The Identification of the Problems


B. The Identification of the Problems

The English teacher and I identified the problems by observing the English teaching and learning process in the classroom, interviewing the English teachers and distributing questionnaires to the students. The English teacher and I discussed the teaching and learning process in the classroom we had observed. From the observation, we found some problems in the input and the process of learning English. The input consisted of some aspects: curriculum, teachers, students, equipment, and environment. The process concerned the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The first problem was related to the students. The students were not confident to speak in English. This is influenced by some factors. Firstly, they were acquainted with limited vocabulary. The next factor is that they were afraid of making grammatical mistakes and pronunciation mistakes. These reasons made the students reluctant to speak in English. They used Indonesian and even Javanese in the classroom instead of English. The students liked working in groups. However they did not work seriously. This was illustrated from the class condition, when the teacher asked them to work in groups, many of them only chatted and did other things instead of doing the task. There seemed no responsibility showed by the students during working in groups. The next problem was related to the teaching and learning process. The classroom activities were less varied and less interactive which made students less interested to practice their speaking skill in the classroom. The PPP Presentation, Practice and Production was mostly used to teach English which 5 kept the students passive especially in speaking because it was too teacher- centred. The classroom situation did not give the opportunity for the students to use English to communicate in the class. The students sometimes worked in groups but they were not organized well. The teacher did not check how the groups worked while doing the task. That is why the students did not use English often even when it was the English class. The teacher did not motivate them to speak in English. However, in English classroom, the students should be able to practice their English skills. Moreover, the students were likely to be dependent on the classroom learning since there was not much chance for them to practice outside the class. The last problem identified was the media and equipment used in the teaching and learning process. In the classroom, useful media that could provide speaking activities were not available. The textbook used was focused on grammar. The materials used were also from the textbook in which not much speaking exercises present. Considering the problems examined above, it is necessary to find a solution for all aspects in the English teaching-learning process so that the speaking skills of the SMKN 1 Depok students can be improved. Furthermore, the solution is expected to encourage them to speak more both inside and outside the classroom. 6

C. The Limitation of the Problem