The Roles of the Teacher

32 1.7.Making short messages, directions and lists using appropriate words and correct spelling. The students of SMK need skills to prepare themselves for a specific occupation. Accordingly the vocational English course should support this by offering the students communication skills closely related to their fields.

5. The Roles of the Teacher

The important role of the teacher within the classroom is to create effective class condition for learning. The teacher needs to consider his role during the teaching and learning process in the classroom so the effectiveness as teachers can be enhanced. According to Harmer 2001, in learner-centred lessons, a teacher’s role is best performed as a facilitator. This includes the roles as a controller, an organizer, an assessor, a prompter, a participant, a resource, a tutor and an observer. While the roles of the teachers above are all important in teaching English in the classroom, in speaking activities there are three roles that are relevant to be adopted in order to enhance students to speak fluently. The roles are explained below: a. Prompter When a teacher is performing as a prompter, the teacher would help students when they get lost. The teacher may help them by offering discrete suggestions such as words or phrases. Teachers may become resources for the 33 students to ask questions. However, no teacher knows everything about the language. If teachers face such a difficult question which they cannot answer, they may offer guidance as to where students can go to look for that information. b. Participant Teachers can join in a discussion with the students. As a participant the teacher can prompt secretly, introduce new information, ensure continuing students involvement and maintain creative atmosphere. However the teacher should be very careful not to participate too much or dominate the discussion. c. Feedback provider In giving feedback, teachers should be very careful because over-correction may restrain them and take the communicativeness out of the activity. Conversely, positive and encouraging correction may get students out of difficult misunderstanding and hesitation. Everything depends upon teacher’s tact and the appropriateness of the feedback given.

6. Feedback in Speaking