ i- + pan verb = ipan verb ‘ to be eaten ‘ The Karonese Suffix a. The Suffix

–i The meaning of the suffix –i may be describeb as follows. -To state the meaning of ‘ to put ‘ of what is mentioned in the base form Examples. lau + -i = laui ‘ to put water on ‘ -To state the meaning of ‘ to give of what is mentioned in the base form tambar + -i = tambari‘ to give medicine to ‘ -To state the meaning of ‘to remove something from ‘ of what is mentioned in the base form kulit + -i = kuliti ‘ to remove the skin from ‘ -To state the meaning of ‘to do something repeatedly of what is mentioned in the base forms Pekpek + -i = pekpeki ‘ to hit someone or something repeatedly ‘ ema + -i = emai ‘ to kiss someone repeatedly ‘

b. The Suffix –en

The meaning of the suffix –en may be described as follows. - To state the meaning of ‘all’ of what is mentioned in the base form Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 61 Examples kiam + -en = kiamken ‘ to all run‘ lawes + -en = lawesken‘ to all go ‘ mbulak + -en = mbulaken‘ to all fall down ‘ -To state the meaning of ‘everywhere’ of what is mentioned in the base forms. cires + -en = ciresen‘ to leak everywhere ‘ mambur + -en = mamburen‘ to flow everywhere ‘

c. The Suffix –ken

The meaning of the suffix –ken may be described as follows. -To state the meaning of ‘ imperative’ of what is mentioned in the base forms. Examples. kundul + -ken = kundulken ‘ sit.. ‘ lawes + -ken = lawesken ‘ go.. ‘ ngisap + -ken = ngisapken‘ smoke..’ ndarat + -ken = ndaratken ‘ go out ..’ tutup + -ken = tutupken ‘ shut it ..’ tulis + -ken = tulisken ‘ write it..’ -To state the meaning of ‘to make’ of what is mentioned in the base form. reh verb + -ken = rehken verb‘ to make come, summon’ tading verb + -ken = tadingken verb ‘ to make remain, to leave behind ‘ belin verb + -ken = belinken verb ‘ to make big ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 62

4.2 Finding

Having analyzed the prefixes and the suffixes which are attached to the base forms to create the verbs in English and Karonese, I find the correpondance, partly correspondence, and non-correspondence in terms of forms, distributions, functions, and meanings or notions.

4.3 Correspondance

The correspondence of two or more languages which are compared may be found if they have the similirarites. In this analysis, I find the correspondence between Englilsh and Karonese verbs formed by affixation in terms of the forms and functions.

4.3.1 The Forms

The forms deal with the process of the changes of affixes after being attached to the base forms. The English and Karonese prefixes and suffixes do not have any changing forms when they are attached to the base forms The English Prefixes a. The prefix

en- The prefix en- does not have any changing form when it is attached to the base forms beginning with vowels or consonants in order to form the verbs. Examples en- + large = enlarge ‘ to become or make something larger’ en- + rich = enrich ‘ to make someone rich ‘ en- + able = enable ‘ to make someone able to do something ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 63 en- + code = encode ‘ to put a massage into code ‘

b. The Prefix dis-

The prefix dis- does not have any changing form when it is added to the base forms beginning with vowels or consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples dis- + connect = disconnect ‘ to detach something from something ‘ dis- + approve = disapproce ‘ to consider something to be folish ‘ dis- + lilke = dislike ‘ to have difference ‘ dis- + able = disable ‘ to make someone unable to do something ‘

c. The Prefix over-