Instructional Materials Time Allocation : 4 x 45 minutes Teaching Method: Based on the Contextual-Communicative Model of

160 3. Complete the missing dialogue according to the recording 4. Identify and getting the meanings of difficult words 5. Understand the dialogue between a secretary and the director of a company 6. Answer the questions related to the dialogue 7. Practice the dialogue with a partner 8. Pronounce the words correctly 9. Find the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 10. Understand the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 11. Give personal suggestions and advice to certain problems

F. Instructional Materials

1. Topic : What should I do? 2. Input text : Recording, written dialogues 3. Key vocabulary : opinion, think, perhaps, probably 4. Key structures :  Expressions of asking for suggestions and advice - What do you think I should do? - What should I do? - What do you suggest? - What do you advise me to do? - If you were me what would you do?  Expressions of declining to give advice - I dont know what to advise, Im afraid. - I wish I could suggest something, but I cant. - I wish I could help. - Im afraid I cant really help you.  Expressions of dealing with obligation a. Positive obligation 161 - You must save your money. -You have to attend the meeting tomorrow. -He needs to look at the map. b. No obligation - You don’t have to finish the task by today. - You don’t need to lock the door. c. Negative obligation -You must not smoke here.  Structures of giving suggestions and advice a. S + suggest + O + to V1 b. S + suggest + V-ing c. S + advice + O + to V1 d. S + should +V1 e. S + had better + V1 f. Why don’t you + V1 g. What about + Noun V-ing h. How about + Noun V-ing i. If I were you, I would + V1  Degrees of Comparison 1. Positive Degree  Suzy is as beautiful as Shanty. 2. Comparative Degree  This building is taller than any other building. 3. Superlative Degree  This is the tallest building. 5. Key pronunciation : - Should ʃʊd - Suggest sə ˈdʒest - Suggestion sə ˈdʒes.tʃ ə n - Advice əd ˈvaɪs 162 - Ought ɔːt - Might maɪt - Probably ˈpr b.ə.bli - Must mʌst

G. Time Allocation : 4 x 45 minutes

H. Teaching Method: Based on the Contextual-Communicative Model of

EFL Teaching-Learning

I. Teaching Learning Activities

a. Pre-Teaching 1. The teacher greets the students. 2. The teacher asks the captain of the class to lead the prayer. 3. The teacher checks the roll by mention the names. 4. The teacher asks at glance the last materials the students have learned. 5. The teacher explains the goal of today’s lesson. 6. The teacher presents the outline of today’s materials. b. Whilst-Teaching  Comprehension Focus 1. Listening to the recording “Vacation” 2. Answering the questions related to the recording 3. Completing the missing dialogue 4. Discussing the answers in a group  Language Focus 1. Identifying the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 2. Identifying the structures that can be used to state suggestions and advice, necessity and obligation 3. Working in groups to find the meanings of the difficult words and how to pronounce them correctly 163 4. Practicing the correct pronunciation of words in the text  Communication Focus 1. Practicing the dialogue that contains expressions of asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 2. Presenting the answer of the questions that has been discussed in the groups 3. In groups, giving personal suggestion and advice about a problem c. Post –Teaching 1. The teacher summarizes the materials given 2. The teacher gives a homework 3. The teacher gives feedback toward the learning process 4. The teacher gives a brief glance of the upcoming topic

J. Setting: individual work, pair work, and group work