The Prefix pe- The Prefix – i The Suffix –en

41 Examples. er- + kabeng noun = erkabeng verb ‘ to have wings ‘ er- + pemegi noun = erpemegi verb ‘ to have hearing ‘ er- + juma noun = erjuma verb ‘ to work as a farmer ‘ er- + kesah noun = erkesah verb ‘ to have breath, to breathe’

b. The Prefix per –

The functions of the prefix per – changes the word-class category of the word when attached to the base forms Examples. per- + sada numeral = persada verb ‘ to become one ‘ per- + dua numeral = perdua verb ‘ to devide in half ‘ per- + telu numeral = pertelu verb ‘ to devide into three’ per- + pitu numeral = perpitu verb ‘ to devide into seven’

c. The Prefix pe-

The function of the prefix pe- may be explained as follows: -To change the word-class category of the words when attached to the base form of the adjective Examples. pe- + galang adjective = pegalang verb ‘ to make something bigger ‘ pe- + kitik adjective = pekitik verb ‘ to make something smaller ‘ -To maintain the word-class category of the word when attached to the base form of the verb. Examples. pe- + lawes verb = pelawes verb ‘to ask someone to go Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 pe- + mulih verb = pemulih verb ‘ to ask someone to go home’ pe- + pulung verb = pepulung verb ‘ collect..’

d. The Prefix – i

The prefix –i does not change the word-class category when attched to the base forms of verb. Examples. i- + pekpek verb = ipekpek verb ’ to be hit ‘ i- + tukur verb = itukur verb ‘ to be bought ‘ i- + buat verb = ibuat verb ‘ to be taken ‘ i- + ema verb = iema verb ‘ to be kissed ‘ The Karonese Suffix a.The Suffix

–i The function of the suffix –i may be describeb as follows: -To change the word-class category when attahed to the base forms of the nouns Examples. lau noun + -i = laui verb‘ to put water on ‘ tambar noun + -i = tambari verb‘ to give medicine to ‘ kulit noun + -i = kuliti verb‘ to remove the skin from ‘ -To maintain the word-class category when attached to base forms of the verbs Pekpek verb + -i = pekpeki verb‘ to hit someone or something repeatedly ‘ ema verb + -i = emai verb‘ to kiss someone repeatedly ‘ Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara 43

b.The Suffix –en

The function of the suffix –en does not change the word-class catagory when it is attached to the base forms ending with consonants in order to create the verbs. Examples kiam verb + -en = kiamken verb ‘ to all run‘ lawes verb + -en = lawesken verb‘ to all go ‘ mbulak verb + -en = mbulaken verb‘ to all fall down ‘ cires verb + -en = ciresen verb‘ to leak everywhere ‘ mambur verb + -en = mamburen verb‘ to flow everywhere ‘

c.The Suffix –ken