Using the classroom English during the lesson

75 table and decided the next groups and the members. As for determining the super group, I made their improvement scores. After the individual improvement scores were determined, I combined their improvement scores to be the group improvement scores. The group which surpassed the determined score are awarded as the super group. Unfortunately, in cycle 1, there was no super group because all groups did not surpass the determined score. The quiz scores were available in the next meeting for the students to check their score improvement. The scores were not publicly displayed. Only those who wanted to know their score came to see it. In the next meeting, I revealed the group with the highest quiz scores and invited the member to come to the front of the class. There was no official reward for the top group. I gave a brief compliment for the group with high scores and gave encouraging words for other groups.

b. Using the classroom English during the lesson

In the classroom, I acted as a teacher and the collaborator observed the teaching and learning process. As I planned, I tried to use English during the teaching and learning process. In Cycle 1, I used English for greeting the students, leading the students to the topic, explaining the materials, explaining the instruction of the tasks and activities, giving feedback, and reviewing the materials. In the first meeting I used common 76 expression for greeting the students and in the second meeting I used different expression. The students answered my greeting well. I asked them “How are you?” They replied “I’m fine, thank you. And you?” “I’m good too, thanks.” Vignette 2 – Appendix A I asked them “How do you do?” They answered “I’m fine, Miss, thank you. And you?” “I’m great, thanks.” Vignette 3 – Appendix A To lead the students to the topic I asked some questions in English. Since the students did not respond to my questions, I translated my questions to Indonesian. Some students responded using Indonesian. Then I started the lesson by leading the students to the topic of that day by giving questions to them. “Have you ever used facsimile machine?” “Sudah pernah ngirim fax?” Some students answered “Belum, Miss.” A student answered “Pernah lihat mesinnya aja. Miss.” “Okay, you will find out how later.” Vignette 2 – Appendix A During the lesson I used many short questions and expressions such as “Have you finished?”, “Good job.” “Great.” “Do you understand?” “Yes, that’s right.” “Excellent.” “Any question?” “Have you got the answers?” “In English, please.” “May I have your attention?” “Raise your hand.” “Really?” “Ask your friend.” “Silent, please.” At first, the students did not respond to my expressions but as I frequently used them, they started to understand and respond to my expressions. For example when I asked a student to read in front of the class, she seemed to not understand the expression ‘come forward’. However, the next time I used the same expression, the students understood well. ”Who wants to read the answer? Raise your hand. ” No one wanted to come. I appoint one group to send the representative to read the answer in 77 front of the class. “Please come forward so others can hear your answer well.” She read the answer. “Ayo, maju ke depan, biar yang lain bisa dengar.” Vignette 3 – Appendix A ...One student raised h er hand. “Good. Come forward and read your answer” She answered the question in front of the class. … …I asked the winner to perform the dialogue they had done during the game in front of the class. “For the winning couple, please come forward and show us what you did.” They came forward and perform their work. Vignette 3 – Appendix A I used both English and Indonesian in explaining the materials, giving instructions, and responding to their questions. However the students did not respond when I used English so I used Indonesian a lot. In vignette below, it is showed that I used Indonesian more than English. I asked them to look at the text and asked them what the text was about. “What is the text about?” They answered “Caranya ngirim fax.” They laughe d. “Menurut kalian text itu untuk apa?” They did not respond to my question. “You will find out later. Now, let’s hear a recording first. Kita dengarkan rekaman dulu lalu, kan teksnya belum lengkap, nanti kalian isi ya. Coba dikerjakan bareng satu tim.” Then I played a recording and asked them to complete the text. After I played the recording once, I asked “Have you got the answers?” “No.” I asked if there was any difficult word. “Is there any word that you don’t know the meaning?” They were silent. “Ada kata-kata yang susah?” “Banyak, Miss.” They answered. “Do you bring a dictionary with you?” “No.” When I asked them why, there were many excuses. “Lain kali bawa ya? Kan bisa pinjam di perpus atau pinjem teman di kelas lain. Okay?” “Inshaallah, Miss.” they answered. “There is a list of difficult words on your paper. Di belakang ada daftar kata-kata yang penting. Bersama teman satu tim, coba diartikan kata- kata yang susah biar gampang baca teksnya.” Vignette 2 – Appendix A I distributed a material to th e students. “On the paper you will find the explanation of how to tell others on making or doing something. Jadi di kertas itu ada cara-cara untuk bertanya gimana caranya membuat sesuatu, dan gimana jawabnya.” I explained the materials to them. I checked their understanding toward the materials “Do you understand?” Some students answered yes. “Kalau ada yang kurang paham materi dan cara bacanya tanya teman satu tim ya? Yang sudah tahu bantu temennya ya. Okay?” “Okay, Miss.” Vignette 3 – Appendix A 78 In the interview, some students said that during the lesson they did not really understand if I talked using English all the time. Hence, they understood when I gave them an example. It showed in the interview transcript and the vignette below. R: Selama pelajaran kan saya sering pakai bahasa Inggris. Itu gimana menurut kalian? During the lesson I often use English. What do you think about that? S: Bagus sih sebenarnya Miss, tapi seringnya ga ngerti. Apalagi pas mau game tadi. Tapi kalau ada contohnya kaya tadi sih gapapa Miss. It’s good actually, Miss but most of the times, we do not understand. It’s okay if there is an example like today. Interview 5 – Appendix B After that, I asked them to play a game. It’s called “Ask your friend” game. I explained the instruction to them using English. The students did understand my explanation so I translated into Indonesian. I reminded them that they have to use only English as they play the game. I gave the example of how to play the game. Vignette 2 – Appendix A Apparently, the students still considered me as a stranger. Therefore they still felt anxious and shy to speak to me. The student’s opinion about the classroom English I implemented in the classroom can be seen in the interview transcript below. R: Pas kelas saya ngomongnya pakai bahasa Indonesia apa bahasa Inggris? Which one do you use in my class, English or Indonesian? S: Kadang pakai bahasa Inggris Miss. Sometimes I use English, Miss. R: Menurut kamu kenapa kalau pas saya ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris temen-temen kebanyakan pada diem? Why is it that when I use English, most of your friends kept silent? S: Kayaknya sih karena belum kenal Miss, kan baru 2 kali pertemuan. I think it’s because we still don’t know each other, Miss. It’s only two meetings. R: Begitu ya, makasih ya. Really? Okay, thank you. Interview 8 – Appendix B 79

c. Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study